We had a Straight Shota thread some hours ago...

We had a Straight Shota thread some hours ago, but it was more of a guy posting his "momcest story" so here's another /ss/ thread. Let's post some mommies

Other urls found in this thread:












Someone post please








and momcest stories arent goat?

ffs, post some

This is some that was posted last time m.imgur.com/gallery/iEvuZ it is longer then these 16 but idunno what happened to the rest of it

was just about to post this one. anyone know the artist?

Well, i know there's a tumblr page but i forgot the name and apperiantly i didnt save it.







> be me 13 yo
> mom and dad were almost always home, only one with a job was dad, but he didnt have to do a lot
> was about to get a brother or sister, but it was a miscarriage
> dad's job payed good, so he stayed home for couple of months to make sure mom was okay
> mom cried almost every day
> fast forward a week
> she doesnt cry as much
> find out mom and dad were fucking like rabbits to get their minds of the grief
> 13yo me was porn addicted anyways and i already found out about incest and loved it
> one time i open the door to my parents a little
> see mom and dad fucking
> reverse cowgirl
> they dont notice me
> start jerking off
> mom suddenly notices me
> ohcrap
> just stares at me as she continues moaning
> freak the fuck out
> leave and my mom and i never mentioned it again

I know it's not much, but it's all that really happened. Also this is my first greentext so go easy on me

i haven't dumped porn on Sup Forums since 2011.








most of this genre is drawn like ass.

