Roast me Sup Forums

Roast me Sup Forums

You look like ed sheeran's failure stoner brother

I have 9 more piercings than you goml

Sup Tanner?

Lol you think you can roast me? Im fucking perfect.

christ you look like shit

that shit on your lip though makes you look like you have constantly just finished eating shit

do you eat shit all day

you look like you've been eating shit

can i see fire crotch

wow what a disgusting piece of shit
your ancestors who shitting themselves if they knew what a strangle looking mother fucker you truned out to be
why is your hair pushed over your forehead, it makes you look like a teenie bopper bitch sucking cock on a fridaynight
the least you could do is try to look like a man
by wearing mens clothes for starters
and didn't anyone teach you how to properly shave??

You're trying too hard to copy what you see on TV & the internet and you look like shit for it. You're an adult. Grow up

Some have argued DNA is a technology, however upon examining this image, a valid counter-argument exists.

walmart looking ed sheraden

You are not attractive and you like things I think are terrible.


>underage ban

There's your roast you pube stash looking child.

If Ron Weasley got addicted to meth

Lol. You all are fags. Im the one true king. The image of a perfect man.

Go shoot up a movie theatre fag


Get some FĂ©ria and color your hair black or brown. Being a ginger makes you more susceptible to Isis. Plus no one wants to be ginger.

Emo ron weasely/10