What are your thoughts on this?

What are your thoughts on this?

its fake...chinks are on the same level as niggers

I have no problem with it. It's very true. I think every school ought to put it in their classrooms.

Just shows the infrastructure, and availability to education in reagan's, cause in most sub saharan and southern africa, many people have no availability to any schools, or ANY kind of education (not to mention that many countreis in subsahara africa are in eather civil wars, or under terorist atacks

Of course a war-torn place filled with poverty would have bad education.

Because of their low IQ dumbass

most asians are retards...thats why most asian countries are 3rd world shitholes. China had a recent economic boom because American and European manufacturers shifted their tech and capital there. Even japans rise was due to begging, borrowing or stealing the white mans technology. Just look at North Korea and china under mao or japs under their god king. Without the white man guiding with money and tech, these gooks would be worse off than africa. USA rewrote the jap constitution and guided them like the tards they were. N. Korea went the natural korean way and they are worse than africa.

That's GDP not factoring in buying power.
Nice strawman op.

Money=Infrastucture=Education=Higher mental capacity=IQ
Though there are like 5-10% biological factor in IQ, it's mostly socio-economical issue


So if you have a low IQ, chances are you have a gargantuan penis.

I feel like i knew this already

>baiting this hard

There's no fucking way people in North Korea have 100+ Iq

What does map show? Height?

Better being a short Chinaman than a giant nigger

Figures out correct

Low iq animal=longer animalistic penis

lol this is some gook fantasy
Chinas population is 1.3 billion people compared to 300 million people in America and the U.S is still a nicer place to live.
Also, don't get me started on their air quality or poverty. There's a reason their street food consists of bugs and animals that white people stopped eating long ago.
As I pointed out, it doesn't count for shit unless the people you have are useful. The fact that it took 1.3 billion people to create that shithole tells you their quality per person is low. That's a genetic and cultural problem.
N. korea is even worse

what the hell does the green mean


Well I mean, if them gooks really do have as large of IQ's as OP's image claims, don't you think all those supergeniuses would have found a way to counteract their people's crippling micropenis issues?

>he doesn't even finish filling in the territories he's butthurt about
What a fucking retard.

thats the correct one

Your ignorance is pitiable.

The more the people, the more it becomes difficult to have good society. More people means more service requirement, more pollution and more resources exploited. Less personal space. It gets ugly.

Usa and europe are good because they have lower population.

lol butthurt amerifat. Just be happy you're average.

Intelligence is based on density of population not race. The more spread out people are the less ideas travel and the longer old dead ideologies survive. That's why the American Midwest is clincally retarded and the coast is genius by comparison. Also why super dense population like China and Japan is smart. Ideas and values travel in days, in places like Africa, it takes years.

Half the USA should be red because they elected trump

How does it feel to be an Asian guy in a western nation? You are literally the most undesired race out of everyone. White and Asian girls would rather go for white guys than Asian guys. you will forever be sexually undesired because of your tiny bodies and tiny dicks. You will never satisfy a woman, and no women find you attractive. What's it like to live with a 3-4 inch cock? Do you get angry at other Asian women when you see them flock to white men or even niggers because they don't want to be with Asian men?

>colours in asia because butthurt
>cant be asked to finish off leaving most of japan out
You're a special kind of retard aren't you?

Go back to the barn and fuck the pigs Cletus.

>tfw I'm white
You know pretending to be retarded isn't the same as trolling, right?

>thinks there is any way in existence to counteract micropenis
Just like whites have no way to counteract big nigger penis issue. Your women love big nigger cock

Personally, I think that IQ tests and academical success can be learned since it is, in some way, pattern based. As with anything else people get better at it with experience and hours invested, and especially the Chinese invest an absurd amount of hours. Is this reflective of actualy, critical intelligence and does it reflect the ability to creatively arrive at someone's own, carefully considered conclusions? I'm not so sure of that. See the Chinese and their copying ability - where's the innovation despite all that supposed intelligence?

I bet you have a high iq

OR, maybe they are smart enough to not care, after all that is also an average there and im sure (because they are smarter) they have a lot less nigger loving whores than the US.


Well they are making pretty nice sex robots, i'd say thats a solution of some sort.

you sound like a smelly slant eyed slope faced dirty yello nigger
Asian men are like black women, it's just a really undesirable mix of race and gender. Asian men are also just really fucking annoying, they're either total nerds with autistic social skills and no awareness or they're basically niggers.
White men aren't always better, but at least in non-Asian countries white men are more likely to be socially excellent, educated, and attractive. With Asian men it's always just one of the three.

Another buttburt fat american...
Just accept it. You have lower iq than asians and smaller penis than blacks. Haha. Your race is doomed.

6 inches hard bb ;)

>Butthurt microdicks detected

that it's total bullshit how the US gets dragged down by its nigger population

White women love asian intelligence and negro penis....I pity white man

on asians are smarter, i have met many peeps of the world and in general asians are the smartest, for example your on the train and need to work out whats the best app to find a train connection. best bet is ask an asian they know how to use tech better.

can you reply to this niggerwhite man gave you everything

lol'd, im just mocking a retard, im neither asian or have a small dick, but you of course wont believe that or talk about anything else because you are a retard.

Butthurt boyfriend of nigger loving white girl detected

you must be a dumb nigger lolz


well in nyc we'd be embarrassed as fuck if we had to show a tourist how to use an app because we couldn't just give them train directions ourselves.

Butthurt boyfriend of nigger loving white girl detected

>thats why most asian countries are 3rd world shitholes.

Japan? South Korea? Taiwan? Singapur? Hong Kong? China with their 7-8% growth per year?

Third world shitholes my ass, you are stuck in the past

East Asians do have higher intelligence than whites and all the scientific research shows it. White people are to asians what niggers are to whites.

Whites had a head start due to industrial revolution starting in the West. Thats literally the only reason why most white countries are more developed now.

But in the long term, you cant beat that combo of even higher IQ and lack of white guilt.

No I just recognize a retarded farm animal humping manchild when I see one. You've obviously never left Kansas

White race is doomed. Your feminist women are marrying blacks, browns and asians. And producing mixed kids. Your white genes are recessive.
Haha. I'm so happy.

Mainland chinese people are literally the worst, most disgusting, rude, arrogant, stinky, racist motherfuckers on the planet.

Visit a real Chinese village or town that doesnt get much tourists. They will literally spend the entire time mocking you for being different and talking about you in their natuve tongue right in front of you. They spit on the floor in their own houses. They throw their food scraps and litter on the ground, wherever they are, hell ive seen chinks throw buckets of human shit and piss into a stream which runs directly into the river, which is their main water source.
They have no concept of sharing, you could be starving, not eaten for days yet they still wont even think to share.
They are incredibly crude and vile as well.
Ive seen one old lady bash a stray cat in the skull with a rock, which didnt kill it. As it was squaling and seizuring on the ground she cut its guts out then began to skin it. And eat it raw. She threw the unwanted parts on the ground where he children were playing (naked may i add) and they began to play with its organs and shit.

Yeah white man is now being cuck to while black niggers produce mixed kids with your women

about japan
>the country so shit they call a legit state of emergency over a spherical cloud
>the literal homeland of brown manlets
>the country who's standing army is so shit they haven't seen a warzone in 80 years
>a country who's classical diet is so heavily laden with estrogen in its various forms men actually develop female traits to some extent

Describing how whites were 200 years ago

White race is doomed. Your feminist women are marrying blacks, browns and asians. And producing mixed kids. Your white genes are recessive. Haha. I'm so happy.

That sounds like Arkansas.

Thats exactly what an Asian with a small dick would say

>the country so shit they call a legit state of emergency over a spherical cloud

>Mainland chinese people are literally the worst, most disgusting, rude, arrogant, stinky, racist motherfuckers on the planet.


and that is why they will still exist in a thousand years long after white "masterrace" falls prey to brown cocks

LOL asian women chase after the white male prize...they think asian men are disgusting

About america
>country with most prison inmates
>country with most civilian violence amongst first world
>country which elected a man child to become Perez
>dumbest high school education
>most fat people

We have billions of asians and our women don't love negro cock. Our race is safe. Your race will be extinct . Hahahaha.

Their diet is better than America's 30 pounds of grease and fat and a Twinkie. If it makes me girly to stay below 300 lbs so be it.


Your women chase nigger cock white boi...
Be a cuck and raise a brown mixed child by a negro


>all these people arguing about asians
Y'all realize the evenly distributed white/asian hybrid has the best of both our genetic lines, right?

I'm from Kansas and this offends me. I've never humped and animal in my life. Fucked them though


nothing in particular, but i always wonder what kind of people were tested to get those results. to have a good sample they should include homeless/retards/drunkards/whatever. can we assume that Russian IQ is lower than the rest of yurop mostly due to significant number of drunkards there?

Also the country that can blast you back into the fucking stone age you fucking eurocunt fag

iq should not be influenced by education. it's a problem with many (if not most) iq tests, though, as they test... your knowledge instead of your ability of solving problems.

but coming up with tests that don't depend on your knowledge at all isn't easy. usually it's pattern matching, which may not be the best idea either.


dumb gook falling for memes
most asians are repulsive looking...The few pretty ones have had tons of plastic surgeries or have mixed parentage
thats why asian chicks seek white men so hard!
When I was going to high school, there were 3 asian chicks that always came on to me. Fuck they were annoying. They completely ignored the other asian boys in school. The only guys I ever saw them with were white.
Felt bad for the asian boys, they were ignored by every female, especially their own.

> have as large of IQ's as OP's image claims
uuuurgh. i'd totally go grammer nazi on you, but i'm busy.

in b4 "use capital I"

That one's not really surprising, considering Allen's rule.

if this is in centimeters and i believe i have no reason to believe otherwise... it's kinda interesting.
hardly unexpected, though.

u must be an autist to know every train timetable

pick one retard

how come Italy is doing so well?

Marine detected




Gee, I recall some Europeans leaving them infrastructure, maybe we should look into what happened with that?


they're means they are

whites are the sweet spot between the two, creative intelligence and 7 inch cock

not everyone has weekends off you fucking twink

>in reagan's

>based on BlankMap-World-v5.png. national IQ sores as estimateed by Lynn and Vanhanen in their book IQ and Global Inequality which was widely disputed for poor methodology and accuracy

gb2 stormfront

lol disprove it faggot


>unintentionally makes Hokkaido a land of ubermensch

Internet welcomes you.

My country is wrong, should be red af


pretty fucking accurate, except niggers should go back to africa then it will all be red

guys i found an average black coupple


you think