Why is the iPhone so ugly and why do ifags keep buying it

Why is the iPhone so ugly and why do ifags keep buying it

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The ifaggotron looks ancient next to the s8

Cool. S8 sure does look good. But so many cracked screens because no protective bezel on the sides...

Posted from HTC U11.

If it wasn't for the iPhone there'd never be a Samsung Galaxy rushed out to compete with it.

1. What is a protective case
2. What is gorilla glass 5

>being this retarded

S8 hardware is prettier, but nobody wants to put up with Samsung's bullshit bloatware, especially Bixby.

As long as it can take okay pictures, text, call, and view porn, who the fuck cares?

>My cellphone is better haha!
I think your tendies are getting burned

I have been using a S6 edge for two years, dropped it several times and never had it crack.

It's called using a case.

Kay. Buy a fancy Slim phone. Just to make it bulkier and heavier.

Hurdur logic!

S8 master race checking in. Bought pic related case. No extra bulkiness and does the job well. Of course, I'm not an idiot and have yet to drop my phone. Ran the s6 edge without a case for over a year and had no problems with it cracking.

I never said that I bought a big fat phone case.

Incipio Protective DualPro Carrying Case for Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ - Retail Packaging - Blue/Gray amazon.com/dp/B013X0W4OS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_H93szbJTD4ERA

This case adds almost no added bulk and covers the bezels enough to protect it.

With that said, I was never defending Samsung. Edge screens are fucking stupid glare magnets with no practical use.

Honestly bloatware isnt that bad. I just disable any apps that I don't use and bixby isnt a problem for me, don't know why people complain about it so much. And porn is much better on my s8 plus than it was on my s6

I had an iphone way before samsung started making usable phones and have just stuck with it.
i know how to use it rather effectively and i rather like the shape

>ITT people thinking what they like is what everyone should like

Easy as fuck to repair.

Does the s8 still just reboot randomly for no particular reason?

Nokiafag detected

S8 owner, this phone is gorgeous indeed, Samsung really killed it

>deliberately creating a screen that makes it more difficult to design a case to protect

Seems pretty fucking retarded, to me, especially with how many people complain about cracked screens.

>Be corporation
>Not wanting people to break their phone


Hey, I get that from a business perspective.
Doesn't make it less of a shitty practice and people that buy the hype fucking idiots, though.

What is taste?
Does it differ?
Is it subjective?

I have a t-mo S8 since the day it was released and never had a random reboot.

Because the iphone is more expensive, people believe that it means its good, because they dont know anything about phones. They also think shit like "Android is too complicated". Some girl came up to me and said "Oh why do you have a shitty s8, it has a curved screen like an old tv, and it has a bad camera, my iphone 6 has a better camera than yours." Also, everyone at my little sister's school have iPhones, they dont even care what phone they have aslong as its the most popular.

yea but the pretentious people who still buy iphones are too rich to just repair it, they replace it.