We conservatives need to prepare to fight against this "tough" enemy known as liberals

We conservatives need to prepare to fight against this "tough" enemy known as liberals.

Their superior knowledge in gender studies, African American studies, and Sociology makes them suuuuuuch a dangerous enemy.

Their superior marksman skills, 500 rounds per one injured conservative presents (Alexandria, VA "shooting") a GREAT danger to us! Their advanced training in Storm Trooper tactics from Star Wars has hardened them into the ultimate killing machines.

I can see them now, in full drag with an M249 spraying at the hip with the accuracy of a storm trooper before falling to their feet screaming in pain because a hot brass hit their toe.

What will us conservatives, who consist of Combat Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, Doctors, Nurses, business men, and all around alpha males ever do?

I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... SCARED!

>Pict related, its the fierce liberal warrior known as John Rainbow. If you reply with, "better bring more body bags" you'll be blessed with 99 transexual wives and white slaves in Obama's heaven.



actually in general most scientists and engineers are liberal. You conservatards are using technology you couldn't even begin to understand let alone design. As always, being conservative just means youre living in the past. History will laugh at your kind as it always has.

>actually in general most scientists and engineers are liberal.

I'm an engineer that deals with engineers every day.
I've yet to meet a liberal engineer.

Your "scientists" are probably college professors............Right?


>This cringe thread

How much you weigh OP? I got a feeling you're an easy target.

What technology, firearms? Literally any redneck from the countryside can make his own with the right ghetto-rigged workshop.

My father is a conservative engineer but he lives in the Midwest. Most engineers out here in California are liberal. Especially tech engineers. I work as a biological scientist and I am liberal. Fuck dad!


why is this Katya? anyone discussing how they feel about last nights reunion on drag race

OP here, fuck you. At least I killed a fucking lion.

>Especially tech engineers.

You mean code monkeys?

What are you typing on right now?

a code monkey is a programmer actually. You're a little confused about how technology works, it's ok. Go lay down. Have some water. SLeep it off.

OK, Snowflake.

it's all relative. I know conservative engineers and I know liberal ones. There's not too many conservative research scientists though. You really have to have an open mind to explore the unknown.

I'll give you one more try if you want it.

Let me guess, your 12 years old, right?

You are a patsy for the Trump government.
You are welcoming violence by members of your own society against members of your owns society.
You are antagonizing people who may share the same doubts/disagreements with our current system of government that you have
You are playing into sensationalized media, likely the very same media you try to descredit on a day-to-day basis

>There's not too many conservative research scientists though. You really have to have an open mind to explore the unknown.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with getting government grants.

OK, Snowflake.

Liberals are also funnier than conservatives. This is why your post is so cringe worthy.


I'm not sure exactly what you're saying, are you stating that you need to be liberal to get government grants? As in the government hands out grants based on a specific scientists politics? Or are you saying only liberal scientists work for the government because grants as you see it are a form of welfare?

Either way it's a stupid argument because there's more scientists working in the private sector, and certainly there is more prestigious research being done at private universities than public ones.




Oooh i'm sorry, you already called that one! You'll never get bingo at this rate. try calling him a cuck!

Fuck that redneck republicuck. About time go slay some fascists. Those bible thumping gun nuts have it coming.

Yeah, you're cool, Snowflake.

I'm actually more insulted by the low res image than the sentence.

So many triggered cuckservatives itt. We'll gladly put you trumpanzees out of youre misery soon enough.

man i'm really trying to troll it out with you here, but you just got nothing.

I mean you gotta at least try a little bit.