>Of David Fincher's Fight Club, he says, "I saw thirty minutes of it only because our trailer is playing in front of it. And I would love to go on railing about the movie, but I'm just going to pretend as if I haven't seen it. It's just unbearable. I wish David Fincher testicular cancer, for all of his jokes about it, I wish him testicular fucking cancer.``

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice source

He really is an asshole

That's amazing. FC is a pretty entertaining flick but it's nice to see good directors not putting up with it.

His father - who was really an important figure for him and people of his area - died from cancer. He later admitted he was wrong and sent a letter to Fincher to apologize.

Not really a director beef but here's John Carpenter shitting on Fatal Attraction:

>There wasn't a grain of originality in it - it was "Play Misty for Me" with Michael Douglas filling in for Clint Eastwood. Also, the original version, the script I read, had Glenn Close winning in the end by killing herself and thereby getting the moral upper hand. I knew the audience was never going to buy that. The audience was always gonna want to see the wife shoot the bitch. Sure enough, they shot the original script, previewed it, got booed off screen and went back and shot the ending you see today. That was a journey I couldn't be bothered to go on.

>on M. Night Shymalan: "I HATE that guy! Next question."

PTA>cuckold fincher>m.night poo-in-loo

David Fincher > PTA >>> le epic twist poo in loo


why are some "artists" so buttmad all the time. Do they not realize some people in industries make hackneyed shit because it makes money and there are people who like it?

why does everything have to be so original and forward thinking?

Anti-art Sup Forumsedditor detected

u got me

I get the feeling not a lot of Directors respect Fincher. He's never invited to the round table discussions

You have to go back :^)

Most of the time a director shits on someone because an interviewer asked them for their opinion of that person. Would you rather every director act like a pussy and say "no comment"?

Rightfully so. He's a man with nothing to say, though he certainly has some visual flare.

They aren't buttmad. What usually happens is someone asks them for their opinion and they give it. That's it. If you were an artist you would probably do the same thing.

>why does everything have to be so original and forward thinking?

>PTA is "buttmad" for saying that he didn't like a movie
Jesus Christ, why is everyone on this site too autistic to understand if a person is angry or not?

>why don't people like bad things and hate good things?

I don't know how to answer that.

>why does everything have to be so original and forward thinking?
Are you joking? Right now Hollywood is incredibly stagnant and instead of bitching at Hollywood you're bitching at the people who say Hollywood should get their shit together and try new things? I bet you love modern capeshit.

>What's that? You'd like to hear my thoughts on Lars von Trier?

1. Francois Truffaut on Michelangelo Antonioni:
>“Antonioni is the only important director I have nothing good to say about. He bores me; he’s so solemn and humorless.”

2. Ingmar Bergman on Michelangelo Antonioni:
>“Fellini, Kurosawa, and Bunuel move in the same field as Tarkovsky. Antonioni was on his way, but expired, suffocated by his own tediousness.”

3. Ingmar Berman on Orson Welles:
>“For me he’s just a hoax. It’s empty. It’s not interesting. It’s dead. Citizen Kane, which I have a copy of — is all the critics’ darling, always at the top of every poll taken, but I think it’s a total bore. Above all, the performances are worthless. The amount of respect that movie’s got is absolutely unbelievable.”

4. Ingmar Bergman on Jean-Luc Godard:
>“I’ve never gotten anything out of his movies. They have felt constructed, faux intellectual, and completely dead. Cinematographically uninteresting and infinitely boring. Godard is a fucking bore. He’s made his films for the critics. One of the movies, Masculin, Féminin, was shot here in Sweden. It was mind-numbingly boring.”

5. Orson Welles on Jean-Luc Godard:
>“His gifts as a director are enormous. I just can’t take him very seriously as a thinker — and that’s where we seem to differ, because he does. His message is what he cares about these days, and, like most movie messages, it could be written on the head of a pin.

6. Werner Herzog on Jean-Luc Godard:
>“Someone like Jean-Luc Godard is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good kung-fu film.”

7. Jean-Luc Godard on Quentin Tarantino:
>“Tarantino named his production company after one of my films. He’d have done better to give me some money.”

It's kind of funny that he's an angry hipster, just like his fans.

>why does everything have to be so original and forward thinking?


8. Harmony Korine on Quentin Tarantino:
>“Quentin Tarantino seems to be too concerned with other films. I mean, about appropriating other movies, like in a blender. I think it’s, like, really funny at the time I’m seeing it, but then, I don’t know, there’s a void there. Some of the references are flat, just pop culture.”

9. Nick Broomfield on Quentin Tarantino:
>“It’s like watching a schoolboy’s fantasy of violence and sex, which normally Quentin Tarantino would be wanking alone to in his bedroom while this mother is making his baked beans downstairs. Only this time he’s got Harvey Weinstein behind him and it’s on at a million screens.”

10. Spike Lee on Quentin Tarantino (and the “n-word” in his scripts):
>“I’m not against the word, and I use it, but not excessively. And some people speak that way. But, Quentin is infatuated with that word. What does he want to be made — an honorary black man?”

11. Spike Lee on Tyler Perry:
>“We got a black president, and we going back to Mantan Moreland and Sleep ‘n’ Eat?”

12. Tyler Perry on Spike Lee
>“Spike can go straight to hell! You can print that… Spike needs to shut the hell up!”

13. Clint Eastwood on Spike Lee:
>“A guy like him should shut his face.”

14. Jacques Rivette on Stanley Kubrick:
>“Kubrick is a machine, a mutant, a Martian. He has no human feeling whatsoever. But it’s great when the machine films other machines, as in 2001.”

15. Jacques Rivette on James Cameron (and Steven Spielberg):
>“Cameron isn’t evil, he’s not an asshole like Spielberg. He wants to be the new De Mille. Unfortunately, he can’t direct his way out of a paper bag. “

16. Jean-Luc Godard on Steven Spielberg:

17. Alex Cox on Steven Spielberg:
>“Spielberg isn’t a filmmaker, he’s a confectioner.”

18. Tim Burton on Kevin Smith (after Smith jokingly accused Burton of stealing the ending of Planet of the Apes from a Smith comic book):
>“Anyone who knows me knows I would never read a comic book. And I would especially never read anything created by Kevin Smith.”

19. Kevin Smith on Tim Burton (in response to “I would never read a comic book”):
>“Which, to me, explains fucking Batman.”

20. Kevin Smith on Paul Thomas Anderson (specifically, Magnolia):
>“I’ll never watch it again, but I will keep it. I’ll keep it right on my desk, as a constant reminder that a bloated sense of self-importance is the most unattractive quality in a person or their work.”

21. David Gordon Green on Kevin Smith:
>“He kind of created a Special Olympics for film. They just kind of lowered the standard. I’m sure their parents are proud; it’s just nothing I care to buy a ticket for.”

22. Vincent Gallo on Spike Jonze:
>“He’s the biggest fraud out there. If you bring him to a party he’s the least interesting person at the party, he’s the person who doesn’t know anything. He’s the person who doesn’t say anything funny, interesting, intelligent… He’s a pig piece of shit.”

23. Vincent Gallo on Martin Scorsese:
>“I wouldn’t work for Martin Scorsese for $10 million. He hasn’t made a good film in 25 years. I would never work with an egomaniac has-been.”

24. Vincent Gallo on Sofia (and Francis Ford) Coppola:
>“Sofia Coppola likes any guy who has what she wants. If she wants to be a photographer she’ll fuck a photographer. If she wants to be a filmmaker, she’ll fuck a filmmaker. She’s a parasite just like her fat, pig father was.”

25. Vincent Gallo on Abel Ferrara:
>“Abel Ferrara was on so much crack when I did The Funeral, he was never on set. He was in my room trying to pick-pocket me.”

26. Werner Herzog on Abel Ferrara:
>“I have no idea who Abel Ferrara is. But let him fight the windmills… I’ve never seen a film by him. I have no idea who he is. Is he Italian? Is he French? Who is he?”

27. David Cronenberg on M. Night Shymalan:
>“I HATE that guy! Next question.”

28. Alan Parker on Peter Greenaway (specifically The Draughtsman’s Contact):
>“A load of posturing poo-poo.”

29. Ken Russell on Sir Richard Attenborough:
>“Sir Richard (‘I’m-going-to-attack-the-Establishment-fifty-years-after-it’s-dead’) Attenborough is guilty of caricature, a sense of righteous self-satisfaction, and repetition which all undermine the impact of the film.”

30. Uwe Boll on Michael Bay:
>“I’m not a fucking retard like Michael Bay.”

I don't know what all the fuss about PTA is. Fincher is a master of his craft. PTA is a mediocre director trying really hard to be different. I like TWBB but that was mostly because of the acting. I have tried a few times to watch magnolia but the depressive tone makes it a chore. The Master tried really hard to be like TWBB but it proved that movie was a fluke. Boogie Nights was good but again thats because it had a great cast.

>12. Tyler Perry on Spike Lee
>>“Spike can go straight to hell! You can print that… Spike needs to shut the hell up!”
Lmao nice response to Spike's constructive criticism

I'm paraphrasing, but:

>Everything funny in Natural Born Killers - I wrote

>The Rodney Dangerfield scene in NBK was awful, I walked out of the screening

>I could have got nice royalties from a writer credit but I asked for my name to be taken off NBK, so people didn't think I wrote THAT CRAP!

>but I think it’s a total bore. Above all, the performances are worthless. The amount of respect that movie’s got is absolutely unbelievable.”

This is all true, especially the performances. Nobody seems to acknowledge how horrendously stagey everyone is, even for the times

>But it’s great when the machine films other machines, as in 2001.”
>a constant reminder that a bloated sense of self-importance is the most unattractive quality in a person or their work.”
Agree with these too.

Wow. People like this actually exist?

>the only person hating on based Marty is an irrelevant bitter hack, and even he admits that his early work is great

wow, it's true. He can't be hated


>bergman calls a film boring
>you guys applaud

>i call a film boring
>you guys say not an argument

honestly thank you for this article and i'm glad to know "boring" is a fair criticism

>I'm not mad, but I'll wish you testicular cancer. I wish you testicular fucking cancer.

He's just being hyperbolic about a movie he doesn't like. Him and the interviewer probably giggled about it.

>Fincher is a master of his craft
he's an overpaid babysitter who doesn't write his own shit.

>He kind of created a Special Olympics for film. They just kind of lowered the standard. I’m sure their parents are proud

both spike and tyler are terrible and neither deserve a response thats either coherent or factual.

At least Tyler had a good role.

So much this.

Fincher is vastly overrated by reddit dwelling teens and adults alike.

His style is receptive and farcically macabre, he is also a terrible music video director.

He contributed to the script of Blade.

what did he ever do that was good?

We ARE talking about the same guy, right? PTA is a known asshole.

Pleb Thomas Anderson is acting like his shit is any better tho


art is about interpretting meaning. artists generally like to consume art. they tend to have stronger opinions than non-artists

Stick to videogames.

A giggle out of awkward tension, maybe.
Let's read it again, shall we?

>It's just unbearable. I wish David Fincher testicular cancer, for all of his jokes about it, I wish him testicular fucking cancer.

You cannot defend this.

Well, Fincher is a hack. Nothing new here.

TWBB is better than anything Fincher has ever done

What the fuck does this retarded show has to do with Fincher?

He used to be an asshole, when he was younger. But he calmed down and he's now seen as pretty cool and laid back guy.

Why are Harmony Korine and Vincent Gallo talking shit?

Nobody likes their shit lmao

It's short for There Will Be Blood.

lel i agree with him

Gallo is based af.

>constructed, faux intellectual, and completely dead
I love Bergman but that could also describe his movies.
Godard having bad shots is unequivocally false though.

>“Tarantino named his production company after one of my films. He’d have done better to give me some money.”
See also that Chantal Akerman facebook post

>why does everything have to be so original and forward thinking?
i can't believe you're actually serious


>See also that Chantal Akerman facebook post


damn she killed herself too

I like Fincher. I dont get why people have to get mad about about liking something they don't like

>His style is receptive and farcically macabre

Is she autistic? Is Jeanne Dielman about that brave single mother who sucks dick for money (brave)?

>people misintrepetting what this means
fucking retards

he's saying we can't observe black when everything is white.
You need to have both to discern one from the other.
But this is Sup Forums and you're all sub 90 iq

Yeah I heard him on Marc Maron WTF and he seemed more together, he comes across as totally manic and unbearable in the Rolling Stone interview.

>Literally getting triggered this hard
>oh no my feefees are hurt because he made fun of testicular cancer

It's about the existential despair of being a housewife and/or sex object

english isn't her first language
but I don't see how anyone who's actually seen the film would misread it this badly ("brave" isn't the first thing that comes to mind, I've never read anyone say that about the character)

buffalo 66 was a fucking drag

They're both overrated. Fincher tries to be cold and distant like Kubrick and fails and PTA tries hard to be Robert Altman and fails.

I gave up on watching it but it seemed like a shitty take on Wanda to me.

if he was actually #triggered by cancer jokes he wouldnt joke that he hopes fincher gets cancer

Ricci when she was all lips, hips and tits

>clinically depressed
>make a very personal movie about your dying mother
>reactionary festival critics shit on it
>kill yourself two months later
>now everyone loves the film
Poor Chantal

yea ok but do they show the sex acts or is fade to a scene of adults getting dressed and money on the dresser

>>“We got a black president, and we going back to Mantan Moreland and Sleep ‘n’ Eat?”


>19. Kevin Smith on Tim Burton (in response to “I would never read a comic book”):
>>“Which, to me, explains fucking Batman.”


But Burton's Batman is better than literally anything Kevin Smith has accomplished with his existence and that includes the Batman comics he wrote which rank among the worst ever written...

Was he trashing on Coppola before or after starring in Tetro?

later (you/the camersa stay outside the bedroom) except then at the end, but it's the least sexual or sexy sex scene ever

and still she's under-appreciated and under-acknowledged, Jeanne Dielman isn't even appreciated enough, but at least it is more so compared to all her other movies
like from the way people write about her it would seem she only made like three movies

see also all of Zulawski's moves except Possession- it has like 5-10 thousand views on shitty lettrbox and then all his other movies have 500-100, but that's a whole other topic

>But Burton's Batman is better than literally anything


I don't doubt that maybe Sophia Coppola isn't the life of the party or that she isn't overrated (especially by people, mostly men, who act like she's the only woman director they've ever heard of), but Gallo's hissy fit is such a cliche, yes a woman dating someone in her field couldn't possibly be because they have a lot n common...he screams insecurity.

Fuck off, even if you hate Lee as a person, he's not fucking Tyler Perry

>and still she's under-appreciated and under-acknowledged,
Which is the eternal irony with people complaining that there aren't enough women/poc directing movies. Most seem to work outside the system in the art film or documentary circles, but nobody will actually watch those movies. They just want a woman to direct Avengers 6, a move that would have no influence on the film, while ignoring movies where race/gender/sexuality plays into the artist's work and can be expressed in different ways

can anyone explain VINCENT GALLO to me???

what is his deal???

why is he always so mad????

why does he shit on every film and director ever????? he hasn't made anything decent himself

please respond


He belongs on Sup Forums

>why is he always so mad
>why does he shit on every film and director ever
sounds like he posts on Sup Forums

>30. Uwe Boll on Michael Bay:
>>“I’m not a fucking retard like Michael Bay.”
I bet he posts here too

He's also a crypto conservative (but not really that crypto).
Won't be shocked if he goes the robert blake route within the next 20 years.

Gallo has talked about politics?

He's just an asshole who enjoys pissing people off. He probably posts on here.

holy shit, gallo is based

>Gallo is a supporter of the Republican Party, and has been seen at a New York fashion show with George W. Bush's daughters Barbara and Jenna.[18] He has stated that his fantasy is "becoming more like the stereotype of the Republican Party."[19] He also wishes to look "more like [American conservative journalist] George Will."[19] In his own words, Gallo "considered himself a radical, always, but an extremely conservative radical."[20]