My friend is trying to establish a mercenary guild for our D&D game

My friend is trying to establish a mercenary guild for our D&D game.

Trips will decide what the name is.

Other urls found in this thread:,623

big wang

Knightly Faggotry

Our Closet

The Jiggered Niggers

The rather hard vangards.

My Cock, His Shit

The Hard-On Faggot Troupe

Staying Virgins

Honeymuffin Crusaders

Fuck Black Lives

the brotherhood of moderately upset ladymen

Virginity Defense force


Name it The Four Horsemen of the Gaypocalypse,623
MAN YOUR BATTLE STATIONS Sup Forums. It's time to destroy the pony fuckers

the Waifu defense league

The see men


Your Sword, My Scabbard

Hitler Did Nothing Wrong

porch monkeys

The Bottoms Up Boys

Pony Rape Den

4th reich

trap brigade

Whatsits and Pokeys

Donnie danko and the wack-pack

Willy Louie and the Cockos

Rectal Rangers

Borrowed blade brigade

Democratic National Convention

"The wizards guild"

The Bulbous Battalion

mercenary guild

Pax Nigmanus

Greil Mercenaries

Beef Chungus and the Merry Band of Fags

The guild of married men. - instead of "Merry" they are all married and tied down and wives won't let them do anything dangerous except go around killing spiders. Not dire just regular spiders for contracts.

the bobby wasabis

the piss whiffers

Urine The Money No Girls He-Man Club