Asian ex girlfriend dump

Asian ex girlfriend dump

Dubs gets new drop,

Rate her body and face

>8 hours left of a 12 hour drive back to Texas
>faggot OP only posts one pic
7/10 body
5/10 face so far

How bout mine



Nice bro, theyre hot but too crazy eh


I'm super jelly


Great face

pretty good looking eyes.
half asian I guess?

More of her?


please keep going user

She learnt to squirt 2 years in

Still dropping


She fucking sexy bro


Roll for hottest asian on Sup Forums

Las Vegas reporting in



ayyyy now give us that dropbox
also you got dubs too. so now you definitely have to deliver

Wow shes drop dead gorgeous

Nice dubs

Is it true?
Watches at 0 $?

holy shit. more stockings?

not at all> NO, the scam is when you pay 50 dollars shipping, and then some chinks get your CC# and you'll realize why this is a mistake a few weeks later ;)

Oh well. No more cuties