

Manlets will never learn...

lol im 5 foot 8

Sorry about the genetics man...

its ok because i have a big dick and im in good shape

plus im bisexual, so i kinda like being able to be shorter than some guys

Define in shape. Plus pics or you have a chode.

i weigh 115 pounds, i work a really physical job so i sweat constantly

wow, is this one of those olds ''troll memes''?
9gag mean it when it said this is the home of the international hacker known as forchan

Skinny af. Plus dick is like 6.5"

Midget detected

:( its a 7"...


Your dick only seems large to you because you're tiny as fuck.

well i mean its 7 inches so thats bigger than a lot of guys

ive seen big 6 foot 4 guys with 5 inch dicks, that would suck lol

pls post moar, cutey

lol ty

don't ever stop posting

I'm a 5'7" bi guy and it'd be nice to date another cute bi guy around my height :)

lol i have to stop eventually

where you from?

Half-elves don't tend to get with Gnomes. He's a Bard and she's a Wizard on top of that, which is a match made in Hell.
The Elf is obviously the Chaotic Neutral douchecockle of the party, who roleplays his character being drunk 24/7.
He's pretty tall for a Gnome. I would suggest that his player re-read the physical proportions in the PHB, and stop trying to snowflake his characters like this.

10/10 post

ty pp man

Skinny is not in shape. A line is not considered a shape.

Male elves have an average height of 5'5"/5'6", and male half-elves like 5'7"/5'8"

Try again, OP.

i just meant that i can work really hard without getting tired

Your saying rip to 7 inches are you retarded