Drinking beer at Ekaterinburg,Russia now

drinking beer at Ekaterinburg,Russia now.

ask anything, you want to know about modern russian urban life

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What's your favorite colour?

and yes - black people is still a point of attention at our streets

Are you a gopnik blin?

Why haven't you fled your terrible country?

cyan lol

nope, but i know a lot
actually i was...15 years ago

mine is green

did you see the meteor a few years back?

Do you at least still wear adidas?

actually it is not so terrible, as you think.

are there any big booty bitches in russia?

i'm italian have i a chance to get them bljad lel

would you care if putin nuked the US and killed all of its people?

>mine is green

you are cozy person

Honestly? Like, can yoiu drive to a typical city and be safe at all hours or is there certain places to avoid?

Please enlighten me so I can cast off my stigma

nope, the meteor felt at chelyabinsk,it is 200km from me, but we saw the flash

Is that u Olaf?

are you wisard.jpg

vintage model lol

yes but they are terrible, because in Russia there is no bbw beauty culture. fat means dirty

I'm thinking of slaving up with some friends
>even though im mexican
Any suggestions?

sure, in this case ill lost my burgerking and pepsi.

joking...putin should die,really

what do you know about tartaria?

op post a pic of the most beautiful girl you know

actually if you are non aggressive normal person you shoulnt avoid anything anywhere. '

moreover if you are a foreigner noone will tease you.

just say "idi nahui" if someone try to touch you

nope im Dimitry

I'm surprised any russian think that

at any rate, he's in power, and I've always gotten the impression he has sworn to destroy the west, by any means

in other words please

it is near our region
tatarians are calm and unpleasant people with crooked legs

but tatarian girls are hot while sexing

What steps should i take to slav up my lifestyle

What colour tracksuit are u wearing?

any russian, you meet at internet, please know it.

other larger part of our people, who doesnt like internet, would disagree this


youve asked, predicting the answer

black lol




Laught at the blacks

Drink strong alco

bite gays.

i'm serious

How many russians are gay?

Not the OP,but also Russian.

SO,by your logic, every american is a Trump supporter.
As a matter of fact, elections have to be rigged for Putin to be elected - which means most russians don't support him.

>he has sworn to destroy the west

How fucking narcissistic you are? World doesn't revolve around western countries, you know.

i suppose it is 10% but the latger part is covered, since it is prohibited in society

>world doesn't revolve around western countries

Even though the humanities was literally defined and created by the Greeks and Romans but okay.

>As a matter of fact, elections have to be rigged for Putin to be elected - which means most russians don't support him.

this is sad, but you are wrong


>Even though the humanities was literally defined and created by the Greeks and Romans but okay.

lol, read wiki pls.

I didn't say it never did. I only said it doesn't now.

foreigners are safe mostly, if anyone harass you say poshol nahoi, see.

>Even though the humanities was literally defined and created by the Greeks and Romans but okay.

nope, the modern humanity was born at georgia, kaukasus


I am not fucking wrong. Maybe in Ekb he is more popular than he is in Moscow though.
I volunteered to be a supervisor for voting committee last time. There was some serious shit involved, including small monetary reward for volunteers "to not see anything". Shit was seriously fucked up.

privyet im oksana.

i said it to policeman at moskow and got a faceblow, guys never use "poshel nahooe" at russia, really

not tatarians but tartarians.... learn to read

tits pls

Greeks created democracy and the voting system. The Romans produced the republic and both civilizations housed the many philosophers and themes we still practice today.

What the fuck, I said humanities?

What exactly did you expect to happen?

am not kourva.

I thought this phrase is universal in russia, but no

no matter, since you are ukrainian

oksana sorry. it a joke. but you mus let make up you to have a special treat , is krokodil. you will be please.

am st petersburg

It means "fuck you". Don't tell that to cops if you value your health.

what type of music is trending?

russian rock rap and of course shansone - russian jail poetry

What's the deal with those trackies?

>rock rap
lil peeps new track? whole vid was a tribute to the ruskis lol

die antwoord is popular.

lol no

Why do you keep spamming trump threads with Asian cuties?

is it easy to get laid by russian chicks? are they picky?

>is it easy to get laid by russian chicks? are they picky?

absolutely yes. really. just keep speaking english.

Why do so many Russian teenagers kill themselves? Hello?

nope. the real percent is lower than in usa or eu (especially scandinavia)

Why are you drinking beer so early? Isn't it like 12pm there?

In 2012, the rate of teenage suicides in Russia was three times higher than the world average.


Is it true that you can live in Russia without speaking Russian? I heard there is a area of people speaking Turkish only

I'm the only American I've ever met who likes it.

nope it is 15-53 now, and yesterday i had a party so I have to relax

nope. you could not live here without basic knowledge of russian. just no.

In general, what is the average opinion on Belarus and Lukashenko?

lol. especially for you


actually in russia the liking of such music is a kind of bydlo, just as your rednecks but who also respect prison romance

Can you send me Katya Clover? Maria Ryabushkina? I'm not picky. Either one will do.

See I knew it you ruski fuck!

>buttmad greaseball detected

the average opinion is based on opition of putn and kremlin TV (95% of our channels).

as for me -belarus is a great and nice country, been there 2 month ago.

my view for the moment


Do you need an invitation from a Russian citizen to get a russian visa?

Would you invite a Sup Forumstard?

Do you like Russia or do you wish you could gtfo?

1) nope
2) yes, but pls be normal


this. germany or finland

How normal are we talking?
I'm just the usual chan user, never go outside, bad posture, weird interests.
I'd drink with russian bros and speak terrible english though, no problem.
When can I come?

Thank You! I can not get enough, I love it.

come, ill meet you and show you everything.

u crazy ))))))

Do you have a throwaway sacrificial email address or something to put on here?

this video will show you the actual picture of what im talkin bout


what would people think of an American Indian in Russia? it's very obvious too i wear my hair in braids and my skin is dark. i'm a man

i mean the indian who wears feathers not the ones with dots on their head

you will be at attention and a lot of girls

Try Australia or Switzerland
Nearly the whole EU is fucked


may be but not the sweden norway or finland

Russian girls love Americans. It doesn't matter what color of your skin is.

[email protected]
ur welcome

lol americans girls like russians. very much

hm. good to know. even the white women here love me. always asking to touch my hair though it gets annoying turning them down.