Why do liberals like muslims so much?

Why do liberals like muslims so much?

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Because us conservatives Don't like them.

Liberals like stupid shit like Islam and communism. They want to change the demographics of America such that they can remain in power and keep people dependent on government programs

You loved them back in the Eighties.

I loved a lot of things in the 80s that I don't love anymore.

Right but islam has been taking over civilizations for centuries, liberals wouldn't stand a chance. Why do they want that?

In the interest of overcompensating for their need to virtue signal to their ignorant and sheltered 17yr old friends they pretend to be able to embrace a hate filled cult obssessed with their eradication.

> shit makes 0 sense to me too

Whereas conservacucks fuck with the vote totals so they can stay in power and keep funneling tax money to their corporate sponsors.

Because they like to fuck women in hijab

they don't, they just believe in equality and human rights and things like that and Muslims are being treated badly

Liberal here

It's not that I like Muslims, it's that I'm as indifferent to them as I am to everyone else.

Liberals hate bigots and think that they are a greater threat than 0.5% of their population.

These posts sum it up pretty accurately

Riggght or that isn't true and you are just projecting some conspiratorial bullshit to defend your position.

In reality conservatives don't give a shit about their "corporate sponsors" they just want a reduced tax rate on the multi-nationals that employ hard working people with good jobs and healthcare. Let's take the government mandated redistribution of wealth out of the equation and let the best flourish.

It isn't that complicated. What I earn I should keep and the person that employees me should be able to profit in a free market without being forced to pay higher marginal rates to out of work slobs that vote democratic.

Because most of the Muslims I know are smarter, better educated, and more polite and way less racist than you are.

Their arrogance leads them to believe they can let them all in and control them and maintain power

This. Exactly this.

If you need to know why our two parties do anything anymore, you can refer back to this user's answer.

Bigots? You mean the Muslims that literally have a book that commands death to homosexuals and those that don't believe right?

>Because most of the Muslims I know are smarter, better educated, and more polite and way less racist than you are.

have ever heard of a moderate nazi?

Most people who get government help have jobs and are working, but their corporate masters refuse to pay them a living wage. In fact, the single largest population of food stamp recipients are active U.S. military.

If they act on it, i would treat them the same way as bigots.

>moderate Nazi
Everyone antifa claims is a Nazi is actually a moderate Nazi.

Next argument, please.

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The $900 million the government gave to Boeing to move from one state to another would have fed a whole lot of military brats.

what does this even mean? Are you justifying Nazis somehow if they are just moderate?

They'll learn pretty quick that's not how it goes. It's kinda sad actually

you sound retarded.

if you aren't making a living wage doing something then do something else. It isn't my job to support YOU

> typical argument of the newly graduated who haven't learned you need to start at the bottom and work up
> If you lack the skills to move up so be it. You can flip my burgers for me and live in a trailer home. The world needs janitors you know

because the women are really hot and they won't let us have their women unless they get to come too

i dont like them...

I've been thinking about it recently and only common thing between liberals and muslims is adoration of pedophilia

sure, there's white guilt and rape fantasies of "liberated" women, patronizing approach to retarded cultures - but all factors don't sum up to make sense without adding sexualization of minors


It's much safer to hang out with Muslims. Of the 154 mass shooting so far this year in the U.S., the overwhelming majority of shooters were white Christian men. We need to put a travel ban on those guys!

that's because of your libertarian "leave me alone and let me live my life" score on the chart

NOT the Liberal "I should tax you and give your money to the newly immigrated uneducated Muhammed cultists because I need to spout progressive bullshit" side of your thinking

When that cunt gets her arm shot off my Allahu Akbar Mohammed Dirka-Dirka I'm sure she'll pull her head out of her ass

Why? Because they're so conditioned to instantly knee-jerk react to anything ANTI-WASP.

If something offends a WASP, then Liberals are allll for it. Take *anything* that a liberal protests against, and ANTI-WASP is at its core foundation.

This of course can be traced back to Anti-Southern Sentiments of the last 68 years.

no I'm saying muslims can be moderate whatever the quran, it's just a religion
but Nazis can't be moderate so being far right is worse than being muslim

They're Anti-White.

the real joke, though is that this runs into the paradox of tolerance.

muslims do not value these things. Why would the liberal allow them to persist against their own interests?


thats true haha

32,000 dead last year in the U.S. from gun violence. 0 deaths in the U.S. from Muslim violence. OMG! We gotta stop those Muslims!

and i actually dont like these ppl, commies or anything close to this

classic Virtue signalling bullshit.

Nobody argues against the legal and historic benefits the immigrant population brings to America. Immigrants are the fabric of our society.

Muslin dirt bags raised in the middle east that try to push their bullshit on us and immigrate illegally are not reinforcing the fabric of the country though.

That's the great question of our age.

My recently immigrated Muslim friend is a heart surgeon. You live in your Mom's basement and work at McDonalds. Who's the real burden on society?

Are you 12?

Sure kid


Not true. If you're going to lie then make it sound legit

I wore this on my shirt and pissed a lot of people off too. So whats your point?



Because liberalism is a mental disease, much like islam

Also, there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and only 321.4 million of us. If we decide to take them on we're going to lose. Start practicing your Allahu Akbar suckka!


This thread reminds me the book "waiting for the barbarians"

Remember: it's summer


you're a 30 year old man with anime posters on your wall. i just cant take anything you say seriously.

You'll probably find he's Indian, a Sikh most likely, they all look similar but muslims are generally low IQ due to their propensity for inbreeding.


all this anti-immigration sentiment makes no sense to me
immigrants come to the west to work hard and provide a better life for their kids
that's why universities are full of immigrants
I've never heard of an immigrant leaving off the system

Like your wife? , kek


The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Musiims
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims

OMG we gotta ban those guns REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..!!

Ive built 4 word press sites this year for people who are basically retarded. Wordpress sites never count as evidence for anything unless you are also retarded

I'm not white, so I can't be a cuck


Don't forget the RA bai!

When you finally do, it will be too late

I'm pro-immigrant if they work hard but you have an awful lot to learn if you don't think there are huge groups of migrant leaches in the US. Just look at the Somali refugees.

In Seattle where I live they drive cabs (very poorly) like 10hrs a week and then just hang out and smoke weed and drink in parks all day long while there wives take care of the kids. Plus they litter a lot. It sucks

maybe you should stop flooding the middle east with weapons then.


I don't like muslims at all, they better keep their beliefs to themselves because they have the most toxic ideology, but they should still practice their belief as it's falls under freedom of speech

he's got a point though, guns kill more people in one year in america than all of those combined and a lot of attacks aren't even American

How can you have janitors if they die from not making enough money to live? You understand that's how that works right?

One white American is worth a hundred smelly manlet goatfuckers though. Remember Whites are a worldwide minority and we still control the globe.

> thinks Dems don't suckle as hard at the corporate teat as Repubs

How about call them regressives? Because I am sure as hell not going to have some SJW and people out of touch with reality take over the actual meaning of liberal.


This. It's a big problem here in the UK and is a huge strain on the NHS



Sounds a bit like CNN

Nope I don't. If the janitor dies due to his or her inability to negotiate favorable janitor terms with a good company then they can fuck right off.

It isn't our problem to ensure that each low end job supports a full and rewarding life. If you allow the free market to dictate the bottom then you incentivize hard work to make something of yourself and society benefits from a net increase in productivity.

When governments take from the producers and reward the bottom feeders then you reduce the total health of the overall economic ecosystem.

basically if theres anything that pisses off repubs we're into it whole hearatedly at this point. hell, most of us dont even think the russia investigation has any credit to it, but we're fine leading you faggots around by the nose until youre exhausted.

i mean, its sad really. youve got the house and senate majority, you have the courts, and a hard won president but you still can't stop us from fucking with you. you really are soft.

fuck your feelings. this is our show.

I don't. Im not a huge fan of any religion. But ill tell you what i dont like more.

I dont know which rock you live under, but war, assholes, murderers and crazy people are nothing new. There is no new threat. Just a trivial title that does nothing to explain a persons entire personality, nationality or attitudes.

Next thing you know a mosque is on fire and innocent people who have done nothing are dead.

I know you aren't ok with innocent people living in fear or getting killed. No one is ok with that. But thats what youre supporting.

You just arent making the connection between "all muslims are evil" and "all white people are slave owners." same ignorance bruh. You hate that logic and innocent white people have indeed died for bullshit people.you had literally nothing to do with did.

There are 1.8 billion muslims in the world. Show me the 900,000,001 who are jihadists, terrorists and suicide bombers, and ill agree with you the "majority" are terorrist.

I saw an extremely right wing tabloid claim 30,000 terrorist attacks since 9/11 (probably a biased number but sure lets use it). Ill be generous, lets say on average it was a team of ten. Not one guy in a van, 1 guy with a bomb, or 2-3 guys with guns like it mostly is...

300,000 attackers since 9/11.

Well that accounts for 0.000002% of the muslim population... Explain why i should be scared and muslims need to be eradicated?

Bu...but muhs liberal safe spaces!!!!

Most people are fine with a social safety net for the less fortunate.

Unfortunately, we don't have a social safety net. We have a a wall, a ceiling, several high rises, and they're busy arguing about the color of the paint without realizing there's no floor.

> admits he's a douchebag just cause. An honest libtard

>can't negotiate a higher wage
>die of starvation
kek, sounds like a first world country alright

Nobody cares about violence in the ME, death and destruction is part of their religion, it's when we import these backwards barbaric people into our civilized White countries that people take notice.

very explosive argument

and we still have them. is something wrong? playing the extra, extra, extra long game?

In a couple of years there won't be jobs for janitors, just electronic engineers. And that's better for us all. Unless you're useless to a point of only being able to wash floors.

Jobs like that should be left for collage students anyway not a career

Yep, the only part of this I like, is that they kill the stupid first. At least that way I will be surrounded by intelligent people at some point.

This. Terrorism is part of their culture, not ours. Keep it in sandland.

Guns don't kill people.

Niggers kill other niggers with guns.

They weren't as radical and prone to attacks on Western culture back then

Nah, you'll be killed first


god bless niggers with guns!