Dazed and Confused

This just made me fucking depressed.

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just call your friends and throw a party to cheer you up user

That you dont get to fuck around with high school sluts?
Yea, me too


This shit just won't fly today

what if the beer guy delivers the kegs a few hours early and his parents decide to cancel their trip

just keep on L I V I N
movies frogposters will never understand thread?

Reminded me of the good times, man.

Now I be living some other good times, so it's pretty swank nevertheless.

is linklater the ultimate anti-/r9k/ film maker?

Everybody Wants Some!! is a great anti-frogposter movie

At the end when the guy starts talking about needing to live life to the fullest and enjoy years of being young, is Linklater trying to get me to kill myself?


>too old now to fuck high school girls

ah well i had a good run, was fun while it lasted. don't waste that time guys

f-fuck you

Fuck off

that's seriously uncool man

Nobody ever has nightouts as fun as in the film. It's simply a fabrication

>Never had friends
>Let alone friends like those.
>Never had that much fun in any summer
as an asocial shutin that suffers from autism this film made me melancholic as hell

closest thing to a 'friend' i have is a name in steam friend list from old irc buddy

literally my only contact in any social media like thingy.

>had a lot of fun nights out
>never fucked with any girls
>mainly because I'd get so fucked up on drugs and alcohol bad decisions were made

I had nights out like that, with friends very similar to that. I think it's worse now that i'm a loser, i miss those times a lot. Ignorance is bliss, or something

Keep telling yourself that, user.

this, In films they have enough money depending on what the plot calls for

real life is work all day, Its usually just

>get drunk with people in garden because you don't have energy for bars or clubs
>hook up with a girl or get into a 3 way depending on the ratio of girls vs guys
>wake up with a horrible hangover that lasts 2 days

never had any wild adventures, its either lets go here or there and come home

I've had nights out and stuff sort of like that, but going out at that age in the UK compared to the USA is very different

it made me want to experience that age in America

This. Only thing I hope for when getting home is if I can use dad's fleshlight.

Are/were American schools really like how the movie presents it to be? With a horrible, accepted culture of hazing and humiliation?

Certainly not at all today. But back then? it was possible. But even then it wouldn't be everywhere. But in the film's defense, it does take place in Texas, where stupid shit like that was most likely to happen.

If you were to talk to most Americans, they'd tell you they never had to go through that kind of shit.

why do you call it horrible? not doing stuff like that is a huge reason why we have a massive nu-male problem. coddling men like babies turns out weak effeminate bitches.

I got depressed when I saw this scene. I had been homeschooled all my life, and I knew a girl who was four years younger than me who had also been homeschooled, but started going to public school when she was a freshman. This scene made me worry about what they did to her, and I wasn't even there to protect her.

There's a middle ground between coddling and harassment.

>protect her

she got her brains fucked out by 20 guys and she wanted it. stop putting pussy on the pedestal, they are all just whores you whiteknight pathetic faggot

i'm european and there's a hazing thing going on right now 100m from my house or so

buncha drunk 16 year olds running around screaming

no, there isn't. men are not born, they are forged. before anyone jumps in with the insults let me save you the time, i don't consider myself much of a man, but my point remains true. bullying is a vital function in creating men and not nu-male faggots. It either helps to create men, or breaks them as they would have been broken sooner or later anyway. I know some of you here are in the broken category so i understand the hate i will get for this post, but it's just the truth. The world of men is still very much survival of the fittest, maybe someday we will all be like women where you can just do whatever but we aren't there

you sure it's not just a pack of refugees raping your teenaged girls?

Thanks Confucius. Everyone knows that a degree of bullying is necessary for development. The extent to which someone should be bullied is the issue. The bullying in Dazed and Confused is excessive.

lol. not the same user, but jesus, you're a bitch.

I would argue it isn't even close to enough.

t. marine

i have seen boys become men, being spanked with a paddle doesn't even scratch the surface

its a movie and its set in the 70s maybe it should get the 2016 remake treatment
how would it be in 2016? lol

We all know that feel m8.

One of the most retarded shit I've ever read, we're not living in the jungle, physically overpowering people makes no sense.

No one should be bullied, it has no purpose.

>INB4 it makes you tougher

Not really.

The problem with this board is that as a reaction to its autism Sup Forums posters and edgy teens have invaded it en mass.


Life can be similar to this shit for people if you want it to be... I know it sure as hell is around here. Come to the Southern US and find the small towns. All the hazing shit is exaggerated for the most part but that did exist in a similar way back then and the hardcore shit was college level. The "no adults around" vibes in these movies are what really get people.

watch Everybody Wants Some if you are really suicidal and want to end it all

its the shittiest movie of 2016


>le ebin bullying is good cuz it shapes men
Fuck this faggot meme. When you get bullied it is your holy duty to fuck his shit up even if you die in the process. If you submit your alleigance to the aggressor and "take it" then you're a fucking cuck faggot. The victim should not tolerate an ounce of bullying and should meet it with abaolute aggression even if it's merely name calling.

t. nu-males

you know i'm right, just accept it.

b-but that was a good movie

society doesn't work like that, especially considering we're in a monogamic society and not some group of chimpanzee.

>we're not living in the jungle
Depends completely on where you live. Even in the modern age, knowing how to stand up for yoruself and fight is vital in most parts of the world. Maybe not in your sheltered neighbourhood, but in most places.

>provides no legitimate argument except "i'm right and you're a faggot for disagreeing with me"

wonderful discourse we have here.

any social readjustment that can be accomplished via bullying can be done without physically and emotionally tormenting someone. positive reinforcement is stronger than positive punishment when adjusting behavior. this is evident with training dogs. humans are no different. you don't teach your kid how to behave by hitting him every time he does something wrong, you teach him by praising him when he does something right. this has the benefit of being emotionally healthy for the kid and also narrowing down the behavioral relationship to the reward, which is then retained easier. it's vastly more efficient. you're gonna need to hit him four times to each him A is the "good" behavior out of ABCDE, but you only need to praise him once.

This, couldn't have said it better myself, but desu I didn't want to put effort into convincing an edgy fuck like him.

Call an escort and throw a party to cheer you up, user.

It's not black and white. And it's completely dependant on the child. Not all children are the same. Not all methods work the same for all children. You're making gross generalizations based on narrow experience. If it was indeed so that that praise always beats bully, then why is the latter such a dominant trait in all young animals, including human beings?

>needing to live life to the fullest and enjoy years of being young

well, I have.

Hell, I've been drunk of my face on football pitches in the middle of the night, ran around the neighborhoods and shot of fireworks into peoples gardens. Illegal street racing, drugs, skinny dipping, large drunken house parties that cops ended up shutting down, driving around all night with your friends, keg stands, nude poker etc etc.
All that "Essential" teenage stuff that you see depicted in this film and other teenage movies.

I did all that and still I feel I didnt live my life back then to the fullest, I still think about the missed opportunities. My memories of the high school years tend to come with a sense of bittersweet nostalgia.

I dont miss the things I did as much as I miss the people I did it with though, now we're all in our early to mid twenties, either far off at university, busy with jobs or soon to be dads.

but thats life.

you will never have friends like that again most likely, shit sucks. everyone has their lives going, usually kids and a wife. wish i could say things get better but they don't, signed an old fag

t. nu-male cuck

Yes. This movie really suck balls. I bet Sup Forums loves this stinky flick.



How do you feel watching this character?


not even that guy, but it's weird when you can know you could beat the shit out of someone only based on a 3 "word" post anonymously. I guess you could call that an accomplishment

>you will never have friends like that again most likely, shit sucks.

I know, I miss the gang.

But hell, I'm still young, in two weeks time I'm heading up with some friends to visit another friend who's away on college, intend to have as much fun as possible.

You should listen Tony Robbins.

not even that guy, but it's weird when you can know you could beat the shit out of someone only based on a 1 "sentence" post anonymously. I guess you could call that an accomplishment

fuck man, can you not even compose yourself to act tough on the internet? my life is not great but I feel sorry for you and that's saying something. pathetic

All the people I know who turned out to be MEN were not bullied in the slightest in their formative years.

People I'm aware of that were bullied turned out to largely be huge sperglords, part of the reason they were bullied in the first place. The ones who were pretty normal but were bullied because they were weak or just different in some asinine way turned out pretty much exactly how you would have expected them to with or without bullying.

You sound like an 18 year old edgelord who was bullied but always fantasized about unleashing your katana and being on the other end of it.

enjoy it while you can, but the sad truth is it just ends up as fond memories in the end. you know what, think i'm just gonna kill myself

you sound like a sheltered nu-male, and i bet that's exactly what you are


I guess all the t.numale jokes were taken, so you had to craft your own. Brilliant discourse, lad.

life is for the most part large amounts of meh and short burts of happiness.

My life was like that back in high school, I just dont remember it that vividly as the good parts. Memories are always rose tinted and romanticised.

>think i'm just gonna kill myself
I just think you need a change of scenery if you feel you're in a rut.


Are there any other movies that pull off the "hang out" genre as well as Dazed and Confused?


my highschool was pretty shit but still better than now

in retrospect, i pretty much did one big fat NOTHING throughout it.
but it's not like everyone else was partying and fucking and having so much crazy fun.
it was like that for everyone here but just slightly better i guess because they were less depressed

I had. Lots.

We even had our own moon tower-like spot in the hills, always 50-120 drunk high school kids, music, jokes, puking, silly games, long walks home with my friends where we would kick out street lights etc.

And then I wasted almost all the time from 19 to 25. How the fuck did that happen.

>you will never have as fun as you did when you were 19 getting drunk with friends raising hell
Feels like life's been on downhill ever since I became 23. Do people even have fun as 25+? I don't think anyone does. Or maybe I'm just projecting

orgies? threesomes? random sex sessions? any of that?

>tfw 22 and never even had a period of my life where I could say I was genuinely happy and content with everything

I don't even know what to look back onto. It's not that things were awful, it's just that there's literally nothing I can look back at and say I wish that could come back.

maybe I should fabricate memories


>kick out street lights
We did a whole street on a building site once, around 40 of them, by the time we got to the end of the rows the first ones turned back on again and we did it all over again.

I guess we felt we achieved something.

fuck man, can you not even compose yourself to act tough on the internet? my life is not great but I feel sorry for you and that's saying something. pathetic

>fuck man, can you not even compose yourself to act tough on the internet? my life is not great but I feel sorry for you and that's saying something. pathetic


I watch movies like Dazed and Confused with a sense of missed opportunity rather than nostalgia.

I never did anything.

I think most people did nothing. These movies always portray a highly idealized world that only 1-4% experienced leaving the rest feel like they've lived an unfulfilling and failed lives. Don't underestimate the silent majority.

there was never any opportunity to begin with. that's the boat i'm in.

Same here. Only difference is that I thought my life would change once I went over a certain age, but only found myself in a much more shitty situation, thus making me understand that at the time when I was shitty, I actually was the happiest I will ever be. From now on, its only downhill.

No, nothing. Had sex with my gf at a bunch of house parties, in fields next to outdoor-parties, stuff like that.

One of my best friends has rich parents and a big house, so we had lots of parties and stuff there. I can't even remember how often I woke up drunk there, I think we stopped counting at 40. Once we dragged it out into the next afternoon. Only the inner circle was left, 6 drunk guys in boxershorts with super soakers chasing around the house and garden. Some sort of cardboard tank and a hose were also involved and at one point I almost fell off the roof. Simpler times :(

Kek, for us it was mostly just the same 4 or 5 street lights on some stretch of our way home to our village (South-West Germany). My whole circle of friends was from 8 different small towns located around a slightly larger one where our high school was. The long walks home during those summer nights were awesome, we felt like the world was ours...

i remember being a kid in a smaller european country and watching the american pie movies with such joy and excitement
imagining that's how my college life is going to look like when I get older
that i'm gonna find a "squad" of people to do everything with and genuinely enjoy their company

i guess growing up and realising that's such a highly idealised setting is even worse when you're actually american

social media isn't real life you autistic shit

go ahead and consider this an internet victory. it's about all you are gonna get out of life. jesus fucking christ. never felt bad for someone on Sup Forums before, so you can feel good about that i guess

just kill yourself and get it over with

that exists for a lot of people, i certainly had it. you were just a loser. i don't mean any offence i'm a loser now, just saying. you were just an autist in high school/college. i wish i could claim some superiority in not being a sad loser then, but it doesn't really change anything

not really
i had a group of people i could hang out with
two actually
but neither did I really enjoy to the fullest

i just didn't have any other option


I agree with you user,when you get bullied you learn to fight back, become a pussy or a cunning bastard. Shit you might even defend someone weaker and feel good about yourself. The problem is that when you pussy out the bully intensifies. Also a lot of male bonding happens when avoiding the bully or bullying someone else. Yes the bullied also have their own turn bullying someone else. Is just the circle of life and it's a bit shameful that we're growing this guys to believe everyone's going to be nice to them or that life is fair at all points.

Yeah. This worries me too.