There is a permanent record of everything you do here

There is a permanent record of everything you do here.

Not just what you type, but also what is on your screen when you stop scrolling, what pics you look at and how long you look at them.

Nothing you do on this image board is private.

Other urls found in this thread:

Consider this: You're a fag.

Ehh, whatever.

The thing I'm most embarrassed about is how bad I am at spelling

privacy will be non-existent in twenty years anyway so who cares

nothing you do on your computer is private. What can we do to fix this? very little. Resisting takes to much effort.

That's the most American thing ever said

No shit. With all the bots and archive sites.. Take an encrypted number. Post it on threads. In a week. Google the number. It will be on like 5 different websites..

Whatever man its not like most of us care.

patently false. most threads don't even get archived, and you'd most likely need admin priveleges to identify users' IPAs, and that's only good until the thread goes 404

I am dyslexic and fuck up constantly even if i spell check i still miss a few of them. I rechecked this one about 4 times just to make sure.

That's retarded. Who thought this website was in any way secure in the first place?

You are so very very wrong

if you don't think that some government/private organization is keep track of every move you make you are crazy. site like Sup Forums have bots archiving them on private servers dude.

and jet fuel can't melt steel beams. you faggots might live in burgerland where your freedom is a joke, but this faggot lives in a free land where surveillance is still illegal

>mass surveillance

Lol, please tell me about this imaginary country

>muh freedom
Next thing you know your fat ass is getting tackled to the ground by ten cops for jaywalking.
I've seen cops, for "drunk in public" you get thrown in jail, everywhere else we get a free lift home

thought of the same thing. It's like we're bunch of lab rats.

ohhh noooo as if the NSA didn't already know im into midget porn.. what of it

I made a video about 10 years ago. My friend is a computer scientist and he was telling me lots of inside info.
I can't quite remember the name but it was something like "the data silo project" but there's no way I'm googling that shit.
Anyways shit story short, I deleted all my vids and a fuck load of info is lost.

>Nothing you do on this image board is private.
Nothing you say in public is private.

The internet has been compromised on a hardware level.

No there isn't, retard.

Shit bait.

Thanks....I used to research a lot of stuff.
I found dodgy shit from BAE Systems and Palantir.
You heard of either of those?

Like I said man I was warned of this shit about 10 years to see not many people know of them frightens me a little

BAE systems

I'm okay with this.

thats not real right? Fred did not fuck Lexi?

who cares. what's Sup Forums gonna do?

anyone got link to a site to see what info they have on you?

It's pretty much....stop using a computer or I don't care

Help me to retake the void! on pixelcanvas

Fucking great idea

>"'encrypted numbers'"'