I spilled sugar free soda (fresca) on my keyboard and i ran my keyboard under the tap to clean it...

i spilled sugar free soda (fresca) on my keyboard and i ran my keyboard under the tap to clean it. just waiting for it to dry. using on screen keyboard. what do??

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Seems like you have it all under control




You need to place the onscreen keyboard under the tap too. If they don't dry at the same time you will get a device conflict

Post more nudes

this made me fucking die

LMAO her pussy looks like a ballsack.








user you need to wait like 4 days before you plug it in. I had the same shit happen a couple weeks ago and it took a lot longer than I'd thought to dry out.

Take it apart and clean with rubbing alcohol then let dry. U,may have,already broke it running it,under,the tap.

i dismantled it after and washed all non pcb parts with detergent. älready tested in my pc and lots of keys dont work.

Use the on screen keyboard until your keyboard dries.