Whats up losers? ;) You ok ? hehe

Whats up losers? ;) You ok ? hehe..
Look what i just bought, it's a new Rolex Submariner ;)

You see i don't wear shitty watch like workingclass dumb idiots wear.. shit watches like Casio and fucking Timex. ;)) I only wear expensive watches ;)

Ask me anything ;) if you are nice maybe i'll give you some tips in life to be as rich as me ;) richfag here ;)

Fucking hate dumb workingclass poorfags

Expensive watches are stupid, especially Rolex. It's like the bmw of watches, everyone has one as soin as they save some scratch.

My only watch, a 100 year old Hamilton antique.

You have muffins for hands.

Looks like doraemon's hand

He got boxing gloves for fists

This again

That hand

fat hand

This shit got old fast.

clearly obese from the hand. What's the watch for, so you know when dinner time is?

hey lets incite class resentment with fake watch pictures!

only thing that you bought was a one way trip to the ER room you diabetic fuck.

Easy to buy a Rolex when you use your daddy's money you fuckin bitch. No wonder you're so fuckin fat is because you've never had to do anything your entire life.

Muffins are loved by many, those hands are feared by all.

Welcome to the world of being a consumer cuck.
What's next? You're going to say you only wear blahh dee blahh dee blahh.

Where the fuck are you that time matters and there aren't 200 clocks within 10 feet of you? Honestly, I live near farmlands and can't drive down the road without a sign somewhere showing the time, at work there are clocks everywhere, in stores there are clocks, my phone has the time, and at the worst I am an intelligent adult and can notice where the sun is.

Why the fuck does anyone not living in the fucking 1800s need a garbage fucking watch? That is a waste of money equal to buying a tow truck to pull your new car rather than driving it.


I like mine better

Because I live in a third world country and I work in business so having time like that is necessary and I like the way they look

Gee OP, must be miserable being you. Since you are sooooo self conscious about what anonymous strangers might think about what you wear.

Does it match your Pokemon underwear?

bacon o clock

Stop copypasta

So you purchased a fucking expensive watch to use in a 3rd world country? How fucking stupid!


Nice bot thread.

> I like the way they look
I bet you like the way your hand looks too you fucking marshmallow man


I literally see this thread every day. Fuck off


My watch is a fitness watch. Perhaps you should try that instead.

I probably make more than you. I can tell because I don't bother to buy dumb watches, I have a phone.