Sup Forumsros. I came up with a perfect government. INTELLECTUALISM. Everything you do depends on your intelligence...

Sup Forumsros. I came up with a perfect government. INTELLECTUALISM. Everything you do depends on your intelligence. As soon as you reach 18, you will be given a test on the 9 types of intelligence. If you score high in all of them, you have a rich life. If you score low, you have an incredible destitute life. Schools will receive decuple the funds. Science will be heavily pushed among youths. The normies will be poor! THIS WILL BE PARADISE!


Worse than the current ones

bump again

how so? Intelligence is the perfect way to judge status.

That's just a non-achievement based meritocracy, working from a person's potential rather than actual achievement.

Still have the same issue with poor people breeding like rabbits. Will just perpetuate the problem.

you must be fat and ugly with a shit job or a douchebag boss


This.It leaves out many important characteristics that are essential for success. Say you have this very intelligent guy but he's just useless in every other aspect of life. He cannot look other leaers in the eyes or talk to them in an adequat way, he lacks the aggressiveness necessary to lead. Maybe he hasn't the emotional depth necessary to play whatever role he is supposed to play because of his test assumed intelligence. Make him a leader? I say he is as useless as a completely dumb person.

These 8s are very impressive, aren't they?

I say we make a government based on the radness of these quints.

Fuck you, wasted

This NumberFag needs to be on top of whatever government we organize.

Second. I move that the first order of business for our new government be to expel faggot OP into the wilderness where he will proceed to suck nigger dick until he expires. All in favor?

b-but liberals will complain that this isn't fair and equal for all


holy shit that's crazy.

quite the feat, bravo!



Given the picture you post and your reasoning this isn't gonna go your way.

this thread is bakas

Motion carries. Chair recognizes user's dubs.

The problem with capitalism and industrialism is it glaringly separates the poor from the rich, and this disparity causes civil unresdt and eventual collapse.

What you propose is the same thing but for retards and geniuses.

You will still have the issue of everyone relying on them for everything.

If you are told you have the ability to be on top because a test said you are smart, you have no incentive to care for or respect anyone below you.

Nothing will have changed.


It's the best part of the day!

mandatory IQ, media fluency and general political knowledge testing for the right to vote when



The only way this would work is if everyone got a fair chance at knowing what types of intellect
would be tested and everyone got a fair education to... oh wait.

That will be the death of little racist shits like yourself

Cirno steals it again!


nice script

*wipes away tear of joy*
this need to happen

then kill them all