Is a millionaire

>Is a millionaire
>Has thousands of fans
>Has friends

What's his fucking problem and why do people sympathize with him?

I don't know; I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. The only cartoons I watch are Chinese cartoons.

>not being a millionaire who fucks models and has a billion friends but is still human and can get sad
Your life must be miserable.
I don't like that show, sorry famo

No one's going to sympathise with a horse in a jacket

Most people don't numbnuts. His character is a shithead. I'm hoping he finally kills himself on series finale while his former friends celebrate his miserable death.

He always has a long face.

I really don't undestand why Sup Forums likes this stupid shitty show.

>Is a millionaire
>Has thousands of fans
>Has friends

What's his fucking problem and why do people sympathize with him?

No one's going to sympathize with a human in a jacket

I think you mean why the long face?

He'd been diagnosed with Parkinson's mate....


Parkinson's AND Alzheimer's Disease

The autopsy revealed a truly broken brain

>this person has achieved more than me, therefore I cannot sympathize with any aspect of his life

This, end this pathetic redditor show

Fuck off

Cause its a shit cartoon.



More like
>This person has no real reason to be sad

You sound like one of those faggots who, whenever a celebrity they like is criticized, falls back on the "ur jus jelus :)" shtick

>this person has achieved more than me, because he had the support of peers, family and/or friends for those moments when he wanted to give up, as well as a stable upbringing and stable finances, therefore I cannot sympathize with any aspect of his life

Fixed that for ya


>tfw literally all my problems in life are money related

If every single one of your problems are money-related you have a problem, seek medical help

Wouldn't I want financial help?

Why would I need medical help when I'm healthy and emotionally stable?

>Is a millionaire
Money doesnt give you sincere company. I reckon you as a neet cant understand that.

>Has thousands of fans
No, he doesnt. He has people that recognize him and doesnt really know him and dont care if he lives or die

>Has friends
Either people that has spent enough time with him to recognize what shitty person he is or whose friendship hangs by an invisible thread.

If anything Bojack is fucked up because even when he is selfish, self-centered, abusive, manipulative and generally a bastard... he is trying to be sincere and get a hold of things. He fails miserably but he keeps trying, but anyone else on his position would have party till the sun is up and died of an overdose.

He is a horse that had stopped running.

I've never related to a fictional character more than Bojack.
I also have a fear of horses.

>mfw the entire show is just building up to a 'why the long face' scene in the last minute of the last episode

>What's his fucking problem and why do people sympathize with him?

Read the critics, reviews, peoples posts, etc.

Nobody sympthizes with bojack.

Know why? Because he is an unrealistic, over the top caricature of what feminist women imagine men are like.

Bojack is a poorly written trope

i tried to get into this show a few times but its just so poorly written and has some weird feminist undertones. it feels like the writer or writers are fresh out of college and want to sound smart.

"Only poor people think that being rich would solve all of their problems."

-Greg Kinnear

Fuck you!

I've been thinking about this aswell, it would be amazing.

it's some bullshit about how people don't actually appreciate him and he fucks things up because he's sabotaging himself, and people relate to the idea that they are lonely but not alone because they play a "character" at work and with their loved ones

however this would not be possible if all the characters were human. without the animal faces, the world would be reduced to celebrity lookalikes bitching about nothing and we would immediately see multiple characters for who they really are. it's the reason so many people hate diane. it's a fact people see innocence and authenticity in animals and the show plays us like a fiddle to force us to empathize with generally unlikable characters.

just imagine any of these characters as human

bojack bitches about trivial non issues yet lives in luxury on the california coast and fucks women on the reg

caroline focused too much on her career and is paying the price for neglecting her personal and love life

mr peanut butter would come off as extremely fake and disingenuous despite the show's efforts to state otherwise

many other examples, but notice how human characters are often the least likable, even todd who is a classic "dumb but lovable" kid is given such poor dialogue and a nonexistent arc that we end up frequently annoyed by his antics unless paired with an animal hybrid

the show uses animals to garner empathy from the audience to disguise lazy writing and blow the trivial challenges celebrities face out of proportion