Was she autistic or just a tryhard?

Was she autistic or just a tryhard?

she was a trap

No girl can truly have autism.

Try hard

She was proto-reddit.

and you, the proto-cuck


fucking molly ringwald turned her ugly in the end

She was best grill

She could go outside and get sex in seconds. Not real autism.

used to just call them losers

That fucking pissed me off. She had no reason to change herself.

>everything is about sex

wanna know how i can tell you're a virgin

spotted the Brian.

Stacy doesn't tolerate competition

She was just odd. Nothing wrong with that.

Virginity is a crucial element to autism. No female can be autistic since they could lose their virginity any second they wanted unless they were an unspeakable abomination.

I am around a 4/10 and it is literally impossible for me to experience legal sex in this society without paying. A 4/10 girl could get sex literally seconds after leaving the house. No woman can understand autism.

I wish

>popular girl changes "pretties" her up at the end

What did they mean by this?

attention whoring is not autism

You're autistic for not understanding the definition of autism

She wanted attention but wasn't pretty enough to get it without extra exposure.

In other words she is just an average woman with no other ailments or issues. All women want is attention. It's like their version of sex.

I was on your side till you wrote this.
Fuck off idiot.

She predicted Generation X in the 90's: dressing grungy, acting weird, an outcast, misfit, loner. She's pretty much Kurt Cobain with a vagina. She was ahead of her time then Molly Ringwald turned her into a Normie cunt who likes Chad

embarrassing post

Look at how people will get mad at you for stating the absolute truth. Even ugly women can get sex whenever they want. Guys will fuck pretty much any woman. Women have pretty high standards even if they're ugly.

It's okay user, I'm with you.


10/10 post
Spot on

What movie?

I wonder if her muff hair had dandruff, too

Jesus Fucking Christ, I had to pause my movie to read this after skimming the first sentence because that's some bizarre ass shit.
You need to seek help, homie.

An autistic woman is still autistic even after she gives someone head. The two have nothing to do with each other user holy shit.


There was some freak monster with cerebral palsy posting pictures on reddit while she was doing an AMA about wanting to be a sex therapist some day. She said she had 3 sexual partners, a boyfriend, and immediately turns guys down if they want to fuck her because they fetishize her

just one example, but i'm also thinking of those 1400 pound mammoths that have 150 pound husbands that have a fetish for land whales

there's some pathetic fuck out there that will fuck any girl, kek

Breakfast Club.
Comfy movie.