Who are the (relatively) famous people you'd consider the embodiment of Sup Forums?

Who are the (relatively) famous people you'd consider the embodiment of Sup Forums?

these days, probable pewdiepie

American Psycho

The dancing pedo from Six Flags

Maximum kek

Bill O'Reilly.


Mister Wong - Detective


Adam Sanler.

Isn't Shia a fucking cuck?

made me think of Mr Wong, that random animated online show kek racist as fuck

nigga shia is a sjw cuck hell no



Yes yes yes

This isn't Sup Forums faggot.




This motherfucker. Used to be kinda funny and relevant, but now is just sad in a very unsympathetic way.

Before fame: young and humble

another OG


>massive shithead
>not funny
>culturally irrelevant

Yep, it all checks out. He's officially /ourguy/