Sup Forums it's 3am and I need to vent. I know nobody will read this, but fuck it

Sup Forums it's 3am and I need to vent. I know nobody will read this, but fuck it.

You know what really makes me wanna rage quit? An hero? The growing number of Chads and Stacies taking over the fucking internet. Not just using it, but thriving here. Fucking bullies like Jake Paul turning into minor celebrities thanks to YouTube. Never mind the fact that I've been on YouTube since 2005. I would spend as much time as I could online back then, I'd even skip school to go online. Forums. IRC. It didn't matter. The internet was my escape from real life, a refuge from all the pettiness and drama of middle school. It was a sandbox, and open world that we were proud to help create.

I mean, even our memes seemed more organic. Instead of rewarding attention whores, we called them out on their shit.

But then something happened.

It's no longer challenging to make a blog or monetize a YouTube channel. The learning curve fell faster than an old woman with osteoporosis. Things have no texture, and lots of polish. Now, the "cool" kids are migrating here in droves, using their douchebaginess to attract huge followings. Faggots, niggers, and camwhores are telling OG users how things are gonna be. It's insane, the level of entitlement some people have. I dunno, I guess I'm just a dinosaur who misses the old internet.

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Nah man I totaly get you.Fuck those new guys, their content is shit and all they do is spend money on shit no one needs and little kids think there cool. It's dumb

Just hero already then faggot

I'm old. I get it. It fucking sucks.

Sad but true

anyone who doesnt agree are one of the douchebags

>chad and stacy
Fatty spotted

I feel you you OP. Internet used to be a counter culture of mainstream but then for taken over by the people it used to satirize, rewarding the same douchebags we all hated

>miss the whole point
When the wise man point at the moon, the douchebag looks at the finger

Social influencers. Just dox em and cross your fingers some violent junky tries to rob them

You say any of this like it's somehow surprising. "Counter culture," if the early days of the internet can really be called that, pretty much always ends in the culture becoming mainstream and watered down, and loses what integrity it may have originally had. Just look at Burning Man or pretty much any of that hippy shit from the late 60's to early 70's. Not that I'm defending the process, just saying it shouldn't be such a surprise.

But there are still plenty of corners of the internet that you can use to escape from the Chads and Stacies you're upset at. It's really not like people like that are ever gonna bother to learn how to use IRC or seek out any sorts of forums to try to be a part of. As far as they're concerned the internet is just a giant Facebook and online shopping tool, and 99.9% of them will never venture any further into it than that.

I'm not an old fag but I genuinly agree with what your saying here.

I have the upmost hate for all these fags and there "trendy" little shit like there disgusting nigger music, and fidget spinners.

same happened with the BDSM subculture when Shades of Grey got popular. Including all the "you can't hit girl but male submission is ok" feminism bullshit.
After a while it either destroys the whole subculture or the mainstream people get bored and leave.
But in the end, every subculture ends mainstream

It's the truth OP.

You can't even talk to people without mentioning their internet habits, or at least you won't be in their circle. It's like they want you to be up their ass on whichever phone apps they use or you are nothing. People have phased traditional, natural human interaction out. They don't talk to strangers or make friends in acquaintances. Real society is a bunch of people saying and doing whatever they have to until they can be alone with their internet connection.

It is maddening to me when I try to have fun with new friends, they always want to go somewhere else because their phone has convinced them they aren't where they should be. Sometimes I agree, but when everyone is bored all the fucking time with plenty of games, musics, just limitless things to actually do... and they sit glued to their phones in groups trying to get their life onto that internet world. I fucking hate it man. Humankind is fucked. Our kids are going to be retarded.

To be fair there was already no small number of weirdos with control issues trying use it to commit ethically questionable acts on others. It was really hit-or-miss whether you'd meet some interesting, fun people or greaseballs in deep need of therapy. I can only imagine how much worse it got when those books came out.

Yeah fuck that I was born in 1995 and I got my first computer in like 2004 and it was a really shitty one too, I loved going online, talking to people on IRC or playing some dumb games, but whenever some friends came over we got off and did real things.
Now everyone is basically dependant on that black or white rectangle and they can't perform any function at all in the real world, they are basically only "created" to consume what they are given, all these fucking apps made to "connect" them, but what they only do is isolate them even more.
I only have like 3 friends left who didn't succumb to this new-age bullshit.

3? youre lucky. even the people i thought had the least chance of becoming one of 'them' has succumbed to memes and leddit

I hate summer.

All these kids out of school fucking pwning me in counter strike stupid cunts.

I will gladly die from a skilled player, but a fucking 9 year old? What the fuck! : ( I have been playing since before that fucker was born.

I was even luckier to find a wife who doesn't follow any of the 9fag,ifunny,tumblr or whatever shit that's out there.
The memes are fucking retarded! They are not even funny absolutely all of them are forced and popular only because they are being spammed so much.

This song takes me back bros.

Want to fuck? Oh, that's right, it don't matter what you want. I can literally put you away, take you back out and use you whenever I want like a fuck toy and there's nothing you can do about it.

Dude, you guys remember

That was the shit.

It's all fun and games till she bites your testicles off.

Such a good quote.

Never put the fun bits in the biting parts.

Sup Forums is especially fucked. All of these summerfags coming here because they thought Sup Forums was some sycophantic porn site and posting all this faggot porn.

>>It's no longer challenging to make a blog or monetize a YouTube channel.

Materialisimo's income went from hundreds of dollars a month to, what, I think 50 bucks for a million(!) views. It's not easy anymore

I've also been dinged on YouTube, but that's exactly what OP is talking about. If you're not family-friendly (i.e. if your target demographic isn't kids), you're fucked.

It's called progressivism

It just keeps happening

the same with the gay scene , lgbt , used ti be outsiders "queers", meaning actual weird people.
now like other counter culture, it's a mass of arseholism.

def agree with you, op.

instead of raging, tho, why not pull together and do something?

I wasnt expecting all these feels.

I was missing something, but finally ready to go to bed before I said one more thread....
You are not alone.

I dunno, if she's nimble enough she could probably roll down there quick enough to catch you off guard and at least nab part of a nut from ya. It's a calculated risk, but if she has reason to believe she's just gonna be your fuck puppet for the remainder of her life, she may as well try.

It happened with black guys too, It will happen again.

That's what a choke collar and bedpost are for. ;D

Because it's easier to bitch than find a solution. Not OP but if we're being brutally honest with ourselves and each other, that's pretty much the main reason everyone bitches but doesn't help find an actual solution.

There is no solution that would fix this problem, the creators of apps have to realise this and beat their obsession with money to stop giving people what they want and give them what they need.

This is a shop. But if it was real at least she has such a wonderful guy to be there for her (in Every capacity). Not degenerate since losing her limbs isn't genetic.

Though, maybe not humane. She can still enjoy some of the pleasures of life, but it would probably be better to just be gassed to sleep then quietly euthanized.

> no longer challenging
I still havent figured it out. I dont have any friends to share it with so id still get no visibility.

Also they come here to OUR autistic board and start spouting the same Bully bullshit we had to deal with in junior high. Just like the rich kids showing off their $200 pairs of sneakers in the hall.

Sup Forums is where autism thrives. Just like Usenet before it. Its a higher grade of intelligence, more focused and out of the box.

You guys do realize that plenty of the counter cultures you are lamenting the deaths of still exist, right? Shit I lamented the day my favorite bbs shut down it's last dial in lines. People have moved on from only the oldest and shittiest platforms. IRC still exists, hell #unixgods has had the same mod since like 20 years ago. If anything it's gotten better because we have better means of underground communication that work fluidly with modern platforms and devices.

It sounds like you turned your back on the forums and groups you grew up with, or failed to find new ones that suit you. TOR is a whole other universe of interesting people. You can choose to drop out of the Facebook circle jerk any time you want, but if you're like me you continue tolerating the douchery because it's a great way to creep on old classmates and chuckle at their misfortune while sipping some cognac in your lounge chair.

>chuckle at their misfortune while sipping some cognac in your lounge chair.

I don't think he was suggesting that you "save the whole world" from this problem all by yourself, obviously that's way too far out of the scope of what a single person could accomplish. Small victories though, can have a way of snowballing. Feel like this site is being overrun with the types of people and content you hate? There are literally hundreds of other chans out there that you could look to, and new ones pop up every day. Not only that it's piss easy and cheap to create your own if none of the current ones suit your taste.

Honestly I think the reason lots of people just sit around and bitch is because they don't understand what options would be available to them, if all they see is people complaining and nothing else, they're gonna think there's nothing they can do either. So, at least attempting to create a solution, even if yours winds up failing, may at least inspire another who may have better success. At the risk of sounding cliche, living by example is the more effective way to go.

You can thank smart phones for this, they made the internet much more accessible to people.

Namely blame the iPhone.

Thats something I havent got...

In order to use TOR you have to have connections already, someone has to drop you an address to go to. I don't have any of that... so ive got no way to get into it, that dummy entry portal is useless. Even if just for the discussions rather than any actual "commerce".

IRC and Forums from '98-'08... stuff like that has actually dwindled unless its a support forum for something (eg, Zdoom).

Ive been directed to IRC channels in recent years, but nobody was in there. Maybe they only go in there at 3am and since I only use public wifi anymore im never around at that time.

I wish to hell Myspace was still a thing, it was so much more... creative than Facebook is (with its blue and white motif invoking a cold governmental orifice, no joke because Color Theory is real)

underrated post

This user gets it

Not sure why you linked to my post, I never said anything to disagree with what you're saying. I'm not one of the bitter cynics whining about how much better shit used to be, just stating the fact that it's a familiar cycle of events.

Although I have to agree with that the cognac and lounge chair thing was an impressively cringey choice of phrasing, well done.

> counter culture

Fuck thats a missing piece right there.

Im compiling research on how to provide a guide to Autists for getting dates and women (so as to satisfy these guys as well as maybe save the human race).

Ive got most of it figured out now, how to be confident, how to move in to seal the deal, how to not be too nice, and I just pulled up a theory on how to help with social skills

(as an Autist its the tendency to want to spew as much as possible about a topic... but in truth that also deprives you of fuel to keep convos going later... a girl should earn the expansion of that detailed information by her involvement... Autists need to cool it on their desire to just download that information to others)

But fuck, I remember back in the 90s people were into this "counter culture" shit and as long as a guy was actually sorta cool about it - being a Neo type dude - chicks would really dig that rather than get turned off by it. It was closely associated with being a rocker/music guy, which if you think of it is just a different kind of Autism (which is much more Autistic nowadays to focus on, than it used to be).

Thats how Sup Forums and the other shit neckbeards do can be described when the question comes up over what they're interested in.

Memes are Funny images that convey a message in a creative way. Perusing memes can be an excellent shared activity that most girls could get into just for the laughs.

Ive got some solid girl-getting gold going on here. Its not going to compete 100% with chad but it'll at least get Autists and Girls in the same bed eventually.

>an hero
learn 2 english OP

nigga you be fucked up

new much?

There must be a way to purge them. At the very least relegate them to normie sites like facebook and twitter, sorta like internment camps.

I can't imagine that anyone who thinks they need to have simple discussions (as in, discussions about legal topics) over TOR instead of on IRC's or forums on the clearnet actually genuinely has anything worth listening to, so you're probably not missing much. It's just gonna be a bunch of 1337 haxxor wannabe losers who want to look like they're pretty much anything except 1337 haxxor wannabe losers. But they aren't.

no this is actually the way the meme is spelled, look it up

im an autist, im on Sup Forums, I might not be diagnosed with it but ive had the symptoms ever since I was in first grade I think.

Yet ive had several girlfriends and a couple hookups so im not a verge either. And as of a couple years ago I learned some secrets for being able to get girls.

The only problem is the social skills, being able to hold a conversation (and also probs with finances too).

So guess what, if I can share the tips im learning I can help proliferate this information like a PSA for horny virgin walkers...

...and then they can have enough of an edge to actually get girls interested... all those 4-7 out of 10's they might have a shot at getting, and keeping because maybe they wont fuck it up out of ignorance.

I wonder where all the serious shit moved to then?

what really annoys me is clickbait on youtube.

like "this kid really regretted what he did" or.. "watch what happens when you click this video" or "if you see this, do this" followed by extremely vague photo. it is retarded humans reeling in even more retarded humans.

i mostly remember 2008 youtube and i think everything changed after monetization arrived and people had an incentive to focus their entire lives on this one channel without any originality(pewdiepie, etc). then every now and then create a video where you complain you fear becoming repetitive, and instead have to resort to grouping with other famous youtubers just to stay relevant and trendy.

Define "serious shit," then. Like I said unless it's serious enough topics to land you on a watch list, then there's no reason you couldn't use the clearnet to have the discussion about. And even if you were, the government monitors just about all the exit nodes on TOR so it wouldn't help you avoid heat anyhow.

Monetization definitely has a lot to do with it. It used to go something like this: talented dude uploads video to YouTube, gets noticed, leaves YouTube.

Now it's more profitable to keep churning out clickbait videos and increasing subscriber numbers

thats the point where youtube died in my op... that and when professional vevo style channels started being supported

problem is nothing has come along to replace it, heck even having smoother loading video and a simpler interface unconnected to google+ might be enough to draw people

your digits

but what im taking about is back in the day people talked about serious shit over IRC, bbs, and so on. Whether it was spiritual/metaphysical topics or ufos or hacking

where DID all of that go, because usenet is just stupid these days, and there sure isnt much real talk about any of this on /x/ or Sup Forums on Sup Forums

and dont say "russian only forums" because thats just the russians

Unfortunately, a lot of it has moved to niche subreddits. You might have to sort by "controversial".

Ah, I get what you're saying now, that is a good question because I don't really know myself. There were a couple I used way back when but those aren't around anymore and I never really went looking for any others. I agree /x/ is pretty shit overall but it has the occasional gems, and smaller communities like kik channels can crop up once in a while that lead to much better discussions than you'd find on the board itself, since there's at least a modicum of self policing, kicking the idiots and memesters out before they can fag up the discussion too badly. Or at least those used to occur, I haven't been there lately to check but I'm pretty sure if you made your own private chat channel there'd be plenty of people willing to give it a shot. Other than that, I'm not sure though.

if you use youtube for anything else than music videos its your fault,
also blocked ads so MTV feeling was never lost


yeah reddit is a place you can get kicked out of for spouting bullshit, it was designed for censorship

ive got a sigils thread im helping maintain in /x/ right now that occasionally gets a troll but otherwise its been pretty good, enough to bake new bread so far

Also - the guide im making for Autists / normal guys to get girls is based on just getting them up to what Normal Level used to be in the late 90s in terms of finding girls.

Not a perfect guide, but its kinda like how a .22 revolver is better than a european cuckbat, its still got a shot at getting things done.

Yeah that, but even my adblocker lets ads in sometimes

Also which channels you use for that, id really like a random stream feeling like MTV used to...

>if you can't understand what an email says, don't answer
Seems like kind of a douchey thing to do, to just ignore it instead of asking for clarification. Unless it's just saying that you shouldn't make shit up but that seems like it goes without saying.

I dont know how fucked your adblock is, but even if there are some ads on sites you can put them on the block list

yt, fb, 4chin etc are perfectly clean with almost any decent adblocker

as for music stream, youtube has gone a long way with their sugestions, even on new machines i just manually type in my fav songs (4, max 5) then it finds my taste and auto plays cool shit.

id give it awhile and at least type "huh?" and reply, that only takes like 10sec

im pretty sure they mean to tell you to learn to identify spam

> types in 4 maybe 5 songs

you mean to say you only type in one, then you start clicking on different ones in the suggestions until you're lost?

havent seen youtube be able to take multiple searches all at once yet

yes give in 1 then CONSTRUCTIVELY select your way up to untill you see 80-90% shit youd like to listen to. dont let it play on auto in the first 10 songs or so minumum.

Well, to be fair I don't think it was necessarily designed for censorship, although it does certainly allow for it. I would think, though, that whether censorship actually does occur or not in specific subreddits is more the fault of the admins or whoever is in "charge" of the forum. If you have a group of individuals who value not being censored then it wouldn't be an issue, because you could simply ignore the option of censorship. Unfortunately people who genuinely dislike censorship as a whole (rather than just censoring whatever they don't happen to like) are few and far between, so the system gets abused.

been doing this for 10 years now, after a while you can switch genres within 2-3 song strings that arent connected anywhere, its like a hidden path on youtube similar to MMR on dota2 for example

That also seems like something that should go without saying, though. Unless the image was designed for the type of literal geriatrics who still fall for shit like Nigerian Prince scammers.

okay so that has to do with the youtube profile then

problem is I use it for looking at all sorts of videos so I get those suggestions on there too, sometimes itll load up a full on movie (over an hour long)

making new google accounts is a real pain in the ass though so im stuck with what ive got

Hey. Agreed. Mostly just came to say I hate niggers..

atleast 50% of that chart is common sense, i just posted it draw attntion to my post. didnt expect people to actually read all of that shit, it was also made by a woman (no offence)

i dont even use a single account
maybe thats why it works so fast
no profile bias, who knows


I feel like everything in this world is just getting shittier by the day. I remeber when minecraft, WOW, runescape, pokemon weren't totally shit. I remember when COD games were good. I remember that youtube wasn't full of clickbait and shitty trends. This world is also going more PC by the day and i fucking hate it. The artists that make the most money off their songs are the worst today. There is just so much stuff that has gone to absolute shit.

I want to play OS Minecraft.

Fair enough, guess that's what I get for not seeing if the rest of the image was just as simplistic as the part I did read.


Well, here comes my two cents, welcomed, or not.
The internet has been taken over by the corporate image, they use it to spam ads in your face every minute you spend here. Jesus Christ even this site sold out to the advertisers. You can not click on a link for anything or search for anything without being force fed advertisements. It is all about making insane amounts of money and unless you have a site that receives millions of clicks a day you ain't getting any of it, sort of the business model of corporate today, fuck everybody out of every penny you can to make yourself and your shareholders wealthy, and the Internet is being abused in the very same way, that why it socks today. Never mind all the trackers and data mining going on that just another way for them to do business.

> minecraft
> not totally shit

the resolution on the blocks is way too low, it should be like 3 times that... and then fade in resolution the farther away the blocks are (ie, no fixed rule for textures, resize textures down to 1/3 size and cache that or just load smaller versions)

its mind numbing, I wouldnt even touch it after I saw it being played

> music and other stuff

People are rebelling against PC but the industry and media are pushing PC harder than ever, its like when you tell a lie enough times that it becomes truth. They're hoping they can dumb people back down into being PC again but I dont see it happening This Time.

Artists making the most money on absolute shit - thats the industry pumping them up artificially so that's all youll hear on the radio, or the thing that'll get recommended for clubs and bars.

Shit like this will contribute to the upcoming civil war, even though it doesn't seem to be related, it is pissing people off.

> Wow

I felt Wow pretty much had the end of its run about 4 years ago. And runescape was always shit. I cant vouch for pokemon because my sister was into that and I just really wasn't (I was into MTG before it got fucked around 2004)

this image is so wrong in so many ways wtf

> I don't think it was necessarily designed for censorship, although it does certainly allow for it.
The fuck are you saying. The entire point of the thing is sort the shit that people like to the top. Leaving shit at the bottom in that type of format is basically censorship. The platform is totally shit for open discussion. If anything its a board moderated by the users. Which is a fucking terrible idea. Some retarded new fag has as much control over where something goes as a long term user. It magnifies the endless summer problem. Just look at what happens to small subreddits when they have a post his the aids that is the front page.

The only way their format will ever be useful is in private invite only communities.

The down fall of the Internet was when it went mainstream.. it brought everybody in, and like everything else now opening my browser and connecting to a chat on the face Web or any type of social media commonly used is like a bad trip to Walmart where everybody thinks their opinion is the only right one, and they are all key board warriors that are far too stupid for their own good.

Minecraft was never about the grapics or anything it was about simplicity and no rules. Nowdays when you join a server there are like 100 fucking rules and 10000 plugins that fucking ruin the whole concept. I don't expect anyone to know how good minecraft was if they have never played it.


I don't spend my whole day browsing the internet, I barely use social media.

Life is good.

and yeah i mean the old vanilla days of wow. OSrs was cool but then they fucking made runescape 3 wtf?

they do not know of what computers are truly for; they accepted the programming and it has them using computers for such crap.

I'm trying to prove flat earthers and curve earthers wrong, and cant even get proper footage at all. Try finding information on satellites and their alignment.

Slowly the internet seems to be withering away.

I watch a lot of fucky things going on, i aggree with you.

Youtube is cringey' adds and fuckin people who may just break if they did something like smoke DMT.

Either way, I think more hallucinogenic medication could cure the perspective error that most people endure. Except the governement; they really don't want that.

im not actually into MMO, I hate multiplayer with people online... everything is so balanced that you cant actually get an edge over anyone else (Diablo 2 does seem to break this in a fair way though)

I grew up in the 90s with SP games and thats what I came to love. Tend to love rogue-like games for that reason because they really extend the playability.

This is more of a /pol or /x insight but the fact is that Smartphones were invented for three purposes:

to provide the ultimate distraction to start merging humans with technology (leading later on, to VR, literally being sucked into it, and in the end being plugged into a chair Matrix style so you dont live anymore)

and to introduce an "other" OS that didnt support native installations of programs so that way they could control those programs (force feed you updates), have everything on a cloud, and someday be able to push a Big Red Button and kill all of it.
> Even adobe is a cloud now.

And thirdly of course to track you.

This is an inappropriate technology that never should've been allowed to take off. Government regulations could have corralled that (public safety hazard - crossing the street) to where they'd have had to make really small laptops that werent phones. But of course the govt was in bed with these ideas due to the deep state.

Direct them to /pol we will make them "welcome"

Op most of them are larpers.
I'm a hot blonde- Nope your a dumb bitch with an IQ of 90, hair dye and fake tits.

I'm chad and I make $500,000 a year selling convertibles at chads used convertibles.
Only problem is its a different chad that owns it and chad 2 makes $20,000 a year.

Join us OP destroy the stupid ones...

The idea of the community policing itself isn't a bad one in and of itself, it's only a bad thing when the system is abused by those in charge to only allow one point of view to be shown. And I highly doubt the person who invented the format reddit uses is also the one in charge of moderating literally every fucking subreddit in existence. So the idea that it was invented to be easily censored is kinda fucking retarded. Obviously the system has major flaws that allow for the censorship, but the creator of the site likely didn't plan for that to occur, especially since it was invented to be a boring fucking political news outlet. It didn't get taken over by the faggot memesters who currently infest it until years into it's existence.

The fact that you think the site's creator literally just woke up one day and said "I'm gonna create an easily censored platform for retarded faggots to disseminate their retarded opinions and nobody else's" is about as retarded as the idea that people just wake up one day in their teens and decide they want to intentionally pursue the goal of becoming a hardcore drug abuser by the time they hit their 20's. Nobody sets out intending for shit like that to happen, it just ends up that way.

Your 100% correct.

Examples of inventors not controlling what they made


is diluting the autist blood really the way here? Maybe you should focus more on ways to find similar autist women.

I never really understood blogging and vlogging channels, like are people so uninterested from their own lifes that they have to watch someone elses?

ITT: newfags complaining that others do to them, what they have done to Sup Forums

I think the world turned into a complete faggot after the 60s or its been a faggot ever since.



Oh, yeah. That site was like the most edgy place on the internet back in the days. I remember the "sleeping Arafat" pic.

Agreed. When were you born? I suspect early or mid 80s?