Drug thread?

Drug thread?

No you lowlife. Go read a book for the sake of mankind. You don't know if you're the next memorable figure in the world. Go find out. Put down the drugs. Please.

u getting heroin'd op? what do you like to do once medicated?

Shit man, for the rush and the first half hour I like to just lay in bed and stare at the ceiling til i nod out. Then I like to go to Barnes and noble and read and drink coffee. Then before bed I like to take a small fix and just curl up and sleep.

Fucking casuals. Get some real gear instead of what you steal from grandma's house.

Op here. Didn't get this from granny. Sorry.

Tell me how fucked up is your life

how many grams do you take in a week?

Pretty bad. Would be worse if my parents weren't rich. I wouldn't be living in a $1400 dollar a month condo and I'd be out panhandling.

seems pretty good, i would use that for help people

So let me understand your thread. You want to post your inability to deal with life. You wanted to show the rest of Sup Forums that you cant cope with life so you succumb to drugs because you are weak! Why didnt you just post a mlp or a feels thread? Would have been less pathetic.

I'm a half a gram a day type of guy usually. I've cut way back though. I took a tolerance break for a couple weeks which was hell now .3 gets me fucked up good:

No, I wanted to see what people were getting high on lol.

Have you think about your life without drug?

Yeah. Gotten clean many times. I hate it.
I have a job and I'm clean with my shooting so no one notices, and it doesn't interfere with work. The one bad thing is that once you cop a real habit it drains your finances.

I was talking about your gear, not the shit you put in it casual.

Jealousy thread as I can't find boy in the woods.... Holy fuck the things I'd do for a nice, slightly warm, more syrupy than liquid shot right now. I'm just masturbating furiously....

Gear refers to dope.
Works refers to needles/spoon. And I like my 1cc 28 gauge short points. So what's your point? Learn your drug terminology faggot.

OP here. You say boy.... must be from down south like me?

Going out for a smoke in a bit


So your life has no meaning and no goals? You are empty and dead inside. You do drugs because you need to feel warm inside since you have no love and no aspirations in life.

Shit weed

No, I have lots of goals and aspirations. I have a good job and plan on going to school for nursing (I am pretty handy with a needle after all), if you're here just to troll because you have nothing else to do, then go somewhere else. From now on your comments will be ignored.

Yeah wasn't the best this time but I get a great discount so idc. He has some high quality shit now, just smoked a bowl with him the other day and it was amazing.

Nice dubs though.


Have you ever tried the "Toilet cleaner"? Looks like the new front of drugs

"MEXICO" 30s, probably fent, most likely Black. Idk gets me higggggh

>Pic related

Want to try hallucinogens. Which one should I try for the first time?

so many heroin success stories. because what could go wrong.

Nice. Blues are great, especially the M's. You snorting or shooting?


more pics plz

>i would use that for help people
Fucking wasted trips.

I want you junkies to know I hate you. I wish I could piggyback hatred with naloxone.

Not the user you replied to, but smoking heroin and weed here.

>1cc 28 gauge short points
Aren't they insulin syringes for diabeetuses?
Also Trips checked.

Why do you think life has any meaning?

d-LSD 25 if you can get it. Although i'm told that p-LSD is pretty much the same.

Mushrooms, just dont over do it. Too many mushies can throw you for a loop.

got a free house for a week, what drugs shall i get? one for each day

How do you purchase your needles Op?

Ok, let me break it down for you numb skulls who STILL don't seem to get it;

WEED is not a 'DRUG', it is a PLANT. By that logic you would be saying that flowers are 'drugs' or apples are 'drugs' because they all grow from the ground. Simple enough for you're thick brain? Good.

Second of all, WEED has been 100% PROVEN by STEPHEN HAWKING (sound familiar? Only the dude who invented TIME TRAVEL) to CURE CANCER. That's right! The only reason weed isn't legal is because George W. Bush invested in big pharmaceutical and is making literally thousands off cancer medication.

Thirdly, weed actually makes you smarter contrery to popular belief. Oh, don't believe me? My older brother smokes it all the time and he got a 70 in his VCE and he didn't even study that hard.

Fourthly, yes I've had sex and yes I'm good at doing it. The only reason I haven't done it more is because I've been really busy with my league of legends team because we're training to compete in TOKYO in 2019.

Fithly, NO I haven't smoked weed before. I'm keen to try it though and if I asked my older brother he would probably give me some of his because he knows I'm MATURE for my age.

Sixly, I think mum is getting me a Nintendo Switch for Christmas which is REALLY nice of her seeing as I know her shifts have been cut lately at the nursing home.


Hopefully that should clear up a few things for you DUMB SKULLS!

You can go into any CVS or Walgreens and purchase them. Also, don't do heroin and all that noise.

God damn, almost six months clean and my dealer texts me that he reupped now I see this thread? Getting harder and harder not to say no to his offer of a free sample

Meth, xanax for the come down, duster/whips while your on, heroin or painkillers for the next day, scoop an danm oz for the entirity of the time, and maybe some yayo too.

i'm thinking a sample of meth cos i've never tried before. if you mean whippets my friend sells them so they're sorted. probably gonna get some acid. i don't really like xans. yayo too expensive, i'm poor. i want some weird shit. i'll get some kush

>if I asked my older brother he would probably give me some of his because he knows I'm MATURE for my age.
Underage B& detected.

Just smoking weed, and drinking whisky here.

been taking Dicyclomine
and holy SHIT,

whenever I am tweaking with dicylomine in my system it's been making me crave anal sex, don't understand what is going on. It makes my asshole feel warm and loose. Getting these INTENSE urges pleasure my asshole. Thinking about buying a butt plug or something

Just ran out of dope going on day 2 hate withdrawals so much.

Well I just dropped acid for the first time last friday, that was fun