Any genuinely scary horror movies out there Sup Forums ?

Any genuinely scary horror movies out there Sup Forums ?

The Ice Pirates

"Lights out"was kind of impressive if you're sensitive for ghosts. That shit made my girlfriend not being able to sleep for 2 weeks.

What kind of horror movie scares you?

Theres different genres of horror.
Supernatural, lots of gore, torture, kidnapping and break ins, demons, jump scares, aliens, etc etc

What kind scares you?

The Grifter

>Any genuinely scary horror movies out there Sup Forums ?
Not really.

You pretty much have to be a girl or a child to get scared by movies.

I hate movies with home invasions and stuff like that. Like the strangers or funny games and what not. Not horror but make my skin crawl cause its possible

Requiem for a dream

The Strangers scared my dad into locking and checking all the doors and windows before going to bed every night for a whole month. He is a 54 year old guy

The Hitcher (1986), Fallen, The Trigger Effect, The Last House on the Left (1972), Basic Instinct, Kolchak: The Night Stalker, Halloween, Cape Fear (1991), The Shining, Magic (1978), Insomnia, Malice, Flatliners (1990), Misery, Poltergeist (1982), Primal Fear, Scream, The Abyss, When a Stranger Calls (1979), The Fly (1986)


found footage film called Amber Alert

Any horror movie while on a strong psychedelic dose

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The Grey, They Live, Dressed to Kill (1980), The Christine, Pi, Jeepers Creepers, The Firm, The Game, Strange Days, He Who Gets Slaped (1924), Apt Pupil, The Lost Boys

Crybaby Lane


Not really.

None of those are scary/horror

They're all horror films.

That is relative to what your fears are. Most of what people consider scary don't do shit for me. I grew up with them, having no reaction to Rosemary's Baby but getting the shit scared out of me for the first time in a movie during the boat scene from Willy Wonky and The Chocolate Factory. If scary movies generally don't scare you, look into psychological thrillers.

Kys shitdick

Warning: Do not ingest small bits of paper before watching,

I'm kind of desensitised at this stage. Only thing that makes me flinch is the occasional gore thread. I'm looking for a horror movie for me and my gf so she can get scared and hold onto me :)