Lets go

lets go,
who else is /numb/ tonight?

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Kys nigger

First of all, that syringe is huge. What is that, 1 cc? Half a cc is better. And you got the stubby pins. Long pins are better. Plus, you left some juice in that cotton. Suck that shit out. Shit's expensive yo.

What's that friend

is it possible to maintain a heroin habit without sucking cocks or stealing your mom's electronic devices?

local pharma almost never has half CC
and the short pin is all i need for my hands
long rigs are only for mainline or legs
and yeah that cotton will save my life later tonight
dont trip, not my first time
the answer to my pain

why hands? surely legs or feet

>the answer to my pain
did u get fucked in the ass as a child or something?

no mom and never sucked dick
leg veins are too deep, feet are hard to reach, hand veins are easy to see and close to the surface
only metaphorically

>only metaphorically
what does that even mean?

>never sucked dick
you will

Please stop the heroin. It's true agony

lol u fuckin junkie bastard kys

Do hands leave trail marks like arms? Feet are hard to reach how you mean you can't find the veins?

just got dealt a shit hand in life
i can only wait and see friendo
am trying. hense me shooting poison into my vein

Thats basically what he is doing so stfu

yeah my hands are fucking rekt with scars and scabs. but the network of veins on my hands has lasted alot longer than the 3-4 in my elbow.
my feet are just farther away from me than my hand, and hands are just easy. but veins in my legs (i.e. calfs or thighs) are just really deep and cant be seen easily from the surface. so lots of digging with needles and acidentally muscling shots

shoot it up your dick hole and post results.

Don't you know that vaccinations are bad? It can cause autism, cancer, etc. You can find more on this website. vaccineresistancemovement.org/

You know what I'd want to see happen to people like you?

I'd like to just have the government provide you with enough drugs to function.

its a nice sentiment but i cant vouch for people like me
we would abuse the system just to get so high we cant move

Been on oxycodone 10mg for break thru pain for 8 yrs.
Not a fucking degenerate, not intrested in taking it often or in higher dosages..


heroins quite common here I've known people on it, good people, some have gotten help and got out some just kept using and died. I hope you get help one day it's not worth it in the end

just shot up a few mins ago

wish I could still get china in LA
only tar at this point but the initial batches of china we had for a bit were good

how old are you and how long have you been using?
im 23 and started when I was 18
after this bag im gonna kick and get my shit back together again

right now theres nothing stopping me

I hope you die.

One less shit-junkie in the world.

Thats the general idea. Go out in a haze of glory.


you do realize junkies are either already in or have been doing more harm to themselves than some edge lord on Sup Forums could say right?
or are you ironically saying it

Drug addicts are literally human trash.

Any idiot who uses that shit is a fucking retard.

Just drink like everyone else, faggot.

sad story, used to get lots of tar in SF but found a dark web plug on white thats super steady
pushing 27 started smoking oxys at 16, started shooting dope at like 19
you wont stop, who are you trying to fool? me or you?

luck with that bro i hope you could kick it

suboxone master race
get on my level pleb

try harder normie
youre not putting a dent into anything or anyone
especially not a heroin addict lol


itll be subs soon enough and then I can just sell em along with my benzos
weed, benzos and fucking someone regularly beats dope unless youre alone/lonely or depressed

Hopefully not. The whole point is for you scum to OD and remove yourselves from society.

woops meant to link this

home grown opium here

get on my horticultural level, faggot

wait until you find some bogus shit full of fentanyl.. way too much fentanyl..
Ever heard of the opiate epidemic?
Its not heroin overdoses, its fentanyl overdoses..

Lets not even get into carfentanyl


Truly the master race.

implying alcohol isnt a drug


>giving a shit

well duh except that doesnt happen to people using tar generally
you know the difference right?
or like what usually causes an overdose?
or that plenty of junkies dont want to overdose?

Of course not.

But it sure would be nice if they did.

>drink like everyone else

sure is '17 in here
go do some blow and xanax you pussy
bet you stay away from pot too cause mom and dad raised you like a pussy

Why don't you smoke weed like a regular degenerate.

heart rate detection bracelets that automatically release naloxone for at risk users?

million dolla idea, patent it, get funding from big pharma, and special interest groups..



>dumb junkie sleeps with bracelet on
>heart rate drops
>naloxone gets released
>junkie is kill
gud idea

Some people started there, and graduated to real drugs dummy.

Others are chronically injured, and will be in pain the rest of their lives, also tolerance..

Others just want to be really fucking high.

>not understanding what naloxone is
>not understanding what level the heart rate would have to fall to before naloxone is released

Think b4 you type pleb

>> Do drugs cuz it makes u look coo'

Holy shit, you're a fag.

>being this defensive about ur stupid ideas
think in general u pleb

>not battling heroin addiction
>not taking suboxone with other script drugs
what are you faggots even doing with your lives

if you can handle the self deprecation or stigma then being a junkie is fuckin great

You do understand what naloxone does right?
or just really dumb



this is retarded

I get your general idea but it doesnt work

its not 2010 we can all agree drugs are cool now
you dont just drink right? lol
all the coolest people have done hard drugs

In case anyone is wondering, the best way to take opium is on an empty stomach or up your ass.

Smoking it ruins the drug.

Truth. I grow all of my drugs. Kratom, morning glory, opium and mescaline

It's easy to do, easy to hide. People who try to deal are the one's who get caught.

Honestly drinking only makes me more depressed

have tried, but my addiction overrides my patiences
my best friend died from that very epidemic in the bay area of california
overdose is totally a thing with tar too, just sayian. but i guess i know what you mean
i smoke really alot of it

yes, it drops blood pressure on top of reversing cns depression, increasing risk of a heart attack

next time take a xanax chill out and learn what you talk about b4 u talk

Weed doesn't really do anything for me. I've tried smoking it like 3 times now, nothing.

it literally reverses an opiate overdose.
Paramedics carry it dummy.

At least google shit b4 talking out your ass moron.

I'm done replying to you, hopefully you learned something for once tard.

It does take a long time to grow, but if you have a supply of heroin you can still wait for the opium.

It's so strong that even 2g a day users can get high on it. At least my crops are.

>never tried heroin
>talks about heroin ever
this is why the epidemic is so funny to me
all the junkies get it
but even scientists still cant figure out why opioid addiction is so bad
more so why the brain creates such a strong dependency so quickly
its fucked

Some some good weed then, not that crappy shit you're wasting your time on..

>not knowing what a cns is
>not knowing it means opioid reversal

you should save what you say and read it one day so you understand how you make yourself look.

he just explained to you that it reverses an opiate overdose after you suggested someone dieing of an overdose take a xanax.

You can't possibly be this stupid.

lmao, i was telling HIM to take a xanax...
at this point i dont have to insult you, i just have to let you talk and do the job for me


What did he mean by this?

>backtracking this hard
its ok, the thread will 404 b4 anyone will notice

uh he implied the other guy to take a xanax and just read since he is misinformed
it saves people but cant prevent any damage they still take even in those moments
youre still gonna have a stroke to some degree or suffer something

narcan shots dont reverse anything
they simply neutralize the opiate
its not full proof depending on how severe the overdose is

and yes overdoses vary depending on a bunch of factors

oh and that bracelet thing was still a bad idea

So did I. and I'm not shooting heroin. I've done drugs, but Jesus, it's self depreciation and blaming like this that's annoying as fuck.

>I shoot heroin, and it's all fates fault, because I was dealt a shitty hand. Has nothing to do with the bad choices I made.

>being this retarded

So in cases of an overdose, where someone is going to die without a naxlone intervention, your more worried about side effects you read on your google search?

Don't quit your day job.

Hope all you useless druggies OD or actually quit and be useful for once.

>or actually quit
No one just quits heroin dummy.
Were all fucking fucked.
Join us?

I have a job, pay my taxes, and live a normal life

I bet I make more money a year than you AND I bet you don't have a Masters

Drug use is all about managment, even addiction

Only losers wind up in the street

>caring about image on Sup Forums
i like that you shit on yourself for me, keep going

Damn feels good to know my life will never get as shitty as yours.

its shittier

I didnt google anything and I dont have a day job
just chill your jimmies out

I never said I was worried about anything
what you need to understand, which is a fact
that narcan (no one calls it naxolone mr google search) wont prevent the damage depending on how severe or how far along an overdose is
in a lot of cases they just end up in a coma
then die

clearly you dont know what youre talking about and are having a hard time arguing to junkies that actually live this shit

Yep. All alone on a computer, instead of all alone on a computer while high as fuck.

I'd say yours is worse.

subjective and you cant argue otherwise
my life is great but I choose to use
yep lol

This is my point exactly.
You're not educated whatsoever on naloxone.
Stop posting

no u faggot lol
you just lost the argument but couldnt admit it
the bracelet idea is fuckin retarded and cant work because it doesnt work that way
just like the other actual junkie said

My ex / mother of my daughter / woman I love is an addict. Every day she breaks my heart.

stop user, his ego is already about to crumble lmao


>junkie overdoses
>heartbeat bracelet detects pulse below life sustainable threshold
>trans-dermal naloxone is released
>junkie doesn't die

>junkie dies

keep posting
its amusing

same fag detected

summers here

I got a pizza earlier. I wanted to eat the whole thing. Instead, three slices. Delayed gratification/discipline.
It's what separates "supposedly" higher functioning humans from primates and animals.

How does one purchase needles without seeming sketchy?

>eating gmo's

fucking amerifat

>having to tell urself samefagging is going on to deal with criticism from multiple people online

Ok, so I don't do drugs, but I donate plasma, I take a 16 gauge needle in each arm every week for about 45 minutes a session. I've done this for about 7 years now. How does a tiny hypodermic make your veins unusable? or is it the drugs? Forgive my ignorance.

goto pharmacy
ask for 10x 1cc insuln needles
its really simple

inb4 tractor supply etc


Psychiatrist board certified in Adiction Medicine here: you're shooting dope & living a normal life? Tell me me again son

its the frequency of the drugs.

multiple times daily..