I just went on a date with a white Brazilian girl who said she hates arabs, mormons, fat people, and SeaWorld...

I just went on a date with a white Brazilian girl who said she hates arabs, mormons, fat people, and SeaWorld. What do I do to not fuck this up?

get advice from Sup Forums

Invite her to a date at sea world

Obviously why I'm here

This and recommend sharpie in pooper

don't get fat

I bled last time I tried this

>never been there what's it like?

Take her on a date to SeaWorld and demand that she wear a hijab while inviting some Mormon people to come with you

Why date such a bitch anyway?
>Brazil has a high percentage of HIV/AIDS
Why chance it user?

Sorry, misread that, thought it said "what do I not do"

She's white user. come on

The fuck is wrong with Sea World? Bitch don't like fish? Something wrong with her, I'd bail if I were you.

Why does she hate seaworld?

Work out, if you aren't already.
Stay away from LDS churches.
Be cautious about which Mediterranean restaurants you guys go to.
Give her oral on a regular basis, to soothe her nerves.
's not that hard, OP.

Dubs have spoken you must bail.

Think of the shame of going to SeaWorld puts on your family. They'd probably be better off supporting Japanese whalers publicly

A bitch that has lists of hates likely has one that applies to you. I hope you get to ass fuck her (Brazilians love that) before you trip her hate switch.

And yet we both have dubs. There's probably a Japanese whaler fucking your mom right now (unless she already died in her sleep).

Don't be an Arab, John Smith is a fucking fag, lose some weight, and you fucking hate the ocean anyway.

You're welcome.

I am a Japanese whaler.

You lost to the people with the boat full of stinky butter

Give her money, Brazilians girls are all gold-digging whores

She's not a nigger, if anything this sets me up inherit some land in southern Brazil. I'm trying to make it to the last refuge of the white man

This is a gaucho thread now, I've made my decision

May the powers of darkness always be confused and get lost on the way to your house user. The hivemind posting made me laugh.