Traps continued

Traps continued


go to the other 4 threads faggot





>calling someone a faggot in a tarp bread

Just stop, you're fucking hideous and scaring away the good traps


How does one suppress desire to be a slutty trap?

Oh hey, that's me

You don't ;)

my toenails smell like burnt parmesan cheese

Make me daddy

I do.

Yay you came back.
I was gonna ask you if you by chance had any pics of said bosoms...
Also, wondering if you have ever fucked a virgin... Again for a friend.


>stop watching porn
>realise that not watching porn makes you hornier and want cock even more
>commit suicide after hooking up on Craigslist


nigga you need to take hrt. ass is thicc. makes you look like a faggot


Fuck... So sexy.

God I wish that was me but alas it isn't

Are you the one from last thread that said you were top ?


Thats me!

I will in due time

I haven't. And I don't have bare-chested pics because they don't look as good without a little push-up.

You're very welcome. You should keep posting more of that cute ass of yours.

Aww that's too bad. :( they do look amazing.
I don't feel this way very often, but I wish you could take mine. I'd force myself to enjoy it.
Can you show us some more of your cock? Or your ass?

Do you have Tumblr? I'd love some advice on transitioning and shit

>just lift bro


I'm in love.


Do you have a kik m8?
Need some sause material

Oh perfect. If love to bury my face in those yoga pants.
Preferably without the pants though.

Yeah, I'm fraidykat-028 on tumblr

you are ugly y'all


You are so fucking ugly, best advice is to just kill yourself and hope you reincarnate into a better body

You can't shine a turd


Fffffuuuuuck POST MORE

thanks :)

Fucking incredible. Who is this?

Catsuit and ears, my weakness!

y'all niggas just need to lift

I gotchu

Post ass

Very cute

Those hips, hnnng.

I wish I could suck that cock.

You still around, cutie?

Are you just fat?

I get that request all the time and have never really gotten a good ass pic. Best I can do for right now.


Thanks, sweetheart

Weird request, got any of yourself in a dress/skirt with an erection visable under the fabric? Bonus points if you're grabbing yourself through them.

im here

Baby, you know it


You're a doll

fuckin disgusting

This, this is what dreams are made of. Incredibly hot.

That is a terrible pic, post cock. Clear picture, none of the shit you got on tumblr already.

just lift you little homos

it'll stop you from wanting big manly penises slid up your ass

He looks pretty old andhis face must be unpassable aince no pics.

I wish I could stay around but it is time for bed.:-(

lol, taste is subjective I guess

Seriously fucking leave transtrenders like you ruin these threads.

my ass from watching all this porn..

Any traps willing to post a vid w/ sound of them farting for a total degenerate?

Fucking off yourself m8

Lose a few hundred kilos and you could probably pass

One thing I learned is that you gotta be passable for these threads and give it some effort. That's why I stopped posting until I get clothes, makeup and longer hair and shit



Kik @asappanda ;)

Any of you doing that but with pantyhose or similar gorgeous?


That's a no?

>That's a no?

Goofy. Go listen to a chick fart or something. It's the same thing

Your not answering on kik

I could have a lot of fun with this


Guess just another fake
Not answering on kik

who is the girl?

don't know



Sniff sniff

i just came looking at this, ty :*



should i get these? or is this not slutty enough?

my ass


i'd hit it

I guess so.

thanks fam

dunno? whatever looks good i guess. look at highly reviewed shit that chicks are wearing