Why does anything matter? What is the meaning of life? How do you overcome depression and deep sadness?

Why does anything matter? What is the meaning of life? How do you overcome depression and deep sadness?

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Nothing matters. Everything matters. Everything is nothing, while nothing is everything. Once you understand that, things will fall into place. Well, implying that things exist anyway.

OP here. Ways to retrain your brain?

you cant understand that because it makes no logical sense you emotionally gay fag

Don't retain it.

It doesn't matter if anything matters. Think, does it really matter if anything matters?

idk man just like.fucking do shit and don't think about it

lmfao you are fucking stupid dude, you're a fake ass philosopher get the fuck out of here

13 year old with no critical or deep thinking detected

Even when the problem of whether our matterings are real and the problem of whether our matterings really matter are solved, another problem remains. Why is it important that we be conscious of the way in which our matterings really matter. Really real mattering requires rational consciousness of what and who we are. Consciousness allows us to represent the matterings of the universe at large and to see our place in it. It allows us to see that we are who we are only in relation to the matterings of the universe that are our matter. It allows us to see that we can really matter to the universe only insofar as we order our matterings coherently with its.

autistic neckbeard who thinks he's plato detected

Dumbass, if anything matters, that means something matters. Plus, you need to define "matter" first.

Alcohol is always the answer

I don't think I'm Plato. I'm just another homo sapien. Same as him.

PS. dubs dont lie

How to raise my consciousness so I can understand my place here in the universe?

oh boy that was soooo deep i'm in tears because that was such a beautiful line of text

Me speakee cryptic contradictions in zen mysteriousness way. Ahhhhhh sooooooooo, motherfucker, ahhhhhhhh sooooooo.

Acceptance. Once you've achieved that, you'll see the path more clearly.

you are nothing more than an observer. you dont even have free will


Wtf is this? Did I barge in on a middle school philosophy club meetup?

Quit making embarrassments of your pubescent selves.

You have some aversion to people who think. It's not unusual in our society, or a bad thing. But still, I do not claim to be some deep edgy hipster guy. I'm just a person who can think. And sometimes I express that.

Define "meaning," motherfucker. It's synyax and semantics, and "lives" are not the category of items to which syntactic or semantic properties attach. You are asking a meaningless (irony!) question, as if you asked: "Which musical note smells more or less like coffee?"

You're not thinking, you're playacting someone who thinks. Thinking takes work.

It's not a contradiction. If nothing matters, everything matters. The same way if there is an absence of space, there is space somewhere for there to be an absence in the first place. Also, if everything matters, then everything matters. Making nothing separate or different. Therefore, nothing matters.

Culture, religion, society all derived their meaning and purpose out of false meanings and symbology. When our distant ancestors first became cognizant of their physiological responses to their environment, they quickly compartmentalized and reasoned with these impulses of Nature, the constant lingering conceptualization of the emptiness of existence and our inevitable death would be too much to carry on a mind whose primary drive is survival. So we reasoned with these thoughts, and our mind could rest. We could build and thrive, carry on our lineage, and grow. When we were once again forced to confront the emptiness of existence, we again reasoned, and found another reason to carry on, to continue. Even in sentience, we're still driven by Nature, because our physiological selves know, even hidden deep within our subconscious, that there is nothing. That at the end is death, an end to the self, the return to the emptiness from which we all are born. But we reason with it. Because it's the only thing that drives us forward. The lies that we tell ourselves, to each other.

>people with no thinking skills incoming

OP here. "Meaning" as in creating some meaning or purpose to my life. Something to make life worth living. Help?

Ok. I'll play along. So, didn't that person just take that idea also?

"Nothing matters" is literally the contradiction of "everything matters." Take a basic course in introductory logic to understand exactly what is a contradiction and that you have just made one. Your second blithering, idiotic comment regarding space is committing the fallacy of equivocation.

The very most elementary philosophy class would set you straight on your stupidity.

A clue..

OP here. This is the most insightful/valuable post in this thread thus far. Thank you.

Keep going, seriously, this is hilarious! Have you actually graduated middle school? Do you play pretend to be French philosophers, puffing a toy pipe and wearing a little black beret?

You are making empirical claims. Empirical claims require proof. Submit your proof, and someone might take you seriously. Otherwise you are just diddling with your clitoris in front of a group of people laughing uproariously at you.

So have you learned to accept that there is nothing? And that suicide is just as valid of an option as any?

Oh. It looks like someone isn't able to think, and instead directs his anger at people who can. "Logic" isn't logical. Sure, some things seem "logical" but perspective and humanity defy and violate the rules of "logic".

vague ass shit with no basis or validation

It is actually not insightful at all. It is a case of the "emperor has no clothes." Someone writes meaningless and unwarranted verbal masturbation. You know in your heart that this paragraph makes no sense to you, but you are afraid to admit it or fear of being called a dummy. So you say that it is profound because use seek to avoid censure. But I can promise you that this paragraph is nonsense and even the author knows it. If there's any thing that you see interesting in that paragraph, it is because you're projecting it on a blank canvas.

Not the same guy, but there is no proof of a different force of some sort. There is no proof at all. That's why we have such a variety of ideas on this.

>Why does anything matter?
Ultimately it doesn't. you will never find fulfillment in the fruits of your labor, not for long anyway. Just enjoy the labor, the moment.
>What is the meaning of life?
Life is what you make it. Ultimately, it has no meaning. Individually, we create our own meaning and purpose.
>How do you overcome depression and deep sadness?
Smoke weed erryday? I dunno, I mostly enjoy life.

No. It wasn't vague, but very specific. The idea of "logic" is illogical. Due to humanity and our variety of perspectives, "logic" is not clear cut. Its so variable that it becomes "illogical" to have the idea of logic in the first place.

Prove your assertion. I'm so eager to hear a sophomore upturn 2500 years of logic.

If you fail to justify your claims, then you are exposed as an imposter and intellectual dwarf.

Be gone, summerfag.

take stock of your accomplishments

if you dont have any then lift weights and read books

He's right dude, you're acting pretentious as fuck, even when you're feigning humility

Or, you cannot grasp the paragraph so you project your anger about your intellect and the complication of society on people who seem to be "thinking".

Uhh, pick up a text on proof theory, ignoramus. Not only have the brightest minds of humanity figured shit out in 2500 years, but we have the mathematical and scientific fruits of that endeavor.

The very computer that you are typing on now is a result bearing witness to the achievements of proof, logic, and rational thought.

Something is only illogical when you can logically pick it apart and see its flaws, if you cannot logically prove that something is illogically, its perfectly logical. If you try to say that logic is illogically, it is the equivalent to measuring something with itself and saying that its an invalid measurement.

Distract yourself with petty bullshit and carnal desire

Take 10000IU of Vitamin D in the morning, and take another 10000IU in evening each day for a week.

Then after a week see if you feel differently. If so keep doing it and try to get into the sun more because you have a deficiency

No one knows the meaning of life man. You have to find what you want it to mean.
Seek professional help, therapy, psychiatry, anything. If you need to talk, you've got an old fag here that's been where you are. Now I have a wife, a son, and a good paying job. It's possible for anyone. Just never give up, we're here for a short time and when it's over, it's over.

Ok. First of all, the idea of logic has been around longer then 2500 years. Without the idea of logic, humanity would get fucked.
Secondly, the idea of logic is illogical because the same people who preach logic also act illogical. Therefore, logic is just bullshit and no decisions are illogical because something made you make the decision. That thing that made you make that decision often defies our idea of "logic", but it is logic.
You might not agree with me, but insulting me isn't constructive. Or, more fittingly, it wouldn't be logical.

Oh, I know exactly what post-structuralist crap you are weakly imitating.

The antidote is to call you out as a poser and require you to justify the claims you make. You can't and won't because you know it is verbal diarrhea in the first place.

But, please, by all means, supply us with anthropological and cog.psychological evidence to support your claims. Make sure to cite your sources.

I forgot to mention I'm vegan too. The reason you're depressed is because you're subconsciously guilty of murdering animals and mentally weak. Become a vegan and you'll see what it's like to be superior. Now excuse me while I take more vitamin D pills with my almond milk.

He may be right, I am just a person who thinks. I wouldn't be the first to be incorrect in ones thought. But, his immaturity suggests he would rather win an internet "argument" (on an anonymous board that shit disappears from) then constructively think.

If you want to make constructive points yourself, use the correct than/then.

Sure, but any idea is logical because you decided to do it. The fact that a decision as made proves the fact that there is no "logical" decisions.

You would have been right to say LESS than 2500 years ago. I was rounding up by a few years. Formal logic begins with whom? Can you say?

Secondly, what do you know about logic? To what does it apply?

Answer these questions, fool, and you will discover why we laugh at you here.

It's late, I'm tired. Give me a pass man.

Proof of what? That all culture and society derives itself from either physiological impulses or false meaning? Tell me, name one aspect of your life that is beyond the two, neither an impulse of your bodies innate responses to it's environment, nor something that we've derived for some false value attributed to it from an overbearing concept of emptiness, and I'll cede my argument. Until then, it's clear to me that your words are only empty. A means to create a sensory response, something to hide the thoughts that make you uncomfortable. I'm not hearing any better ideas out of you.

We are here to further the human race.

I'm sorry Sup Forumsro, it was a bit harsh.

State the criteria for an idea to be logical.

Here's what you learn on day one in an introduction to logic class: valid reasoning does not apply to single ideas (Propositions), but to groups of them.

Decisions and actions are on an entire week different level. You are confounding and conflating.

Be gone summerfag.

There is no meaning to life.

We are nothing but mold on an outdated sandwich. There's literally nothing significant about us.

>b-but muh internet we smarts

In the vastness of the cosmos, our feeble technology is a spec of dust. We are a moronic species. There's nothing intelligent about us.

The guy you're replying to isn't even the same guy. I wrote you a response. Now quit being an obstructionist prick and maybe you can actually add something meaningful to the conversation. Otherwise you can fuck off.

reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity
Are we talking about the same logic? Because as far as I'm concerned, that's been engraved in humanity since the beginning of humanity.
Also, the use of "we" is pretty cringey. I mean, you realize that this is fucking Sup Forums and this has no real meaning (throw aside all the philosophical bullshit for a second) Are you really given some sort of gratification to feel part of this "team" or some shit? Maybe take a break from the computer and spend time with people. If I can tell you are a post-grad loner from an anonymous imageboard website, you have some things to work through.

Just remember that implying anything matters, Sup Forums arguments are pretty low on that list.

>Mold on a sandwich
Your not the only one who watches Joe rogan's stand up

Verbal diarrhea:
>false value attributed to it from an overbearing concept of emptiness

What are the criteria that determine when something is or is not a "false value attributed to it from an overbearing concept of emptiness"? How does one know one is not mistaken in attributing to some state of affairs that it is or is not a "false value attributed to it from an overbearing concept of emptiness"?

Unless you can specify such criteria, then you have done nothing but jackoff into a thesaurus.

I don't think you understand what I'm saying, or you refuse to litsen to any other ideas then the ones you have set as "right".

Fuck you I live for arguments on Sup Forums

Exposing charlatans IS constructive, just as putting out fires or removing dog shit is constructive. This is what real philosophers do. Read early Plato.

Fuck you, arguments on Sup Forums are pointless. Let me take 20 minutes to write a fucking essay about how these arguments are pointless and we should not even bother.

Prove it

>Why does anything matter?
Because they will impact your future happiness/success
>What is the meaning of life?
There is none
>How do you overcome depression and deep sadness?
By not really giving a fuck. Most of the shit that happens is out of our control anyways, why worry about it. Give yourself a goal to strive for or make your life fun for yourself while you have the chance.
Everything is ultimately pointless, but so is an amusement park. Nothing productive ever gets done there, but you can still have one hell of a time.

Ahh, the first line of defense when exposed for speaking nonsense:
>b...b...but you don't UNDERSTAND my deep profundity! You don't GET IT!

You are exactly right. I don't understand or get it, because there is nothing to understand or get. Hence, my challenge to you to substantiate that there is something to understand or get. If one cannot establish basic semantical truth conditions for a statement, then one has spoken nonsense.

This is why you will not and cannot rise to the challenge.

That was irony.

No shit. Thanks for pointing that out, retard!

....silence. The summerfag has been disposed of.

Let us rejoice!

>rise up to the challenge
oh the cringe. You have too much invested in this.
>I do not understand or get it, because there is nothing to understand or get
See, you are learning!

oh, I know full well I'm dealing with a summerfag from 8th grade. I enjoy bloodsport. 8th graders are spooked by language like 'throwing down the gauntlet.'

You only think I have too much invested in it because you are only in ninth grade.

What the fuck do you know? What degrees do you have, pussyfart?

Do I really need to get that image where moot says that traffic doesn't increase that much over the summer?
>inb4 typical summerfag response

Yeah, I thought so.

if nothing matters, neither does the preceding statment.

Wait....you enjoy arguing with 8th graders on the internet and I'm some how stupid? If you have a degree (doubt it), why the fuck are you doing this?
It's not like you've made some great point either. You've still not responded to me, and given me "ha, you are young". I'm starting to feel like I'm the one dealing with a 15-18 year old, because and adult would not call someone an 8th grader, but you do because you are only a few years older and feel the need to feel superior. Also, you being so invested in a internet argument suggests immaturity. I'm going to go with a suburban 17 year old, who has an above average intelligence, not very social, straight, and believes the himself is superior to others (race, gender, religon etc). Tell me user, how far am I from the truth?


Please stop.


Meaning of life is to survive long enough to spread your genetic material.

Sure things matter if you give meaning to them.

Very far. Your powers of induction are sad.

Look, if destroying 8th graders were something I undertook seriously or something I hung my self esteem upon, then you'd be right to call me a fucking loser.

But shutting down faggot post-structuralist wannabes is pure entertainment for me, as well as a public service for others.

I have multiple degrees in philosophy, btw. So, I don't just think that I am superior in that regard, but I have certification to that effect.

I think we're not going to change our views from this. I'm starting my study of philosophy next year, so maybe I am just young and ignorant. Who knows. I think it's best that I sleep tonight, I have work tomorrow. Good debate, btw.

things matter in relation to your involvement in making them happen, right? Only constant in the universe is change, only way out of depression/sadness is action?