What's the grossest thing Sup Forumss ever drank?

What's the grossest thing Sup Forumss ever drank?

Bleach. But she died. 10/10. Would recommend again

when i was younger i had to take some sort of shake and there was ginseng in it

Ginsing is gross yeah but it's super good for men especially

On a bet, I drank a smoothie of leftovers that included, but was not limited to fish heads and bones, used coffee grinds and god knows what else. For all I know my asshole friends pissed in it.

Easiest $100 I've made.

Ketchup, dirt and some sort of barbeque sauce made into a smoothie with some condensed milk

had some kinda liquor call I think "pink lady 21" it was hideous

the fuck is that op?

looks like a really fucked up mate.

Was drunk as fuck one night, woke up in the middle of the night, took a huge swig from my piss bottle and threw up.

Is that Kratom? Lol

Chocolate milk and kratom

San Pedro cactus tea. Shit tastes like warm vomit.

Was at olive garden with my two friends. My one friend had apparently had a dip in the majority of the time and was spitting into a 3/4 full glass of pepsi. Before we were about to leave I noticed that he was about to walk away from a perfectly good "full" glass of pepsi. Being the poor fuck that I was, I grabbed it and took a huge gulp as we were leaving the table. What a mistake.

Kratom is pretty fucking nasty

These cheap bottles of shit tier vodka being sold for 2 for $25

Christ that sounds foul. Dr. Pepper and Kratom is pretty bad too. Pretty much anything with Kratom sucks.

I'd have to agree with you there

I had a sprite bottle handed to me, and the guys dared me to drink it- he had put in sour skittles, a cough drop, and some other random ass candy, and I thought it wasn't any big deal until after I essentially chugged it and he told me a good bit of it was dip spit

UV brand Sriracha flavored vodka. That was the worst drinking game ever

Been using it for about a year now, so far chocolate milk is the best mix. Need to buy a pill press


As someone who has also swigged from a spitter, my condolences

Oh fuck I hate that flavoured vodka shit like bacon

Damn I never though of that but what about the brain freeze?

Anything good come of it?

American beer

Mate. Here in argentina everybody loves that shit, it's the worst thing ever.

It was bad at first but I wasn't gonna be a pussy and let that stop me

Are you sure you're not talking about that urba matte shit?

i just drank some rubbing alcohol

Nigger cum

Never mind I'm an idiot

You mean yerba mate?


i can drink kratom all day, problem is it's not digestible and forms a solid in your guts and your stomach NOPES that shit

Surprisingly enough though, bacon flavored juicy J's, not that bad.


My dad once dare me to drink the water from our fish tank. Threw up hard style, I don't think my dad's laughed since.

I drank a cheese, peach, and blood mix once

Beet juice?

>drinking cheese

In 7th grade art class 3 of my friends and I mixed water, various paints, glue, several sharpies, and pencil lead to create "the most vile garbage". I was dared to drink a bottle cap's full of the shit and it was really bitter but with this horrible sweet note at the end

Calea Zacatechichi

Vodka with Doritos.

Try it and puke

In the form of tea more specifically.

When I was broke as fuck and couldn't afford more preworkout I tried "Hyphy Mud" which Kali Muscle came up with in prison.
Mix 2-3 scoops of instant coffee with about 4oz. of Pepsi or Coke...tastes fucking disgusting...but the shit worked.

In all honesty, it was a shitty craft brew done by a local pub/restaurant. Just about gagged because it was waaaaaay too hoppy. I like hops but that was a literal bottle of water and hops.