Not sure if there's already a thread like this but basic ask femanons anything thread...

Not sure if there's already a thread like this but basic ask femanons anything thread. Any femanon welcome to join and help answer.

Femanon here, ask me anything!!!

Femanon here :) 18/Canada ask away

What mental illnesses you got

I'm just gonna assume you're telling the truth here, but why would femanons come to such an autistic place that require "tits or gtfo" in order to prove you're real? (Not asking for tits, I'm legitimately asking)

Nothing is diagnosed

Is the G point something real?

Very real

Same reason you do.

How is to have an orgasm?

Pretty great, depending on how long it's been since the last one

Show us your cervix.


>rate? Would suck?

Is bigger always better to you?

Hi , can u show us ur pussy ? fingrered if possible.

That looks like it hurts

What u mean? It's better when u didnt have it since long time ?

I don't post pics to Sup Forums anymore. They were shared too fast

You need to go to /soc/ for that

Palicoes confirmed for Monster Hunter World

Big but ugly, It looks like your bell end was recently stuck in a blender.

>posting your cock in various threads on Sup Forums

I don't fuck fags.

Feels sexy

No one will know it's urs :D

Whatever floats your boat, user

Hands, it's pretty normal
Sex it's so fucking amazing it feels like the soul is out of my body and it's just wew. I always have to stop for a moment because I feel like if I don't i'll pee myself

pls don't bully ur peepe

I like smaller cocks 4-6 inches with good thickness. I fucked a Russian with a 8 inch dick and my hands couldn't grab around it. He fucked up my stomach and made me puke for days from how painful it was.

Do u ever had a vagina orgasm ?

Would rather not risk it.

:( Pleaseeeeee

Bro, just go to /soc/ already

Nope. Been there done that never again

Do you enjoy Sup Forums?

Come on, just for me ! we ask other here to not save it, we make them promise.

what it is in /soc ?

Yeah it's okay at times

Its cams and meet ups, you can also do requests like yours on there as well. The femanons there are willing to take said requests within reason obviously.

that sounds interesting...

at what point in the conversation is it ok for me to just start open mouth kissing you

same user from here ^
Girls don't give back on sex often they're lame
it's repetitive and boring I like Lainchan more
20 mins in no less no more

>ask femanons anything thread

If you won't post tits/timestamp,
how do we know you're really a female
and not some teenage loser?


what if they're teenage female losers?


Sup Forums turned obviously into a mmorpg

Mostly Men Online Role Playing Girls

Do you watch mental, if so what kind?

Why does it say mental? I put hentai.
The question really is:
Do you watch hentai, if so what kind?

post TITS

>I always have to stop for a moment because I feel like if I don't i'll pee myself
that means youre about to squirt. DO IT

aaah it's just so intense and breath taking I have to stop. it's really funny too because my legs are so jello I can barely hold myself up

do girls pee in the shower