We streamin some 'To catch a predator' come get comfy

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get in here


join us damnit~ bump



I ain't clicking that shit, nigga

summer is here

comfy time

bait with a show about being baited

are you retarded









take a seat


smash the fucc out of that




i don't want to drown


bamp for no normies, evidently they hate bamps.
>>Chee got rapt



>dat question doh

come play wichorself

cytudotbe slash r slash Wark_TCAP

Peter has a daughter?

that show is fucked up.. there putting the guys face an everything on TV! like at least give some privacy but NO ruin a mans life for a stupid mistake an lead him to suicide. i fucking hate that ugly bastard chris hanson


w e w l a d

computer sticks




sick fuckers go die

fucking kek these pesos get everything they deserve




I am a gigantic faggot please rape my face

What about the centavos?

>adult baiting another adult with sex
>guy accepts
>get arrested

WTF is this show, even?

its because they think they're talking to a teen, think they're going to sex up a teen, then drive to the house to try and sex up a teen.
its about intent

He's looking at an adult, and the adult is offering them sex

Why the fuck is the guy getting arrested?

There's no "intent" when the guy is looking at an adult who is merely pretending to be a teen. Women lie about their age all the fucking time, but this is the fist case where I see a guy being arrested because an adult women lied to him.

This "show" is just retarded.


bum ptreat



frogs frogs frogs

This is luring, which is a crime. What kind of asshole would use real kids to catch these creeps? You guys need to give your head a shake.



WAARRK! It's tennisboy213. I've missed you!

fucking lol, shitskin pooinloo detected


draw me like one of your daddies



They're looking at a fucking adult, not a child.

The person they're using looks like an adult, and is clearly trying to hook up with the guy, who merely just accepts it because he's a fucking guy. Who in the fucking hell would refuse an attractive adult offering free sex over the internet?

There's absolutely NO CRIME being commited there, yet everyone goes insane as if the person is doing something insane, like abducting a preschooler at a park, or something.

You people are just out of your fucking minds with this hysterical propaganda.

>to catch a predator

The only show i know that is exclusively about btards.


If there is no crime being committed here, how are they convicted?

Luring IS a crime. It's better to catch these creepy pedos without potentially harming children.

The guy is the one who sets everything up.

moralfag detected. go back to your loli threads

were you caught

>requires installing a user script in order to play the videos.

yeah, that's the ticket


There's a dick attached


Are you people being paid to push this bullshit?

This "show" is a fucking theater where they offer some loser on the internet the opportunity to have free sex with an attractive adult at their place. How is this bullshit a crime if THEY are the ones pushing the guy to meet up?

It's like I invite you to my place and get you arrested because I lied about my age.

You people are a fucking cancer to this world.



They are never the ones pushing the guy to meet. At least know what you're talking about bro.

are you required by law to reveal that you are a sex offender

>They are never the ones pushing the guy to meet
Yeah, sure.

This thread is pure cancer.

That's how it works

Not really, that's what you are saying because you're trying to push a narrative.

You people are just obnoxious spamming this trash here, really.


You can look up how these stings are done. You're just a desperate pedo.

excuse me this is Sup Forums

S t o p

Sounds more like you're the desperate shill trying to paint normal people as criminals for no reason other than to spread hysteria.

You mean the creepy pedos are the normal people?

How are adults hooking up with other adults who are offering them free sex at their place "creepy pedos", you fucking moron?

Why the fuck are you being this much of a lying cunt if you know there's absolutely NOTHING illegal going on there? What the fuck even is this thread? Are you people being paid to post this garbage?

hey you changed the story it's adults pretending to be kids and adults who think they're talking to kids about sex going to meet them for sex but it's all adults with cameras

It's adults finding children online, having gross chats with someone they think is 13, then setting up a meeting.

This is absolutely illegal. You can look up convictions from this show.

Sorry you're triggered so much by basic law.

all the cases brought by this show were ultimately dismissed due to various legal issues with chain of evidence. The show really fucked the prosecution over.

It's adults finding other adults online, where an adult pretends to be younger and offers free sex to a single adult male, who merely accepts it.

If there's anything "illegal" going on there, it's fucking retards like you trying to paint adults hooking up with other adults as a "crime" just because one of them wants to pretend to be younger.

This is ridiculous and you're a fucking shill.


Actually out of 200 or so, 20 or so were dismissed.

the adults finding other adults don't know the adult pretending to be a child is an adult
you crazy guilty don't worry i reported you to the fbi

It's still a crime bro. Sorry.

This show is a decade old and some of these people are STILL in prison

Too bad reality doesn't confirm your version of the story.

Two adults are talking online and one of them is offering free sex. The other adult accepts and he gets arrested because a fucking network wants to spread a narrative of how "prevalent" pedophilia is, when in reality they're just using adults to bait other adults with free sex.

It doesn't matter how you try to twist it to imply anything wrong is going on there, two adults are meeting up for sex and they're arresting one of them to promote a political message. That's all what is happening in this retarded show.

>adults hooking up with adults online

Yeah, right. I really hope you're being paid to shitpost, otherwise it would be just sad.

guilty and afraid