Making a Murderer

Jesus man, Why hasn't anyone posted this yet?

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He should get a night with the pornstar of his choice as well

This desu

He should then proceed to murder her in the ultimate twist of a lifetime.

Why don't things like that ever happen to me?

ava devine as backup

So that they can talk about wrestling all night long?

If this were to happen, does wwe bump his seats to private VIP box instead?

>you will never roll up to Wrestlemania fresh out of the joint with 6 porn stars


I hope he gets to go.

inb4 he murders someone

I hope in the future we change the term "Hardcore porn" to vanilla porn.

>porn site makes ridiculous offer no one would do for free publicity.

>Feeling sympathy for retards

can someone summarize all of this in a few seconds? i don't plan on ever watching the show


Aren't these the retards that tried to "protest" North Carolina's bathroom laws by cutting off the state's ability to use their tranny porn?

Aren't they also famous for being loaded with Spyware and Adware and other shit?

Hes literally a dangerous psychopathic murderer. Let me give my dog a cookie next time he craps on the carpet too, jesus christ

>kid confesses to a murder in great detail
>then later goes "LOL JUST KIDDING, GUYS! :p"

Yeah the gist of it is that you should kill yourself as soon as possible.

>a hardcore porn site

bitch got murdered innawoods

retard made a false confession (probably got threatened by his killer uncle) and got put away for rape and murder even though a lot of his story didn't line up, but he knew something, they just fucked up his case

He's retarded and he thought he could go to wrestlemania still while he was in jail. Honestly it seems a little offensive to think he still gives a shit because of some meme, but on the other hand fucking retard probably had something to do with it

>borderline retarded man and even more retarded nephew get framed for murder
>man will likely die in prison
>nephew might get out

actually, he murdered a woman with his uncle and got caught.


>framed for murder

poor guy dindu nuffin he just had her car on his property which was her last known whereabouts and his blood on/in the car with a fresh cut and doesn't have an alibi

I'll say that they royally fucked up the whole thing but where there's smoke there's fire. As much as Brendan was lead in his confession, there is stuff he said that he wasn't prompted about and would have no way of knowing unless he saw the body/murder

i dunno

That's pretty awesome.

Please explain the tampered blood vial in the evidence lockup.

>confessed to a murder

>literal retard being bullied by cops
>hurr he did it!

explain how the blood collected in the car was determined to not be the same blood from that allegedly 'tampered' with sample regardless

>finally gets out of jail
>free trip to wrestlemania
>main event is bork lesnar vs randy orton

it's strange but he did have a fresh cut on his hand that was bleeding too, why give the criminal the benefit of the doubt? (yes he had priors, even if you don't think he killed anyone)

thing is you don't have any evidence of fowl play, just vague threads that don't lead anywhere

They hardly bullied him, I watched those tapes twice actually. I'm still not sure what happened but he most definitely copped to shit that they didn't feed him

To be fair it was inconclusive I believe, but still

explain how if he is 'innocent', he was literally found to be guilty

Xhamster and Pornhub are in the top 100 global website list by traffic,

When you're that far up you don't need malware to make profit, every other noname porn site is infested tho.

the cops screwed up


Never watched the doc, don't know if he murdered anyone, but hell if he gets out why not send him to wrestlemania.

>badgering a simpleton for hours to sign a confession
>only signs so he can see wrestlemania

I'm personally like 70/30 on the guilty/framed perspective.

I don't understand why people get so confident and heated about stuff like this though. We don't know a lot of the details, stuff that the public and even the police aren't aware of. What's the point in pretending we do?

>stupid people that don't know how to use noscript and adblock

you can't get malware from any site if you aren't a subhuman

No there's no spyshit and malware.

That sounds like Snoop Dogg's life everyday.

He's 26 and has no kid. Do they really think he gives a shit anymore about wrestling?

>"no guys, he didn't mean to confess, he's just too stupid, and the cops were being mean by asking him questions!"

Legit convincing argument.

i kind of wanna go to the super bowl. guess i will just go kill a woman in cold blood lol

>What's the point in pretending we do?

same reason that Trump is literally Hitler and if you vote for him you are a psychopath who hates black people and mexicans

people just want to feel morally superior because they feel insecure with their own beliefs so they go along with whatever's popular

>Do they really think this 26 year old retard gives a shit about wrestling?

>asking someone a question

Whatever you have to tell yourself.

>easily coerce retarded kid into admitting murder and rape because the kid just wants to get back to class
>retarded kid gets sentenced for life

American """"""""law"""""""" system at work.


With all the people in prison on bogus charges, exactly how much of a jew do you have to be to get a whole tv show made with the express purpose of getting you out of jail?

Oh yeah let's go to Canada where they let murderers and rapists go free and put people in jail for saying bad things on the internet.


Can you show me a clip where they put a gun to his head or beat him with a pipe until he gave a false confession?

>With all the people in prison on bogus charges

lel, I love this argument.

Please tell me again how the Illuminati planted the weed on you, Jamal.

but but he's dumb so that means he doesn't know what it means to confess to a fucking murder, give me a fucking break bleeding heart liberals

Holy shit there is no definition of coerce that restricts it to physical action.

I'm still largely sure the kid is guilty but you need to work on how you reason your arguments you fucking mong.

again unless you are a retard that doesn't use noscript and adblock you deserve to get malware.

The fact that it's there in the first place is a blatant indication it is run by scum-bags.

but then he's right back where he started

I talked to a cop once.

He asked me if the vehicle parked in the street was mine, and if it was I needed to remove it.

I immediately falsely confessed, in detail, to raping and murdering three homeless people.

Fucking pigs coercing false confessions out of people....

>confesses to tieing her down on the bed and cutting her
>no blood or dna found in the bedroom

>borderline retarded


Has he had his intelligence tested?

You don't just get a blank check to not have your actions considered suspicious if you have a below-average IQ.


He's going to be really PISSED how "WWF" has changed since he's been locked up

Literally no different than anyone else, everyone says they're innocent, this faggot gets his own show? Im sure its a PURE COINCIDENCE

>I want to get back to class
>better confess in detail to aiding in the rape and murder of a woman

Makes sense.

I don't know how much of his story was coerced or not
but I do know that he deserves to be in jail for how criminally stupid he was handling that situation

Adnan did it. Stephen's brothers did it.

he will think wrestling sucks now

he went in when it was awesome

a retarded kid and his retarded uncle killed and raped a woman just like cave men would do because that is what retards do, they hurt animals and rape women and piss and shit themselves.

people just love to think of the police as evil bad guys. imagine if this kid was black too lol they would probably make him mayor of the town and give him a solid gold corvette

If you're so stupid that you confess to a crime you didn't commit just because you were asked, you need to be jail.

If you're that fucking stupid, how long until you stab a woman 23 times in the chest with a kitchen knife because you think it will make candy come out?

dude if he was black he would never see the light of day

Would make for an incredible season 2

>le justice system is harder on blacks than whites meme

Funny how statistics never back that up.

He's legitimately retarded. You don't need to bully a retard to get him to say dumb things.

Who's his favorite porn star Sup Forums?

No they didn't

Lets not punish the poor boy any further, you sadistic fuck.

i disagree

>cop promises to literally let go the mentally deficient teen with no lawyer present
>on film
>"th-they're just doing their jobs..."

Shane Diesel

kek, nice

posting from mobile and dont wanna break out my headphones can any tell a Sup Forumsro what the meaning of this is?

>mentally deficient

You keep saying this.

Unless he's been medically tested it has jack-shit legal baring.

he was

How can he turned out to be so fat? Does American prison feed you really well?

He's already a regular /asp/ antismarks

I think they said he was tested. I don't remember for sure, but they did bring up a few times that he was slower or had a learning disability or something.