Any medfags here?

any medfags here?
I keep noticing these things and they are itching and im worried if they are dangerous or something
can someone tell me what they are and how to get rid of them?

Congratulations OP, you just picked up herpes..

it's an STD bro. Sometimes you get bumps on the rim of the head, but if they itch you're fucked bro

It's probably just part of this, but you should definitely go on for a medical evaluation just for the hell of it.

Forcide spots pal.
Surgery is the only way to rid of them I believe.
Harmless though.

If it looks like your pic and they itch. Its herpes. If they are just bumps under the skull of your dick its nothing.

It's something all uncutfags get.
Disgusting growths.

hot. Post a close up


herpes you dumb doorknob

cut, and i've never gotten these disgusting tumors. Probably because I don't have a cheese worm cock

it's cancer

nice dubs mr. reading comprehension

Hmmm...looks like nerve gas op

Nothing to read, just pictures of deformed dicks.

This is now a get thread


Get an over the counter cream

Its called penial papples, im uncut and have it a little too, not in clusters but more around the bottom of my head, honestly it doesn't matter none of the girls i fucked said anything about it and i get top from my girl on the regular so yeah, if any dumb bitch says anything about it tell her to educate herself and google it, its nowhere near a disease or anything negative, i know its weird but ultimately you're straight Sup Forumsro

>you're straight Sup Forumsro

That's a bold statement.

OP, that is HPV. it is not pearly papules or forcyde spots. it is common to have a cluster in that location like that because the virus can easily set up camp in that spot.

it is cancerous and is contagious. immediate treatment via laser/lance (burning the warts off) or freezing them will get rid of them, and over time your body will be able to clear the warts, but you will still be able to infect others.

it's not a big deal, most people have it. if legt untreated they will blossom into cauliflower looking large warts. go get it checked out user.

check mine

That's aids dog
Source: I have aids and it looks like that