
According to rotten tomatoes this is the best movie of 2016 so far...
What do you guys think?

I really liked it, but your factoid says more about the quality of movies coming out this year than Zootopia itself.

Furry pandering

Yiff in hell degenerates


Way too political for a kids movie.

>why are people liking things I don't like
back to Sup Forums kiddo

It was nice, but nothing really that special.

Doug....get the fuck out.

I liked it. Nice movie, great animation, and the neo-noir tint reminded me of Blacksad.

>Are you sure about that.gif

Kids just like the gazelle with a big ass giving them a weird child boner. The political shit is for the parents dragged to theater begging for a breaking bad reference.

Not an argument

I want to fuck that bunny tbqh

You didn't like it, or you think it's raining kino this year?

>Everything with humanoid animal creatures is basically furbait.

Wow, such a deep line of thought.

This isn't an argument, I'm telling you to go back to your containment board you alt-right memester.

just watched it today. quality entertainment imo

It's not raining kino, but there were legit good movies this year. Also, you can't possibly just base the quality of this particular movie on others quality. If the movie wasn't good, people wouldn't like it. It's not really that hard to understand.

I've been busy and haven't explored this year, so any recommendations appreciated.

But my point is Zootopia is solid. I liked it a lot, good character arcs, fine plot, bold in some ways, bland in others. Its just not in a league of movies that could be the best in a twelve month period.

Don't we all?

Face it, if getting laid meant having to fuck a furfag, you'd do it.

Kubo is better

From an animation and technological standpoint the movie is a marvel and a firm step towards greater things. Disney is using movies to fund their own private development of animation technology which then creates more movies in a continuous cycle. Brave and Tangled were all about getting hair physics right. Zootopia was taking their perfected hair physics and applying it for fur, which meant they needed to amp up their rendering tech. Disney probably owns the most powerful rendering farms on the fucking planet.

At the rate they are progressing animation in 50 years they will easily have achieved the ability to make spontaneous stylized AR or VR environments. You could literally walk around with some kind of Disney vision on where everyone looks like furries or cartoons or some shit.

Disney is in this for the long game. They are long-term thinkers and care about their legacy as well as their future holdings. That is why they will either drive WB into the ground or buy it out. I honestly hope for the latter so as to not waste perfectly good IP.

Disney was worried they wouldn't meet their furry quota with Nala's fuck me eyes alone, so they made this movie.

No doubt. Be more worried about Dreamworks. They found the secret to shilling shit to China.

Well, just keep in mind that i personally am not a great critic, and many would say i have a severe case of shit taste. But here it goes.
I enjoyed most super hero movies of this year, except for DC, i thought they weren't bad, but could have been better, it should have been better.
I enjoyed The Conjuring 2, also Finding Dory and Jungle Book. If you like this kind of movie, i guess i could recommend Star Trek? I didn't really enjoy it, but maybe it's because sci-fi is not my thing.

Nala made me diamonds in that scene, i am not even ashamed.

I enjoyed all of MCU, but civil was so bad I almost walked out. I loved Star Trek 1 and 2 was okay, and almost walked out of 3. Dunno if my tastes are changing or something. I figure if I liked Zootopia I would like Dory.

I enjoyed Civil War a lot, but the ending...kinda felt pointless. It felt like nothing really changed that much, nothing was achieved, it was almost as if everything didn't even happen. But well, i liked the action scenes and for some reason i really like Bucky, i don't know why, i just really like his character. And in the end...
He gets frozen for no real good reason other than "i am so evil, i could hurt all of you someday" bullshit.

no doubt

fucking amazing.

I dig the lore since I learned that the movie was in production since 2011

Best animation of any feature length cgi film.

The work in Little Rodentia is fucking masterclass.

Animators can move between Dreamworks and Disney without much friction. You don't necessarily have to just work for one or the other. Ever notice how Clawhauser's animation might remind you of a certain panda?

The "rivalry" between Disney and Dreamworks is actually healthy for both companies since a straight monopoly would only limit job opportunities overall and produce stagnation while two firm core studios allows for a decent flow of films that are often good and almost never wholly bad while also allowing a lot of other, smaller studios to wet their feet.

Say what you want about the implosion of Hollywood, the world of Animation is doing pretty damn good right now.

God I wish I could work at disney as an artist or something..

Yes, its the bestflick this year, but that dont say that its good, all other are soooo bad.
Fucking Angry Birds were better.
Last year was actally really good(atleast tv shows were decent) so this is kinda cold turkey year, all poison, no sugar.

could you ,please, name 5 so i can start watching?

Anyone got a torrent? Gotta travel tomorrow and would like to see it.

its the same as frozen, pandering to one specific group.

but the normies dont realize it.

fucking this. how the fuck they got anything to render all those secenes with all that high qaulity fur is beyond me

It is
this year has been pretty bland tho

It was a good movie, also a safe one for critics to like and recommend hence the high rating. While I liked it I think Kubo and the Two Strings was a more interesting and creative animated film.