I don't kill women or children, so the audience can safely root for me even though I kill people for money

>I don't kill women or children, so the audience can safely root for me even though I kill people for money


What's wrong with killing people for money if the money is good enough and you enjoy your work?

You think this is a new trope? Oh, OP you rascal.

Yeah dawg, basically. Is there something wrong with killing violent super thugs for money as long as no women and children are hurt?

What if it's a female violent super thug?

Will Smith would just have sex with it

But consider this

> I don't kill women


Holy dubs confirms

So what was Slipknot's superpower?
And why didn't they ask Batman or Superman for help? They seem to be more reliable than a bunch of career criminals.

And then when he kills a woman, he's a misogynists. You can't have it both ways.


killing ethnic minority males is wrong #blacklivesmatter

You just want to hit women because your brain is sick


It's harder to put any type of restraint on Batman and even harder to put one on Superman.

Just ask them for help.
"Hey, there is some sorceress on the loose and she's really dangerous. Please help."

For Superman, this took place after his death in BVS, so he wasn't available.
As for Batman, I don't know it's a shite movie

you're wrong, refer to

What's the problem in killing adult women?
Not even trying to be edgy here

But they want people that they can control at all times.

Normal people have an ethical and moral restraint when faced with the situation of killing a female.
But you're not like the 'normies', right? Fucking edgelord

Because the cocksucker is being a massive hypocrite. Only a few years seperate men from children and is he forgetting that harley quinn and katana are females, are sex organs that important to him. Are female genitalia so sacrilegious to him that he wouldnt take a contract on them before they became friends? I doubt it
Will Smith is a fucking douche

I never understood why women shouldn't be killed over men anyway.
Yeah, women are used for child birth. So what. The population is big enough, and it has been for hundreds of years.


Supposed to be a gang of villains but the only one who did anything bad was repentant the whole time and died

Edgelord for wanting treating men and women the same? Kill yourself faggit

Why does he look like someone just told a joke he doesn't get?

just remember Slipknot hit a women in his first scene and was the only one of the group to have his head blown off. FERMERNERSM !

>doesn't shoot women or kids

Adam Beach said Slipknot was brought into prison for strangling Wonder Woman as well.

That's just his headcanon to cope with the fact that he played fucking ropeguy