Show is supposedly about expert hackers

>show is supposedly about expert hackers
>character uses VLC media player

>show is supposedly about expert hackers
>uses KDE
>not awesomewm

>inb4 i3 is better
no, it really isn't

gotta love them grey screens


please leave vir/g/in

>transport stream capture/playback
>using anything but vlc

>not understanding how product placement works in movies and tv shows

>tiling meme

kill yourself my man

I bet Tyrell uses MPC-HC

>hes programming
>its Java

lol check out the windows fag

>best programming language guaranteed to work on 1000s of different platforms

>product placement for free programs

>i don't like vlc because it doesn't show my chinese cartoons welll for 2 seconds when i skip in episode
kill yourself fuckin retard. you're a waste of oxygen.

If you don't use Windows, you hate capitalism, and are a terrorist.

I'm on a 12.1" laptop, having a cascading window manager doesn't make sense.

Also, awesomewm has cascading mode. So I have a tag that's cascading, because it works better for applications with multiple 'windows', like GIMP.

>show is supposedly about expert "hackers"
Lost me there tbqh

>not understanding how to use a donate button

proud of it

>cascading window manager

>not using a free as in freedom OS

Homeland used mpc-hc once iirc

my OS can beat up your OS

Wow, an another "x is shit because i don't like it" thread. Now on Sup Forums. Go back to /software/, cunt

Meant stacking.

Leave me alone, I'm high.

>it's a kids getting triggered for using VLC and utorrent episode

I'm l8 and I use VLC.

typical lincucks user

dude weed lmao

that only happens if you play a x265

>"the show is about hackers"
you plebbits are missing the entire point

GIMP has a single window mode.
Tiling works better with bigger screens; with more screen real-estate. Only a fool would look at 4 tiny windows. A normal, sane, not-pretentious or try-hard person would run programs maximized and utilize workspaces or fast window switching.

Kill yourself, pretentious, poser.

I use Windows but still hate capitalism.



Lol nothing wrong with VLC save for the fact that it's Qt.

you use tiling on a 12.1" screen? how is that even possible, each window is probably the size of a yu-gi-oh card

>fatguy didn't crack and told the FBI bitch to fetch him a lawyer

My new favourite character

>the skinny white guy is the asshole traitor
>The fat neckbeard and muslim are good guys who can't do no wrong

Fucking dropped

enlighten us

>expert hacker
>not using an Apple® Macbook™

>he doesn't use RealPlayer

>the black guy trying to date Angela was working with the FBI all along


PotPlayer >

So did everyone see that chat app they used to communicate where they could set the message to delete in x seconds/minutes on the last episode?

Does that actually exist? I'd assume they wouldn't bother making something like that just for show.



I thought that but don't you need to send pictures for that?

Never used it but I've seen my sister take black pictures and put text on them so I assumed it needed to be an image.

skittles are shit

Telegram then.

There are quite literally hundreds of messaging apps that promise security for paranoid fucks.

what fucking episode is that?

>In a chat room
>Everything they type, they read out loud

the one that came out this week

That's why I asked, I was hoping someone who saw the episode would have recognised it.

>they don't use mpv or bakamplayer

>best programming language guaranteed to work on 1000s of different platforms
That would be C, software using Java needs the JVM, C compiles into native code on every supported architecture without the need to install all the runtime bloat.

Somewhere on the screen it said whickr messenger

It was actually Wickr Me and it exists

>being mad that a fat neckbeard is a good guy when fat white neckbeards are Sup Forums's main demographic

It was a conference call, numbnuts.

druggy faggot

>show about hackers
7 episodes of no hacking or anything

Fuck off

wtf is with vlc media player
why don't people just use windows media player?

I don't watch the show, but i did see threads last week of mr normie being all a dream.

Maybe he dreams that VLC is a good media player.

>requires enslavement to absolute garbage JVM


>not enjoying making things for yourself
Am I supposed to be insulted by that picture?

When will FBI girl put a bullet through everyone in Communist society?

>making things

you mean running some preset commands to compile? keep telling yourself you are building something

That's really all cooking is, the oven does most of the work.