Step aside young boys and let the real man through

Step aside young boys and let the real man through.


why is that the only flavor of grizzly that doesnt taste like fetid anus? and why is it so good?

Yes ....... The real men
With your stank ass filthy mouths and brown teeth mmmm manly

Step aside boys.

Second this, but also repping pic related

like coph better, grizzly always seems to fall apart in my mouth. I've got some though guys fat cut on order heard nothing but good stuff about them and at 3.99 a can that's almost 5 bucks cheaper than buying local

Sorry but Copenhagen snuff is my go-to and always will be


Disgusting degenerate

>tobacco industry calling dip snuff ever

Oh please, you cannot deny the citrus-y goodness of Seneca.

Menthol pure tobacco snuff is the way to go, I quit smoking thanks to it.

Step aside young boys and let the real man through.


Stokers is nasty as shit. Worst $0.99 I've ever spent

This isn't even a smoking thread.

2cd this

bitch try saying that to my face while I'm chucking fat fucking clouds that rain down upon you while I laugh with a sic nic ruch

In my home town people have gotten fag bashed for less than that

Speaking from personal experience? fuck off fag

I'm sorry that was rude. I'm just messing around and acting like a faggot. I don't mean it.

>Real men put water vapor in their lungs.

You should put liquid water in your lungs.

Watch it next time. The eyes of Texas are upon you.


Choose one

>what are phases of matter

Liquid Solid Gas

Go back and take Introduction to Chemistry

good thing exhibition is my thing

You forgot vapor faggot

except it falls within the gas category

oops forgot to say faggot


Just stop shitposting, you're not convincing anyone.

Why the fuck are you responding to obvious b8

because sadly there's a real chance he's fucking retarded and no one deserves to be retarded so I thought I'd help him out


You wouldn't be able to take the buzz, bitch boy.

How is that?


Skoal is atrocious.

Honestly yeah. On a tub of it now, and it reminds me of a not shit Longhorn mixed with cope wintergreen.
I love the cut, and the smokiness that's done right. Hadn't dipped in a while, but decided to pick up a tub that was half off at $7.50 or something.
Good for when I don't want to have to go outside to smoke.


Yeah, rotting out your teeth, having breath that smells like ass, looking like a retarded hillbilly, and getting throat and gum cancer makes you a "real man". Fucking retard. Go back to fucking your cousin Billy Bob.

Okay Walker.

Maybe you should go back. It's liquid, gas, solid, plasma, Bose-Einstein condensates.


Ooh, another bitch boy who can't handle the buzz.

The buzz is to damn real for them.

Fuck man, remember when I first dipped.
>be me
>be 18
>ask for chew
>guy gives me skoal wintergreen
>leave store
>open can and unwittingly chew on a pouch
>shitty skoal spills all over the inside of my mouth
>swallow some
>damn near puke
>nicotine buzz out the ass
I still don't dip Skoal.

Yeah hi Thomas, Francine said she went out to the store.

>Muh little flyover town


>Chewing tobacco

Ahahahaha filthy fucking inbred scum literally suck a shotgun

Let the mouth cancer through people.



Another bitch boy, totally unable to handle the buzz. Bet you'd blow chunks, shorty.

Not a single mention of Kodiak Wintergreen


Skruf is horrible. Who the fuck puts rose oil in tobacco from fags

It's a party now.

But rooster dip

>winterdick flavor

>Handle the buzz

Aww, is it fifth grader boy's first time chewing? Fucking kek

Bet you couldn't handle the buzz either.

loved rooster. best cheap snuff ever

Fact: Chewing tobacco products aren't a ticket in to a secret club.

This is the same with weed.

Tell us something we don't know faggot, or GTFO.


Voyager II hasn't left the heliosheath, therefore, it has not left the solar system.

Oh snap 607 here

Lots of Sup Forumsastards know that because of the voyager II copypasta, tell us shit just about nobody knows.

Well thats good, how much of that can i got you today is left?

Personal favorite is cope straight but i like a lot of others