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Question of the thread: whats your favorite multi-part film? As in, a film too large that it was split up into multiple parts, each part individually shown as its own film. Examples would be Godfather Parts 1 and 2, Kill Bill vol 1 and 2, The Human Condition. This is different than a film series, like Star Wars for example, where despite being multiple parts, all of the parts are seen as being a part of the same film.

I'm going on a journey, people. I'm going to watch the three most popular films from each decade starting with the 1880s. Wish me luck.


about to watch THE HIDDEN FORTRESS. hopefully the thread is still up when i'm finished.

Three Colors Trilogy or Human Condition Trilogy.
Once Upon a Time in America 2 :(
Have fun with that lad!

I'm not sure if serial films are the same thing as what you're asking. Also letterboxd allows miniseries like John Adams which is definitely a different thing.


You should do 10 from each decade

Nymphomaniac is all I can think of that properly matches your criteria

Is Exodus: Gods and Kings the new VA meme?

Yeah, if you really want to get into it top 3 a year.

IV gave the only positive review of Ben-Hur I've seen some I'm assuming that will be it once it gets online


It's a big budget action film that flopped and was critically slated, prime candidate for edgy nerds

Fucking l o l

Angelina Jolie > Akira Kurosawa CONFIRMED

...no? THE HIDDEN FORTRESS is just rather tedious. everyone's got weak films.

Jolie is great, though. UNBROKEN is fairly uneven in the first and last 20 minutes, but BY THE SEA is fantastic.

Legit 9/10 and one of his better movies.

Stick to your vulgar auteurism meme.

>vulgar auteurism
>"It Ain't Me" starts playing

I keep asking for people to shit on my taste but you're just a bunch of pussies


It's bad.

You're quite generous with your ratings. Your taste seems to reflect IMDb.com's top 250... which is ok for a newbie. I highly suggest getting off the beaten track and expanding your horizons. Start watching more older films.



Yeah I never really watched movies until recent years so I had a lot of catching up to do with ""classics"" so I just looked the most popular movies

Steakfaggot isn't VA, he just has awful taste.

Why on Earth do you want to watch the live-action Kite movie.

Added it to the Watchlist years ago after watching the original Kite and thought it might be good. I seen the reviews and ratings and know it's a shitfest, but like a great saying goes," You can learn more from a bad movie than a good movie."



Up late as fuck, bout to break open this High Life 40oz & throw on the Breathless remake from the 80's with Richard Gere.

Please befriend me. No scrubs.



>People adding anime to tmdb under the guise of it being a miniseries
It's normal for anime to go for 12 episodes you assholes.

LWA is a movie. I mean things like Serial Experiments Lain / Tatami Galaxy / Paranoia Agent.

what makes them any less a miniseries than something like Generation Kill or Burning Bush?

The fact that they aren't a miniseries. It's not subjective, they were produced as normal TV shows and 11 - 13 episodes is the average length for TV anime.

all three of the shows you listed, along with The Tatami Galaxy, Ping Pong, FLCL, and certainly others, are written and produced with the idea of being a single season that lasts for a limited number of episodes. which is exactly the same as a live action miniseries.

FLCL is 6 episode OVA and essentially a miniseries, the others aren't.
I don't think you know what you're talking about since 1 season 13 episode anime is the average and would flood tmdb if we started pretending they were all miniseries' so we could impress our /lbg/ friends online.

Only garbage western shows run on forever without a set story or conclusion. How many times have you seen an anime cancelled before its conclusion, it doesn't often happen because they aren't produced that way.

>Only garbage western shows run on forever without a set story or conclusion.
>Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, and literally every other shonen ever exist
please be more delusional

No one on this website cares about those.

not on this board, maybe. regardless, they still exist.

>2/3 of them are finished
>Implying long-running shounen is the average instead of a rarity


People who liked Hardcore Henry: why? I was expecting it to be stupid and all but it could have at least had a plot.

Moscow-Cassiopeia & Teens in the Universe.

He deleted every review.

Impressive action and fast pacing. It did what it wanted to do and if you went in expecting a plot you're approaching it wrong.



Sounds like the problem lies with your expectations.

I just saw The Hunt (2012), one of the most critically acclaimed movies of the 2010's. The Hunt is a movie about what its like to be a white guy in modern Sweden. Mads Mikkelsen plays Lucas, a kindergarten teacher, but when words get around that Lucas is in fact a white male, the entirety of Sweden goes on a witch hunt for his overprivileged blood.

Its a pretty decent drama movie. I think certain elements need expanding while there are other elements that definitely need to be cut down or outright removed. I would have loved to see a more balanced screen time between Lucas, Klara, and Marcus. Klara's sudden accusation really feels like it comes out of nowhere, even though that is what really sets the movie in motion. There's some hints as to why Klara falsely accuses Lucas, the major one being he denies her love. Other minor reasons come from Klara seeing her brother's pornography, and maybe her parents fighting (which doesn't even happen after one scene). I personally would have gone this angle of showing more disfunction in Klara's family and showing more of how Klara develops these sexual tendencies at an early age. There wasn't enough build up to Lucas being accused.

Conceptually, I like the idea of a movie about a falsely accused rapist, and I understand the desire to mainly show how such accusations could ruin someone's life, but I think there should be more strength in the other interconnecting themes, like how someone comes to eventually accuse another of false crimes, how children develop mature tendencies they don't understand, or in Marcus's case, how being connected to a criminal can damage your own reputation.

>Three Colors Trilogy
Are these films necessary to watch side by side with one another? I've only ever seen Blue. Never cared to see Red or White.

It was nothign to write home about. Visually forgettable film and the story is pretty whatever

What films directly reference 'strong, silent type' in dialogue

>The Hunt is a movie about what its like to be a white guy in modern Sweden
No, it's about what it's like to be wrongly accused of a heinous crime
Don't try to push you agenda

No, I think Red references the other two at the end, but it doesn't matter and the ending still sucks anyway.



On deck:
>Clear and Present Danger (1994)
>Air Force One (1997)

what the fuck is nosaj's deal? someone tell that neurotic faggot to chill out

>Not significantly better than The Fugitive and Patriot Games

he's jewish and black

>deletes every review after last night thread had someone call him one of the worst reviewers
my fucking sides

>thinking a poor statement from an unoriginal, generic Sup Forums browser would affect nosaj

nice try nosaj, I'm not fooled

I'll accept that this was definitely part of it. But let's not pretend the action was that good either. It was sloppy, not particularly well choreographed and frankly the camera itself was shoddy. The fish-eye effect sucked balls.

>not particularly well choreographed
are you insane? go and watch the set piece that was in the abandoned block of flats.

that was easily a great action set piece that was well choreographed.

Every time I see you post you have new films, and every time I love you.

I thought it was an awkward combination of genres. The fish out of water stuff worked a lot better than the half assed thriller element.

I haven't seen the film but it looks like a video from that asian youtuber people were raving about some years ago. I never understood the acclaim that guy received and this just seems like a 90 minute version of one of his videos.

How many years until we get another confirmed classic?

You had the stomach to watch Inside Out?

>asian youtuber people were raving about some years ago
fuck I can't remember his name at all

I hated that guy

>Vulgar auteur idiot.
invalid opinion detected


If that's the threshold, expect a couple this month.

should probably bump a few 4.5's up there

Days of Heaven
Die Hard with a Vengeance
Mean Girls
Le Samourai
Floating Weeds


Demon Pond
The hypothesis of the stolen painting
Angel Dust
A Bittersweet Life
The Return (2003)
Les Choristes
Funny Games
The Pied Piper of hamelin (jiri barta)
The Thief and the Cobbler
The bad seed
Children of Paradise
Castaway on the moon
Le Samourai

is that why he's obsessed with kanye west and constantly compares capeshit movies to rap albums

>he lowered his Exodus: Gods and Kings rating

I'd rather not have that faggot rate it highly anyway, a good film becomes guilty by association

Come and See
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
Lawrence of Arabia
Apocalypse Now
2001: A Space Odyssey
Citizen Kane

Too new. Would have been better if you kept your mouth shut.

t. college freshman

t. highschool senior

pls kys yourself

>don't know
>4.5 maybe 5
>4 maybe 4.5
>4.5 maybe 5
be harsher

How do you rate movies? Eraserhead is impressively made, but I don't connect to it in any way.

He said any film you've ever rated a 5. I rated them that at the film level I was at time. If you noticed, it has improved, from Rope to L'ange, and others.


>im literally too contrarian to enjoy anything

been a while since I've seen eraserhead myself so the rating could change, but this is my scale

0.5-I've been to hell and back
1-it made me want to die
1.5-it just barely didn't make me want to die
2-it was bearable
2.5-it was almost good but a few issues made it a bit too boring
3-it was good
3.5- it was good but also memorable
4-it was great
4.5-it was almost perfect but not quite there
5-it was perfect

and I "like" things that I think deserve an elevated position compared to other closely rated movies

>tfw your reviews are complete garbage

post your profile

don't worry nosaj

it's not contrarianism, I just overhauled my ratings a month ago from it's previous state of being all 4 and 5 star ratings for movies I liked and half star for movies I don't like. It just helps to keep a small list of movie that are really great.

Also Mad Max is better than road warrior, call me a contrarian but it's what I actually believe.

no you'll call me an embryo

A 4.5 star film is enjoyable m8.

Yeah but what does it mean good or perfect? For instance I rate on technique, idea, execution, cinematography, and the likes. This is what makes me like a film.

>there are people on letterboxd general RIGHT NOW who don't give 5 stars to movie they like

embryo need to be aborted

Rating autism rears its ugly head again

>tfw your tastes change and you're not sure if you agree with your ratings anymore

Do you still give 5 stars to a movie you like that is objective bad?

Fair enough.
Clear and Present Danger is much better than Patriot Games thanks to Willem Dafoe.

Try The Mosquito Coast for more Ford.

Interpretation is subjective from person to person, but I consider good to be something well executed and entertaining, while a perfect score is one that really drew me into the world and I had no real complaints about. I agree with your way of doing it, but I feel that there's still a sort of x-factor needed to make a movie perfect for me.

/lbg/ give me a reason the first Star Wars movie shouldn't be a 5/5 (Im talking about Episode IV)