This is the best episode of ed edd and eddy

this is the best episode of ed edd and eddy

you can not agree against this fact

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I agree

Ywn have a cool cardboard city of your own

Nah this is easily the best:

You ever wonder what it would feel like to be stripped naked by the kankers?

Did I mention Naz lounging?


spent a chunk of my childhood pondering that question

Why was Rolf so strong?

slav strength

son of a farmer's strength

>god-tier cartoon
>god-tier movie finale

So much went right. Too bad AKA Cartoon's next project hasn't been picked up by a network.

What's the episode where the kanker sisters make food for them to eat in their house, and someone comes up behind Double D and there's this loud wheezing screech and he says something like "please do not disturb me while I am eating"

and they're watching TV and it's that god damn live action puppet fish show hahaha

might just be the first episode where they meet the kankers

>that episode where they subject plank to chinese water torture

absolute gold

havent seen this in 12 years, was one of my favorites as a kid


they did that to get Johnny to piss right

It's up there but the one where they play spacemen in the junkyard will always reign supreme.

Why so many EEnE threads?

I liked the junkyard episode, but I'm also a big fan of post apocalyptic scenarios

>"double D can be my wife!"
>[visible look of disgust from Edd]
>"Ed's taller, I-I think he should!"

Jesus, TV's come a long way from homophobic shit like this. In such a short amount of time, too.

love the squirt gun ep


>not the elevator episode


>/biz/ the episode


Yooo the whole of Big Picture Show is on Youtube. Postan kino:
CN should have put out a DVD years ago, what gives?

>you will never eat a kankerburger
They looked so fucking good.

This show is still pretty funny. Anyone else think Jimmy is underrated? Some of the things he says are funny and he's secretly an evil genius.

Show goes down hill when they switched to the new animation, didn't have the same comfy feeling. Also the characters got flanderized.

Seasons 2-3 have the GOAT episodes.

How was thus homophobic? Do we need to petition to remove this from television?

>black kid has wood and is obsessed with watermelons


my favorite was when they were going to the movies but ended up lost in the junkyard.

or the one when they sail a boat for cash.

>you will never be a kid again and turn on the TV to tom and jerry, Edd ed and eddy and suit life of zack and Cody again

What's the episode where Eddy's hair turned into propellers, lol'd so hard

>suit life of zack and Cody

are you a homo? even back than, i hated that show.

that dumb Asian girl was cute.

The balloon one.
>the episode where Eddy takes him under his wing and Jimmy fucks him over in the end
>the episode where they were framed and it was Jimmy all along
Alot of serial killers grow up gay with sociopathic tendencies, fun fact.

I always thought Johnny was mexican or puerto rican or something. Too light to be black.

Ill never get this show, it was ugly, boring, lelsorandom, and all the characters are obnoxious. No idea how it stayed on the air for so long, no one I knew watched it. Maybe I was just too old for it.

You're right I can't.

I've always thought it was my favorite episode.

Oh man. I forgot about this part.
Why is ed, edd n eddy so good?