Congressman Adam Schiff has the goods on Trump...

Congressman Adam Schiff has the goods on Trump. He has solid proof of collusion from an informant who he has just scheduled to meet with the special prosecutor. The source has solid evidence showing that Trump colluded with the Russians in rigging the 2016 election in his favor.

>Trump colluded with the Russians in
exposing the DNC rigging their 2016 primaries in Clinton's favor.

I hope this is true. I want his fucking head on a steak!

I was just reading that very same thing. It is about time. We have known this all along and now it will be exposed for all to see.

>inb4 asan chicks


inb4 this evidence is actually against Hillary and leads to a Russo-American alliance that exterminates islam and liberalism once and for all ushering in a thousand years of peace and prosperity

Please stop, Hillary. It's over. You need to go away.

>implying that isn't treason.







nice b8 m8 r8 0/8

if schiff had anything on trump he would have leaked it before ever meeting with anyone.

no one colluded with the russians. they've been trying to fuck with every and any american system for decades.

grow up.















yawn. any day now. any day.

.... shillbot has arrived. I'm beginning to think guys start anti-trump threads just so shillbot will post more of his collection of oriental hotties





being this retarded.



I've noticed that it isn't all anti-trump threads. It's only the ones where the topic of Russian collusion is discussed.









definitely putin's people doing it, trying to cover up the fact that they are in kahoots with the president.


>U.S. Constitution, Article 3, Section 3
>Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.
how does exposing corruption in an organization that is not officially part of the US government fit any of the above?



[Clears throat]







The DNC is part of the US government you pleb.




nyet, there are no russians on Sup Forums









members of the DNC are part of the US government
but no political party is legally part of the US government

He's right. There would be more cp if Russians were here.



















No. Actually it's not. The DNC is a group of people that may or may not hold government positions. That's like saying Crossfit is a government organization because some government members work out there.






