The cursed ring is destroyed my dear friends. Finally Middle-Earth is safe

>The cursed ring is destroyed my dear friends. Finally Middle-Earth is safe.

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why didn't Aragon take the ring if he's such hot shit?

Doesn't Saruman burn down the Shire after the ring gets merc'ed in the book?

>at long last, the return of the king
what did he mean by this

>you bow to no one

he doesnt burn it down, just heavily industrializes it

>proceeds to fool a whole generation of manlets into believing they're not completely worthless

This movie was evil.

Not burn down but he does take some of it over and gets a bunch of hobbits to be his gang and oppress other hobbits and take their stuff, frodo and the others just sort of laugh at him and kick his ass when they get back because all the other hobbits are scared of them

wtf is the real? I never read the books this is hilarious.

i never finished the books but yeah, from what I know that's a thing that happens in the end

This is like the one gay scene plebs keep bringing up in the flick.

Superior scene coming through-

That and "White shores."
and faithless man would dare to believe...

Yeah, if I remember right the shire hobbits call him Sharkey because they can't pronounce Saruman and the reason Frodo and the guys freak them out so much is because they ride back on ponies and have swords and fancy clothes

They come back and find out that the Shire is now basically run by some dude and his cronies, who are hobbits. They find out that the dude is Saruman and that he set up factories where hobbits work basically as slave labor and that he imprisons people who disagree with him. And yeah, they pretty lightheartedly gather a bunch of hobbits, just using their reputation and experience - Merry and Pippin especially come back taller and in Rohan/Gondor armor, and using their combat experience they set up a successful revolt and kick Saruman's ass. It ends with them kicking him out of Bag End and Wormtongue slitting his throat.

>At long last, we finally have become the lord of the rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

Fucking really?

Best scene here, not that shit

>bookfags will defend this

>I am the Lord of the Rings, and this is the Return of the King!

What did he mean by this?

Gandalf literally says: You can't deny the Return of the King.

whats wrong with it?

All films drop their name.
>You shall be the fellowship of the ring
>None can stand against the might of the two towers
>You cannot deny the return of the king

shitty pacing

not really

why are you talking about pacing in a book you havent read

Fuck all of you, now I need to watch it again

It is shitty pacing

Tolkien could create a world but he was a shitty hack writer

why are you talking about pacing in a book you havent read

why are you talking about pacing in a book you havent read

why are you talking about pacing in a book you havent read



"Sharkey" the Maia, it has a good ring to it.

Why are you replying to a guy with no friends?!

>I'm going on an unexpected adventure!
>This, my friend, is the desolation of smaug

Only BotFA didn't have a title drop, I think.

Good point

>I have failed, I scared frodo away and didn't save merry and pippin and now The Fellowship Of The Ring
>no my dear friend, it is not over, I will defeat The Two Towers, then go to the white city where they will celebrate The Return Of The King and finally continue my adventures in The Lord Of The Rings Online: The War In The North

The part where every Hobbit will forever consider Merry and Pippin the raddest motherfuckers who tower over any other Hobbit makes me lose my shit everytime. Especially when their townsmen don't recognize them because they're wearing armor and no other Hobbit ever did it before except they forgot to take it off because of course you're going to wear armor if you're going on a long horse ride in uncivilized lands.

Don't forget Lobelia's change of heart. Thinking about it still gives me feels.

>watch out bilbo the battle of 5 armies is about to begin

He should have played the role of Ned Stark and Bean should have appeared as Brandon. in a flashback. That, or Arthur Dayne.

It's fine in the book, good thing it's not in the movie though