Is this art?

Is this art?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Shit

The fuck is it?


No but this is :^)

if nothing else, the process of making those designs on the floor all the same might be impressive.

if the attempt is to make sex and the human body seem gross, and unappealing as flesh without a "soul" is meaningless and devoid of interest yes. If I am far off maybe just bad art. do not know about that hammock tho.


The hammock is the soul.

slumped over dicks, that fell out of a hammock

But what does the black man represent?

if it made you question what it is, then the answer is probably yes.
>sweet fucking hammock

an object of oppression and instrument of suppression.
>why are they superior/inferior breads
>divide and conquer
>it's all psyop

i don't like it, but yes it's art.
I swear OP you're probably the type of fuck-boy who sees shit like this and thinks it's art.

read a book.

The hammock looks like a Sheela Gowda installation piece. Source: I'm an artist.

Art is so fucking gay

so deep

what is molding

If a guy can can his shit and call it art then this is art.'s_Shit

at first this shit pissed me off
but I slowly started to respect these artists, like the logposters here on 4chin
the real art is in how people react to something so blatantly empty and stupid

"Artist's Shit" ("Merde d'Artiste") is one of my favorite pieces. The point is that the people who buy art are so easily fooled that they will LITERALLY buy shit if it's from an artist.

-Artist from above

Multicolored turds

Maybe the fat lumps are humans and this is meant to show off how lazy we have become?

Not art, only lib fags think it's art. Just shit dumb people make because their not really creative, but pretend to be.
But hey, retards need to feel special also.

No, I prefer this.


This is fucking stupid.

who is this?

This art is shit. Pure and utter shit.

says a dumb lib snowflake.

Is this art?

Art died when Grace Jones died

you can't handle reality huh?

art is subjective (says all the retards who think this is art)



so basically a messy room is art. The shit i took this morning is art. me yelling at my cat because he pissed in my shoe is art.

doubtful, who would buy this?

Tracey Emin, "My Bed," 1998








this sold for $4.3 million 3 years ago


Doesn't mean its good






It's an innovative, efficient, controversial way to show what depression does to a person. Genius.

Quality of the art doesn't matter, its just a way of inconspicuously and legally transferring large sums of money between two parties for deals done far away from the public (and government) eye
The same thing is done on a smaller scale on Ebay with "collectibles"
You can basically trade crap for money without drawing much attention
No one has to know that money was actually for a shipment of heroin

no, but it looks like an alright coffee table

that's shit too

go on then, what's good art? show us a picture















how can we get this to sell?

haha sheeeit never thought about that




blast the volume:



how many years and how much art and how famous need I get to be able to get away with showing an underage girls body as art.

I know its been done before but I'm just wondering how hard it would be to get to that point.















andy 6's?????


This is art













