Americans are literally one of the biggest problems in the world never known such a group of over dramatic cry babys...

Americans are literally one of the biggest problems in the world never known such a group of over dramatic cry babys fuck americunts

*american liberals

Fixed it for you

bad. you showed insecurity and stupidity by 2 things my man:

1) you feel as if it's somewhat true and you feel offended

2) you actually took the bait

Most Americans hate those fuckers too, for the record.

No from libs to 'hey man party on bro wooooooooo yeah awesome' fucking faggots

I am an American liberal and I can tell you this: even we hate cunts like the one in your pic.

Special snowflakes? Those come in both liberal and conservative and they are both terrible.

>Americans are dramatic cry babies
>being a dramatic cry baby about it

>Lisa Klow
Yo, that dude is a lady!

Anyways, Europoors are the ones with the outright feminist governments. We were the last western nation to be infected by the filth, dumbass.

Liberals are all whiny little snowflakes regardless of origin

I wasn't offended and it is true.

American liberals are cry baby faggots

>both liberal and conservative

Snowflake is used to describe liberals, and their 275 genders, and 14,000 feelings..

It doesn't really work on conservatives. You just sound confused.

Or stating a fact stop trying to be clever

>that picture

Is he mentally ill or something?

Look at that liberal retard, this is what's wrong with the country, the liberals are absolute snowflakes.

>It doesn't really work on conservatives.
Until an athlete doesn't stand for the national anthem or a woman gets an abortion. Or a high school biology class teaches biology instead of Creationism.


I look forward to the day when we can walk garden paths paved with the crushed skulls of liberal snowflakes like this.

>Americans are dramatic cry babies
Not Republicans.

Isn't their a picture of him being a skinhead prior?

>implying you could afford a paved garden.

This sorta stuff always makes me warm and fuzzy inside. Not even american.

>he's a communist public figure
>that's killing a person. Murder is wrong.
>discuss issues that pertain to the national zeitgeist. Those are local and rare issues. Strawman

>not standing for the national anthem as a form of protest makes one a communist.
>a fetus is a person


The greatest victory ever!!!

Triggered convervacuck snowflake

>The greatest victory ever!!!
>Take that Shillary and supporters even though our country is in ruins!!!

>Those are local and rare issues.
wew lad

You really are quite, quite, QUITE a stupid cunt. "Snowflake" is reserved for those special people who insist the world plays their little game of extreme pretend along with them, and demands everyone calls them this or that or whatever other stupid fucking thing they came up with this week. An athlete not standing for the anthem is completely an act of disrespect for everything a country stands for. Not the same thing. Fuck it is so tiring having to argue with fucking stupid people. There is a whole generation of fucking retards coming up that is proving the education system has failed big time along the way somewhere.

hear, hear, liberals are literally biological garbage consuming our resources

I'm sorry to hear that a professional athlete who makes more in a year than you ever will upset your delicate sensitivities. Perhaps there's a safe space nearby than you can take shelter in.

>An athlete not standing for the anthem is completely an act of disrespect for everything a country stands for.

He's literally a communist. He wears Castro merchandise, supports la revolucion and wants to dismantle the American state. Literally.

Is there a point where a fetus could be considered a person?

Probably around the time that it's no longer a fetus.

>over dramatic cry babys

Sounds like op

>our country is in ruins!!!

That was the last guy, thank God we have a real president now sorting this shit out.

Tfw EU court makes anti vaccers legal

>sorting this shit out
>literally laughing stock of the world
>Commey case

Are you dense kid?

Could we use them for fuel?

To be honest, Donnie ran as a Republican and yet he's pretty easily offended. Might be because he's old, or he's a Dem at heart. I could also describe Alex Jones as a snowflake, of a different variety (although that may* be an act). If you wouldn't describe Republicans as snowflakes, have you a better word? Cuck is reserved for Canadians

t. a Trump voter, fiscal conservative

says the President who wants a common majority when voting.

>waa waa we control the house and senate but cant get anything done. i demand 51% when voting.


Somebody sounds triggered (:

Not an argument

How are you fucking arguing? You are not responding with points, you are just spouting a bullshit insult? Fuck it is like speaking to someone in a language they don't understand. Arguing is not to see who can come up with the biggest burn, it is to make a point, back it up with facts, and let the other person answer before they make thie points and back them up. All you are doing is bullshit school yard noise.

I fucking hate this shit.
It's as bad as the people that take pictures of themselves giving money to homeless people, just to inflate their already mammoth ego.
Some people don't realise it's possible to go throughout life without taking a picture for validation when you do even the most tiny thing.

This is why we don't progress as humans. We hate to damn much. We can't put our differences aside,we blame each other. If this keeps going on nobody will have a place to call home.

Ugh, don't remind of that inept mong, glad to see the back of him.

That doesnt respond to what I said at all. You are a complete and utter fucking moron.

>liberals are human

We're just the worst!

I admire the restraint you used when describing them honestly. Excellent picture btw

>reasons I use no social media beyond YouTube

Rural people shouldn't vote.

Almost all of those numbers are down due to the housing market crash. Thanks Bush!

People need to realize that whatever is happening in the current presidency is due to the previous administration(s)

See what i mean? If they're such pieces of shit why do you have to act like a piece of shit?

>Be Yurop
>Put people in jail for saying they hate someone
>Put people in jail for questioning holocaust
>Filling lands with stone-age religious lunatics
>Gay marriage illegal
>Marijuana illegal

When will Yurop catch up with the progressive USA?

Why? Surely those who own their house, have a farm or whatever, have it together? In all likelyhood, those people are in a stable (married for life, if not emotionally stable) relationship and their kids will grow up to be decent people because of it.

>An athlete not standing for the anthem is completely an act of disrespect for everything a country stands for.
I remember hearing similar arguments about flag burning and yet the Supreme Court ruled that as a form of protest. Does it upset you when people who live better lives than you use what means they have to protest injustice?


You have an optimistic view of the rural filth. In reality most live in ramshackle huts and trailer parks and they spend their days overdosing on heroin and fentanyl while they yell at WWE wrestlers.

Because they're self sufficient and don't choose to live in overpriced, overtaxed liberal cesspools of high crime and terrible schools???

They burn well :D

You really thought out your world views well haven't you?

>set himself on fire
>doesn't let the fire continuously burn him to this death

Get on the gooks level cuck

If people are able to destroy their lives and livelihoods all the better. Sometimes the ends justify the means.

That sounds oddly familiar.

Ruins? Maybe in blue states run by idiot libs.

Limp wristed libfags can't do anything right

Yeah, you're out of your fucking mind.

Heaven forbid that the trash are kept away from the polls.

You're goddamn right. I know someone who works in a school as a second grade teacher in a "high-poverty" area, and they complain to me all the time (woman of course) that all of the children are so adorable and would be brilliant if their parents weren't horrible.

I suppose I interpreted that incorrectly; I was thinking of the "farmland for miles" type of area, not a tiny town in the middle of nowhere.

I'd be down for an IQ test (not just IQ, but you get the idea) to vote, keep the nuggets and spics from taking over.

Only the liberals

>and nothing of value would be lost

Hey, dum-dum, nobody's saying that taking a knee should be illegal, we just have the right to shit on him for it. Freedom of expression goes both ways. Understood?

americans are just a bunch of retarded sheep, precisely what their governments wants them to be...

The federal government pumps far more money into rural shitholes than it receives in tax revenue. What was that about self-sufficiency?

>Kaepernick isn't a commun...

Explain this, niggers.

"Like minds think alike."


Opinion discarded

Okay then don't allow inner city leeches to vote either.

>only rich white liberals can vote! John Oliver for president!

Better lives than me? a) You have no clue what the quality of my life is, so you lose a point in bringing that up. b) a person's job or profession excuse them from zero responsibilities for their behavior.
Protest can be done in many ways. That cunt was not protesting, he was being a bitch because he got benched and used the "protest" as a bullshit excuse. Fuck you.

Fidel and Malcom X.png

I'm sorry to hear that the opinions of an athlete offend you so much.

>That cunt was not protesting, he was being a bitch because he got benched and used the "protest" as a bullshit excuse.
Perhaps with your psychic powers you can win the next powerball so you don't have to live in poverty anymore.

Not at all. What's bothersome is when journalists don't ask said athlete easy fucking questions that would prove he/she is a mental midget and should be mocked relentlessly.

The 49ers QB converted to Islam and is clearly an anti-semitic moron that has no skill in critical thinking.

Anyone that converts to Islam post 9-11 is a fucking idiot. Period.

Hard to call yourself an athlete while you're riding the bench!

Yo dude, this dumb nigger is a communist

You're "that guy".

Don't be "that guy".

No, only the liberals, Republicans are hard working, upstanding, tax paying citizens as proven by the 2016 election - the only people that voted for Clinton were illegals and left wing retards, patriots all voted for Trump.

Perhaps you should get into journalism so you can ask these tough questions you feel should be fielded to a man who makes money swatting around rubber balls. Bear in mind most respected journalistic sources require some sort of degree so you may have to do some groundwork to get there.

Exactly. Dude is running around with Shaun "that white dude who for some reason isn't in trouble for pretending to be black" King. Throw him a fucking softball question. Or just ignore his shit honestly he's completely irrelevant.

That's weird. I thought I saw the stock market continually rise to record highs while unemployment plummeted immediately after the inauguration.

Republicans want jobs and to live a fruitful, productive life, whereas libtard fucks just want to suck off the government's tit and a safe space for all their women born with penises that identify as unicorns and shit.

Weak comeback, faggot.

Americans actually think they can do that?
God what a bunch of cringy faggots

It's really just our rural filth. The people who don't matter.

Yeah, and perhaps you'll overcome your addiction to cock, but we'll never know for sure.


bless you

Pretty much.
They will deny it and look for blame elsewhere though.

Have you spent any time around "rural filth?" They're actually super chill people that don't care about anything outside of things that directly effect them. They don't care if gays get married, they just don't want their sons and daughters to be gay. If everyone voted in their own best interests, we'd be a lot better off. Elitist liberals are always "concerned" about the interests of the working and lower class, but they're so far removed from those people and love to look down on them.

"Rural trash" is liberal double-speak for normal fucking people