American movie about a very highly skilled driver

>American movie about a very highly skilled driver
>He drives an automatic
Really makes you think...

Americans think that manual is too advanced for even their greatest drivers.

If you think you know went to switch gears better than a finally tuned computer, you are straight up deleted.

Enjoy driving your 1978 Ladas, yuropoors.

What's with those cars with the gear stick sticking out of the side of the wheel? I've never once seen a car like that IRL.

this is the worst post on Sup Forums

You must be 12

It's either so that race car drivers don't have to reach as far from the steering wheel so they lose less time shifting, or you're confusing it for an indicator stalk.

The point is you can change gears whenever you want and use certain gears when an automatic would choose a shittier gear.

>Driving along
>Wanna stay in third because third is fucking fine for going 30mph
>Car decides it wants to be in fourth

Yeah, nah, go fuck yourself, car.

Column mounted shifters are pretty common, especially in SUVs and larger sedans

real men like to listen to and learn the engine and know when to change.

only faggots and women need computer help


Or you can drop a couple of gears depending on the level of engine breaking you need.

Pretty sure you can't do that in an automatic.

*engine braking sorry

We will never forgive your error. Pack your shit and get out.


Thanks phoneposter

hmmmmm except automatic transmissions didn't start to become more efficient than manuals until like 2010. so most people still have the mentality that manual is better. and depending on the car it might be.

I remember when I still drove automatic the car would decide to shift to 2nd gear at 10 mph. Wtf is that?

you can with modern automatics. that's what the + and - symbols are for

not all systems are created equal. Jeep, for example, has infamously horrible bad computer controls.


Having no expert knowledge about this topic whatsoever, I feel I must poison your minds with my thoughts. My tinfoil hat tells me they design automatics specifically for the epa tests, and yes, now they perform better in those specific tests.

But if you drive a manual in real life scenarios and are purposefully staying in the highest gears, I don't possibly see how it would be less efficient. Doesn't make sense.

All this being said, some manufactures switch up the gear ratios so sixth gear on a manual might actually not be the exact same ratio as sixth on an auto, so if the manual is shorter then of course it won't have the same mpg, because they specifically designed it not to

>But if you drive a manual in real life scenarios and are purposefully staying in the highest gears, I don't possibly see how it would be less efficient. Doesn't make sense.

highest gear doesn't mean efficient gas use, if that's what you're implying. it depends on many factors, speed, incline, etc.

>All this being said, some manufactures switch up the gear ratios so sixth gear on a manual might actually not be the exact same ratio as sixth on an auto, so if the manual is shorter then of course it won't have the same mpg, because they specifically designed it not to

i haven't looked into tech shit lately but the reason automatics are becoming more efficient than manuals is because they're making them with something crazy like up to 11 or 13 gears. this allows for more specific ratios than 5 or 6 gears.