Do you think she'll get her oscar for her new movies coming up?

Do you think she'll get her oscar for her new movies coming up?
It's a shame she got nominated twice but got nothing, will she be the new Leo?

Other urls found in this thread:

No, Elle will.

literal semen demon

You don't really believe that do you?

Why is that neck so lewd bros?

she has two Oscarbait movies coming out soon

Both Saoirse and Elle are phenomenal.

As much as I like Elle, to me it seems like she still has some work to do on her acting

its the delicious paleness that does it

Pale girls best girls

Ain't it the truth, Ruth.

I've never seen an albino frog before

>my primary waifu, and my secondary waifu two posts into the thread
VERY nice.

Based Krager.

Too bad white women are disgusted by niggers

her acting is superb

Does she have a good "body of work?"

Chesil Beach has the potential of being even more subtle role than Eilis in Brooklyn, but the brutes in majority on Academy and SAG with power of vote cannot into subtle rendered performances. So I guess just new nominations but no winnings.

What did he mean by this?

Elle is your primary waifu, right?

u b the judge

Can we go one thread without lewdness




She's the one I masturbate to

No, it's sersha



is this a sersh thread or an elle thread?
a sershelle thread?

We could try, but it's hard.

I'm being nice to both Saoirse and Elle for once, why bring hate?

Do you have a life threatening disease? or what?
why are you repenting all your sins?

Nothing personal kid, I hate all trips


All patrician waifus are welcome
Meaning Elle can__ be posted

yeah we have never cared, not even in the old days, leave the hate aside is what sersh command us.

that seems wise
i imagine having elle as an orthodox waifu would be torture

Is RyRy patrician?

Oh look, another useless Saoirse thread.

With the same images over and over again. Such is life for a sershabro.

I want to die.

She surely was, but she's abusing on make up and botox, she still can stop

the makeup is for a photoshoot


If you feel like your waifu is patrician, she is, I'm just a man, who am I to judge waifus?
Except if your waifu is Bella Throne

He was a real human bean, his departure signalled for old Sup Forums to come to a close, and be replaced with nu-Sup Forums.

Is that Dakota?

I have some rarer older ones.

which bella?
I find B. hadid strangely appealing sometines

postan 2009 saoirse.

I have screencaps from vids that could summarize thousands of "new" ones if salty user is pleased.

Sadly her lack of online presence only makes thigns harder
Here's the most recent one though

>but it's hard.
tee hee

4 more days until The Neon Demon comes out on VOD

I sincerely hope Greta Gerwig doesn't wan't to go the "oh what a brave and bold movie and actress" route. Because oh shit...
>Lady Bird is entering her senior year of high school, at a Catholic girls school in Sacramento. She’s got no real plan for her future, she’s flunking math, she fights with her Mom all the time, she can’t get boys out of her head, and her hormones are raging. She wants to get out of Sacramento and prove something, but she doesn’t know where to go, or what to prove…

Naked sersha incoming?

How do you cope with the fact that they will never acknowledge your existance and if they ever see you they will be so grossed out and flee

Saoirse Ronan is a timeless actress of this generation.It is good to see Ronan acting in a comedy.This may be the first time Ronan would be acting in a comedy.If we look at Ronan career she did not act in a single comedy .

will definitely be watching and probably also making lewd webms to share ASAP

Or worst, junkie edgie nymphomaniac sersh, oh but quirky
the more and more i hear about ladybird is less a comedy user, so i'm putting everything on Chesil Beach

I don't want to meet Elle because I would spill my spaghetti

>Or worst, junkie edgie nymphomaniac sersh, oh but quirky
I'll cry myself to death if this happens

Well she was support for comedy in I Could Never Be Your Woman.

oh what an original idea for a thread

i wonder if someone will make one tomorrow

Which one of you was this?

>user tries to get Saoirse to notice him

I'm from 1990 so I guess it's not me

kek I watched the interview and saw this too, there's a mexican shershbro in those threads ,it's probably him


nope, not me, i'm usually scared to use youtube/fb/tw/ig accounts to comment on anything

Did we ever figure out who here really, really good redhead friend was?

so freaking cute


>user declares his unconditional love to Saoirse

Good, don't fall into the social media meme mexibro

>calvin klein jeans
>its a top
>its not made out of jeans


Her acting is so goood, for real she deserved the oscar in my opinion

I do it not because resisting the media user but to save myself from getting beheaded, this, sadly, is not a meme

she'll be the new amy adams - getting undeserved nominations

Anti-sersha death squads?

The villeneuve film seems nice user

Oh no no, the apes around me don't even know who or what she is.

her face and head are really strangely shaped

Serious question, does anyone know why she got fat at some point?
Did she have problems getting roles and got depressed?

I really dislike this picture of her. You can see the the layer of make up that clings to her peach fuzz. Skin should not be powdery, it should be creamy.

is this creamy?

she lost out on the star wars part and ate her feelings away

Oh sweet jesus

dunno, but some months after that she was shooting brooklyn, some pictures have her in set taking lots of sugary siodas when she normally drinks only tea or water

Like butter

it's lovely

Stay strong user

She was just bulking bro.

The swan Poet, are you here?

>people unironically find a horse-faced Irish uppity cunt attractive

She has the worst case of D4 I've ever fucking seen


well fuck, now i want to lick elle's face
that means there's officially not a single part of her i don't want to lick

Always user, she's the light

I'd make love to her eyebrows

Patronizing bitch.

Find a better goddamn waifu, you fucking losers.

what do you want her to lick?

>here were saoirse ronan in her natural habitat, a back garden shed in inner city dublin, ready to be pounded senseless by nameless drug addicts willing to give up a few euro towards their next fix for a sloppy vagina if she interests them

my butt hole
i want her to taste my shit

Elle posters are so freaking lewd