Battlestation Thread

Battlestation Thread
Let Me See What You Got Faggots

Other urls found in this thread:,84

Do you live in a van?


Down by the river


Do you live in an attic?


Weeaboo detected

RIP Chris the legend


do u fuck yourself with that swrod

I really want to live in a van but I don't think I'm fit for it.


is that an inverter

Kek i used to have that phone many years ago. What a piece of shit



what're you fucking faggot?

Yea well it worked for me for the time

Do you live in there? How do you shower? How do you get laid? Or even cook?

Interesting lack of punctuation you got there friends, as a matter of fact I'm not fucking anything right now, nor a "faggot" as you so politely worded it. The thing is, I simply do not find the general apperance of that woman attractive, and as a matter of fact think she is rather disgusting, as previously stated.


You'd be surprised how many Chicks dig the vegabond lifestyle. I shower at public parks mostly, or if I can get my hands on a gym membership. Don't need to cook as long as I can keep a job.



i agree
have a good one

Why a frog?

Was my grandma's
There's an octopus

I find it hard to believe that's a person would want to fuck in skanky are these "chicks"

Mine is nice i guess, i just need a better chair

Is that a fucking Kama sutra?

Vanon! What's up Sup Forumsro ? How goes the journey?

>that shitty gamepad

but a sweet keyboard you got there

Why yes, yes it is

What kind of stupis std infested bimbo would let you put your ding dong inside her while on that vehicle? gonna need some pics of said sluts

They can be pretty skanky

I got it for free so i dont complain.


>>No shower
She still thinks it's a good idea to suck some cock..

Hey, what she don't know won't hurt

I see how you can fuck in that van now. Doesn't look like your cock gets in the way much


Skanks gonna skank


Deosnt it get fucking cold in front of the ac?

Sluts gonna slut

I can't believe......

you put your start menu on the left hand side of your desktop. gtfo

I only use it in summer, and if it gets disgustingly cold




hows saving for the new van going? btw I was the mans who rolled trips last time on this thread talking to you about being your follower, idk if you would remember though.

it's not even January Germanfag

Not really ringing any bells right now but I'm pretty tired

VANBRO IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and not going very well, honestly. Life can be a bitch

down by the river

that blows my dude, well in the future I name is Jim, so I got you next time, but im hittin it, good luck on the van my dude.

Media centre too bulky. Gonna sell and get something smaller.

She's old but gets the job done.

your mom is kind of hot

>Star tattoos on back

Trash bro

Is this nigga really spooning fucking fake butter in his mouth?

Yeah . I love it.

And to pick up your fucking socks you fucking pig


What in the actual dubs

Tyr it you might be surprised

not german

No I might be fat weeaboo if I did that instead I'm just gonna be fucking baffled at how fucking disgusting some people can be..
inb4 haes


Yes, yes...I know. Way below your standards. My apologies.

"tirsdag" is danish



dude took it too seriously, hes literally sleeping on the floor.

Fuk off mate its 100° im not doing shit.

here u go,84

Januar is definitely German, whether the same in another language or not.

How does it look?

Fair you must live in LA

Fuckin nice




Ausie bro?