ITT: shows with no bad episodes

ITT: shows with no bad episodes

There are no others. EEnE was the perfect show and most patrician animation ever made. Even Hey Arnold had that bad episode. You know which.

What bout the episodes with the animation changes?

Everything in the first 3 seasons of pic related was god-tier. There were still some decent episodes after the movie, but much more shit-tier ones as time went on

I consider first 3 seasons of spongebob its own separate show from post-movie episodes, since the feel was just so much different.

EEnE was fucking gold and anybody who says otherwise needs to be dragged out into the street and shot

>Even Hey Arnold had that bad episode. You know which.


The later seasons where they go to school are garbage


>patrician animation
But it's a really ugly art style.

I understand people being nostalgic for this show, but I don't know why they act like it's actually amazing. And I lived in the suburbs on a cul-de-sac and had similar summer antics, so it's not like I couldn't relate, I just thought all the characters were annoying and the most of them were kinda gross.

Hey Arnold's last two seasons and the movie are weak. Ed Edd n Eddy had a more consistent run even if their highs weren't as well-written as Hey Arnold's

I'm not knocking EEnE at all though. The use of sound effects on the show is amazing.

anyone remember the one where it's like a dream world? that one was based.

I hope they don't remake this like Powerpuff Girls.


what was under DD's hat guys? still bothers me...

>Hey Arnold's last two seasons and the movie are weak.
You think so? I always liked them as much as the others. We had great episodes like Helga On The Couch or Married. Plus, the animation really improved. What don't you like about it?

when Sup Forums nostalgia's over something you better NOT try to present a different opinion.

nothing special. it was revealed in a bonus ending on a game on cartoon network's website

One of the GOD tier episodes is where the Ed Ed eddy aren't even in the episode until the end and the entire culdesac is looking for them thinking they're planning a scam. And they come across chimp world and get fucked up as it collapses on them.

You are a cumdumpster obviously



another great one was the one where they build the giant cardboard city

god this show is so memorable

I didn't realize Helga on the Couch was late in its run. That's a good episode. DIno Checks Out was another one I really liked.

I still say the last season was a disappointment. The one where they think Stinky is a vampire, Monkeyman, and the last episode where Phoebe farts.

Parents' Day is a god-tier episode though.


Danny Antonucci gave it his blessing for the game to be made so...

Ya I loved the shows' style but there were tons of QUALITY animated scenes in the show

Yeah, thinking about it, it was sort of hit and miss, but still had some pretty great moments. The movie sucked ass, though. Hope the Jungle Movie is better.


>Pheobe farts

Please delete this, Sup Forums is a boner free zone

Give me a source

Most creators don't have time to approve or care about the continuity of generic licensed games, as long as it makes them bank

fight me faget

Another hat

Episodes focused on Masters were awful. At least the gook doctor didn't have a lot of relevance.

That's another fav


I think some of the episodes at the tail end of season 3 felt kind of lame and dumb, like the show knew it was winding down.

Still, I find all of the episodes pre-movie are merely watchable at worst, and god-tier at best.

He was such an odd character. He was a background character in a few episodes and even gets mentioned before his episode. Really out of place episode and they hired Andy Dick to voice him.

only bad episode of EEnE was the one where they keep trying to trick people into coming to some game after making an inanimate object talk to them via walkie talkie

other than that the show is 10/10

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but Andy dick is a disgusting piece of shit who led to Phil Hartman's death and then had the gall to joke about it

best episode of EEnE was the clubhouse one.

>best episode
>anything but monster ed

Is Ed, Edd, and Eddy the children's equivalent of It's Always Sunny?
Because I never liked either...

ITT: Childhood faps

I stand corrected

i disliked pretty much any episode that revolved around jimmy and/or sarah

not even, just different

THere's an EEE thread on /aco/ filled with marie

You're a pleb. Seasons 5-6 are still great except for 2 or 3 bad episodes

This had the best humor out of all kids cartoons.
Fight me.

>hating that episode

I don't remember any bad episodes. Damn that show was comfy. I remember watching that. That Jersey show. And famous Jett Jackson.

Pretty sure that's the one where Kevin goes batshit and we see Naz with no pants

Definitely under rated.

no that's the one where the Eds aren't in the episode until the very end and all the other kids get trapped in their Monkey world.

I watched the final episode when it first aired. It really felt like my childhood ended that day. The ending was really something to behold. Gave us everything we wanted, I think. It was the GOAT. No disputing it.

That was a fucking great episode.

I also like the one were they break their reality. I don't remember the name tho

Lost never had a bad episode.

Whoa there buddy! Be careful with that opinion you might hurt somebody!

I found this show boring as a kid.
Catchy theme tho

>no zim

Wtf, is this plebbit?

No, this isn't Hot Topic, you fag. EEnE is legendary. Liberals and women will never understand it.

Can you honestly say zim had no bad episodes?

Commencing dump

not that user but I agree the show had bad episodes

the one where they're in the bus travelling through dimensions without knowing it was GOAT though


It had less fun episodes I'll give you that

What did they mean by this?

I remember this being rather gruesome for a kid's cartoon, like that episode where they take the eyes out of a kid

Its funny how the creators were allowed to create characters whose soul purpose was to sexually assault the main characters in a kids show

the 90s were quite a time, eh?

They meant the fall of the Soviet Union was a mistake

If Ed edd n eddy were made today, /r9k/ and Sup Forums would complain about how it's SJW propaganda that legitimizes female-on-male rape

He got pegged.

The Boondocks


Is this opposite day? Cause there's no episode of that show that is actually good.
The entire show is garbage.
Also fuck off to

Plenty of shit ones in the last two.
But S1-S5 were literally perfect

It had such bizzare plots for almost each episode that It is hard for me to believe somebody could call them "boring".

I never liked this ruby ball headed freak cartoons.

I feel like the humor from this show is almost entirely from the voice work. I can't think of a single visual gag or situation that's funny because of how it's presented or drawn.


There were some mediocre as fuck episodes (i.e. most of the last couple seasons) but nothing terrible.


Football headed freak, you can still soccer futbol but until you're a global superpower you can fuck off if you want it to be called football.

this is the stupidest meme
Phil Hartman led to Phil Hatmans death

i dont even give a shit between the two, they both are the same with or without any of those paddings they wear.


the only good episode of this show is the BUTT-ler ep

You must be all the rage at partys


Prove me wrong.


only the wire satisfies this

come close
suny iasp

Curb Your Enthusiasm
Nathan For You

I'll think of some more

Literally no bad episodes

She's why I love blue hair girls


No. Andy Dick was the one who got Phil's wife re-addicted to cocaine, which led to her going mad and shooting him

