/retardedNEET/ General

Who else /retardedNEET/ here?




Me tbqh laddos. I'm literally diagnosed with autism.

Used to. Now I'm a wagecuck.

How is it, lads?



Checking in

Welcome how's your night

It's 6:30am here. Been feeling a bit depressed lately about being a retarded neet tbqfh, it's pretty shitty

>parents getting old and wont be able to support you for longer


what are job interviews like, lads?

sometimes i feel that way but then i just immerse myself in video games interlaced with random shitposting

Who dat

calling a studio tomorrow to see if I can visit then im going to ask if I can intern pls pray for me

7am about to snuggle into bed ;)

They've gotten progressively harder with aging. I've had many job interviews, nobody will hire me. I just can't talk to people. I've completely given up. I'm killing myself in the next couple days. I can't keep living off people

I'm planning to make a nice stain on the sidewalk when that happens.

>mfw some faggot wagecuck has to clean it up

I'll pray for you buddy

Have a good sleep

any /wagecuckthatfeelsdeathandagelooming/ here?

>tfw no NEET bf

I was told getting a job was easier when you get older.
Hell Bernie Sanders became a senator at 40 after years and years of being a NEET shitter.

>tfw always scared

How is this Sup Forums?

Nice thread. Just watched the dark knight again to look for differences in that joker and the one from suicide squad.


You don't need to be user. I believe in you :)


It's gotten much worse recently because I have no place to live in a few days. I'll be homeless in Philadelphia and I'm terrified. I'll have no friends family or money to help me

>image.jpg iPhone faggots

no, more like shitposting normalfaggots pretending to be retarded

also, daily reminder Sup Forums and Sup Forums killed Sup Forums, mostly in 2013 but Sup Forums started it in 2012

Start lifting bro you need more test for that big NEET cock

but 2012-2013 Sup Forums was practically the golden age

Nighty night

I hate this

Not retarded, but bipolar badly enough to get stuck in a hospital and drop out of college maybe forever.

Being a NEET is the best, I'm sorry you faggots can't enjoy it.

>C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1450097689327.png

Only shitty thing is not being able to 420 when I want

It really doesn't help except making you feel a tiny bit better about yourself. Although if you get buff enough you might be able to get hired onto some physical labor job just based off looks

If you need to abuse drugs to be happy, you're not really happy.


It helps for me
Better sleep
Less anxious
More confident etc

so how disappointed are you parents?

shut up fag

Who gives a shit what they think. They're the reason I fucking turned out this way.

Im gonna switch my job to part time or days off, I have enough money

Checking in. Staying up late tonight to fight the alt-righters

I don't really expect them to understand. I pay the odd bill and help around the house, it's not much but I feel like my presence isn't a net negative.

how did we only end up like this

Doesn't matter. All the matters is what lies ahead.

learn to grow famalam

very, I'm mid 20s neet and my older brother is working 2 dead end minimum wage jobs just to stay in a shitty apartment

meanwhile cousin on moms side who is same age as us is making 90 grand a year and both younger cousins on dads side of family graduated college with engineering degrees and 1 works for google

Parents get to look at their brothers and sisters and see how well their children grew up and then over here I'm the black sheep in the family tree and brother's just 1 rung above me

t. game of redditors tourist

Yeah I know that feel.
I can't even go to family gatherings any more because everyone talks over me and looks at me like I'm some kind of child rapist.

I bet it feels good though in a way right like at least you have something going for you

iktf, I went to a family gathering 5 years ago and won't make that mistake again

what do I have going for me

lol. they probably dont look at u that way

>he doesn't know bout the image.jpg

>tfw I ran out of clothes that fit so I just wear the same three t shirts and the same pair of basketball shorts everyday

26 year old virgin here

I think it's over

I-I'm doing great

everything is f-fine

Who /sub100iq/ here?

I probably am. Scared to find out

I don't know tbqh. Overheard my mother talk about how my grandfather on my fathers side thinks I'm the biggest disappointment in his life.

That's something to consider I guess.

oh I get it, yeah it's real comforting knowing I'm the biggest fuckup in my extended family. I'm the one they can look to and tell their children "if you keep doing that you'll end up like uncle user"


I just binge marathon fapped. Did i do good and like it?

On the higher end of average. Story of my life; Average.

>tfw you're practically the last of your line
Well, I think one of my aunts had a boy the other year, maybe that retarded little faggot can carry on the family name.

wow feels good to be a normal person. I have a smoking hot wife and I make 80,000 a year. I'm only 22 also

Who /fluctuating iq/ here?

>22 with a wife

Who else having these weird recurring dreams which are almost nightmares but quite aren't at the same time

It's some PTSD tier shit i'm tellin you bros

fucking boomers


All my dreams are disturbing in some way. And they always have my high school friends in them. I've been out of high school for years so it's weird

I cant say that but I can say I've only gotten dumber over the years. Turns out drugs and alcohol really do take a toll on your brain

Tfw 25 years old and barely got my drivers permit

You are literally me. I've stopped counting how many times my old school appeared as a setting for my dreams by now but this has been going on for over half a decade

I still hate my parents for sending me to that school against my will, it fucked me up good

Something about that time in your life still haunts you user

I get recurring themes in dreams which is neat I guess. Something new will pop up in a dream and then a year later I'll get a continuation off that new thing and actually remember it from the old the dreams

My favorite dreams though are when giant catastophes happen and you actually think you're dying but then the bomb explodes or whatever and you wake up still alive. It's so peaceful to just stop and watch the blastwave as it's about to overcome you

I've been having dreams where I actually have friends and sometimes even a gf. Everything is great. Then I wake up.

Weird, all my dreams are about a hellish landscape populated by nightmarish beasts pretending to be human. They constantly probe me to ensure their disguises are functional, and if I show the slightest bit of doubt or hesitation I spend the next few hours in what feels like years of a literal hell where my flesh is peeled back from my bones and organic looking pustules are wrung out over the exposed muscles and organs.

I've gotten pretty good at it now, they only figure out I'm lying once a week or so.

I have trouble counting the times I had dreams that didn't involve my old high school friends.
Just this night I had a dream that a friend whom I haven't spoken to in 6 years found out that his father cheated on his mother, and then the same father came trying to shoot me multiple times.

Really made me think.

Same. I always try to force myself to go back to sleep to have those dreams again

/geniusNEET/ reporting in
>Tfw aced the Sat and went to nearby community college for a semester before dropping out

Yeah no shit

It's not just that school either, i get fragments of my past as dream settings all the time but quite often it involves these people and places from my youth all mangled together

It's like my subconscious is telling me that i forgot something quite important back there when i boarded the train to adulthood, at least that's what i'm deducting from it with my conscious mind

You're mentally still a child

Figured everyone kind of has these school dreams. Peak of puberty and probably where you're most emotionally strained; at least for me anyway.

25 aswell, had license for 5 years but have only drove 1 time since getting it. No real point in having the license without a car or insurance or money for gas or places to be


woah now

Grow garden, eat garden, ok?

well at least he isn't the only manchild on Sup Forums

Isn't that the point of this website? a site for manchildren to come take out their frustration anonymously

are some of you on disability and get money?

recently i had a dream where my toilet was overflowing and flooding my room

when i went into the restroom to investigate i found a midget version of ricky gervias with one of his arms cut off, don't know what the fuck that was all about

I'm a uni cuck. God damn I give my brain a good working out every day using math and science.
I couple this with an intense physical workout schedule at the gym.
All this combined makes me feel like a million dollars.

>Going to decent college to graduate with CS degree in 2 semesters and start working
>Besides college expenses, work a part time job to afford to do things like videogames
>Still feel like a useless leech off my parents

I look at myself in the mirror every morning and tell myself to fall over and die. I have never told anyone that I do this, and I've been doing it for the past 3 years or so. I don't even know why I do it anymore, and I've scoured the internet for people who do this too and have found nothing. I'm scared to ask for help because I think people will overreact.

You don't want to be a faggit like Bernie sanders, he wants to force people to work force large corporations while pretending he has the good of the people at heart, all liberals due this. In a truly free society the government wouldn't just own un purchased land by default, and people would be free to grow food and live there.

You and your bro JUST got off on the wrong foot my dude. I feel you though

do you mean fluctuating on a day-to-day basis or just decreasing over the years?