What is the scariest horror movie?

What is the scariest horror movie?

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Ghostbusters 2016

There isn't one.

No really, I need a movie that will scare me shitless, like those jump scare exorcist/ghost movies.It also need a big plot.\

I enjoyed Insidious chapters.

Paranormal Activity 6


The Descent


the babadook of course

Gone girl

>Trying to please cynical retards over the internet

Its tough in this age of post-irony famalam

Candyman is one of the scariest movies I saw as a kid.

The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre ruined me for years.


This is real horror.

Noroi, if you want a legit answer.
Clinton Cash if you don't.


Before the franchise is raped, watch the original.

Its not exactly scary, but if you were afraid of clown before this might fuck you up.

saw it

Don't read the book. It is very depressing. I made the mistake of reading most of it while I was admitted into the hospital.

saw is the scariest horror movie

gore movies arent scary

In terms of actually scary, The Witch is up there honestly just because it is stressful if you watch it in the proper atmosphere. I'd say shit like The Exorcist, The Shining, The Thing etc but everyone has seen them so many times they are just enjoyable to watch more than anything at this point. Check out Creep or The Taking of Deborah Logan. They are creepy as fuck and make you feel pretty darn uneasy.

The one you watch when you are 8yo.

I watched the Witch, its shit.


I enjoyed The Witch, but I didn't find it scary in the least. The rest of your list - top shelf.

I imagine you already have, but the Grudge is worth a watch.

the only acceptable answer