Who's the most pathetic wannabe film director of all time and why is it Hideo Kojima?

Who's the most pathetic wannabe film director of all time and why is it Hideo Kojima?

Close but no doughnut.

At least Kojima has the adoration of his niche.

guess what it's me

you spelt zack the hack snyder wrong

Is this a joke or are you retard?




Honestly, I don't think he would be a bad director if he tried.

Calls a Director a wanna be. You know MGS4 is record breaking footage in it. Both longest single cutscene and most cutscene in a game.

But yeah, maybe one day we'll see him do a "film" since no one uses film anymore, and it's all CGI.

Hopefully directors like Hideo learn to make 'films'. I hear the new ones have people talking in it, we call 'talkies'.

>You know MGS4 is record breaking footage in it. Both longest single cutscene and most cutscene in a game.
Dragon Ball Z is a very long running show, and I'm sure it broke records with how it could stretch out a single retarded anime fight into episode after episode. I guess that means the storytelling in it was good, right?

>Dragonball Z

You're fucking retarded for choosing that as an example and you know it

I think he could work as a creative consultant or writer. If he colaborated with a director in order to make a movie it could turn out really good. Basically what he was doing with Del Toro in Silent Hills, but instead of making a game, making a movie.

At least Dragonball Z knows it's silly kid's shit. MGS is written at the level of silly kid's shit but thinks it's some kind of Russian novel.

>a single game of his has more directed and written footage than the career of most Hollywood film directors
>has made like a zillion billion dollars (movie industry is economically small fry compared to video games industry)
>is widely considered one of the top three in his field ever to live
>has created and revolutionized several genres, for example the shooter craze that followed in the wake of RE4 was directly inspired by gun mechanics of MGS2 (and he created a fucking demo and now it's a new horror genre [watch footage of RE7])
>did i mention he fucking invented the stealth genre?
>still touted as wannabe film director

Who ever made beyond two souls,heavy rain. dont even know the developers name.

>a single game of his has more directed and written footage than the career of most Hollywood film directors
That's because Hollywood film directors know how to edit scenes. Kojima doesn't.

I think he could do great with a small budget (2-10 millions) but I wouldnt give him more than that

>wannabe film director

but he' a game director user

Have you played the games? The dialogue is god awful, he doesn't know how to fuck cut ANYTHING from his game. He literally leaves in everything.

He also can't show anything without one or all of the characters explaining and commenting on what just happened in the most obvious way. His movies would be 90% exposition and needlessly deep/complex for the sake of complexity and nothing else.
MGS1 is one of my favourite games, but anyone who thinks he would be good at directing a movie is retarded.

fucking this

Kojima understands cinematography, storytelling and character motivations enough to be a competent writer and director. Cage is just a hack.

I've played all of them.

Maybe my judgment is clouded by nostalgia, but even after becoming patrician both by most Sup Forums and /lit/ standards with age, I still think his stories are fantastic. There is just something incredibly charming and magical about them, even the maximalism and his childish sense of humor (I think parallels can be drawn to the style of postmodern writers like Thomas Pynchon; in fact Kojima directly refers to such writers in some of his games). It's only with Metal Gear Solid 4 I feel like he goes perhaps a bit too far with the kitsch. I don't think I'm the only person who feels this way. Would something as personal as his games are, made with no compromise, appeal to so many if there wasn't something to it?


and this too


Yeah there are some shots in TPP that are pure kino tbqh.

Also he clearly does his research, because his characters have trigger discipline as well as general military shit (Venom will vigorously shake his hand if he's climbing a long ladder; they actually do this to offset lactic acid buildup)

Kojima is heavily inspired by movies but he is NOT a wannabe director. Metal Gear Solid is more often than not about video games themselves, their stories would not work in film.

Yeah MGS4 had a lot of cutscenes but that was the game Kojima didn't want to make so he filled every cutscene with exposition and technobabble so the idiots who didn't understand MGS2 got what they wanted

Literally this. That mystery horror game that turns into the Matrix and then apocalyptic shit. Worst story I've seen in a video game.


You just can't pull off MGS 2 or 5 in anything other than video games, or shit like the ghost sequence and pulling the trigger on boss in 3

The fact that David Cage's shitty movies consistently get good reviews from gaming critics really shows how much farther video games have to go to ever being taken seriously.

Dumb crossposting Sup Forums users