What does /b think about circumcised girls?

what does /b think about circumcised girls?

They tight for sure!

yes .. super tight...

sage and gay

that's a post-op dude and some photoshopping

I feel sorry for them and wonder what kind of vicious religion would do that to their women.

Oh well, Christians invented the Vaginal Pear to torture women with.

Pic related

virgin basementdweller spotted

i had an agyptian girlfriend .. she got circed when she was 12. So ich confirm it looks like the girl op posted.


That looks tight and terrible and I don't want to bring my dick anywhere near it

what about my foreskins?

except her scars were visible


so tight and so gross

she must have really hated her flaps and hood

from wikimedia commons


for what purpose?


Looks kinda gross....


it's from Body-Modification-Ezine so you know it's real.

No clit?