Hey Sup Forums, Story time!

Hey Sup Forums, Story time!

>be me, 16, alpha as fuck
>go to gym all the time
>Have lots of gym friends
>notice one newish employee at the gym
> fucking 10/10, huge ass, nice tits, blonde, hazel eyes, and the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.
>ask other gym employee friend who she is.
>says she is a trainer and manager
>friend says she is dating the other manager
>don't really know the other manager very well but know he is about twice my size.
>want to get her pussy super bad
>find her ig and fap to her later that night
>wake up and head to gym as usual
>notice beauty is not there
>let's call her Abby
>gym friend says Abby is at a party smoking and doing molly
>smoke weed regualry myself
>ask gym friend when abby works next
>find out when she works and hatch a super alpha plan


You may continue

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Do it!

yeah cont

Pleaseeee continueeee

>16, alpha as fuck
Fucking cringe

No, and u were never alpha.

16, alpha, I am the same age and fkin 6'5 training judo all my life fit. I am not even considered near alpha wtf are u talking about.

the true alphas are the ones who can controll their emotion and not be like u fkin little horny piece of shit.

love to my fat autistic weeaboos on Sup Forums

>don't know when manager works so have to wait until Abby works and he doesn't
>finalize my plan
>plan is: talk to her like any normal person, then bring up how I was a little hung over from party, talk about party, then see if we could hook up and smoke some time
>day comes
>Abby is at the front desk by herself sitting in her phone
>Walk over and sit down across from her in the chair in the other side of the desk
>"Hi can I help you?"
>voice of an angel
>"hey I noticed you looked bored just sitting her by yourself, thought I would come over and give you some company."
>she laughs and says thanks you, then gives me a big smile
>"I'm user by the way."
>"Hi user I'm Abby"
>go on to talk about the gym and stuff, then bring up how I felt kinda hungover.
>"oh , what did you do?"
>Explained to her how I smoked some hella strong indica and that I was still a little bugged out.
>she laughs and asks me a bunch of questions, then quietly tells me that she smokes too
>time to be alpha, ask her if she wants to smoke sometime,
>"hell yeah user"
>invite her over to my place because I have pool and fire pit
>parents are gone for weekend because of buisness shit
>tell her I'm 18, buys it completely, says she's 19
>Abby says she would be at my place that night at 7

you're a fucking child


gtfo underage cunts.


Keep it going, bump for good luck

keep it going

>time to be alpha, ask her if she wants to smoke sometime,
>"hell yeah user"

oh man thats so alpha its making me wet uuhh

>go home, shower, do other shit to kill time
>7 comes
>Abby shows up, basic black dress, not formal, not slutty, with bikini under
>invite her in and take her out to the pool
>decide we go swimming for a bit then smoke
>compliments my back yard and shit then takes off dress to get into pool
>watch her the whole time, undresses slowly as if she was teasing me
>put towel on my lap to hide my boner
>she finishes then looks at me and smiles, and asks if I'm going to get in
> can't stop looking at her perfect body, nod my head and say I'll be a second
> she says okay and hops in
>try to conceal my boner, then hop in with her
> we were just swimming around and taking for a while, like 15 minutes, then she splashes me
>"user how about we start smoking"
>get out of water and grab weed and pipe
> start smoking, pretty light strain so we get a little high, just the right amount
>"hey user, can I talk to you about something"
>remember manager boyfriend, let's call him John
>"I came her tonight becasue I wanted to let off some stress, john and I have been fighting for the past couple of days. I've been really on edge.
>"okay Abby, I'm sorry to hear that. Any thing I can do to possibly help?"
>"just listen"


Fuck off you beta faggot kid

probably fake but fuck it why not? cont

Who cares if it's real, just get on with the fuckin' story

Please stop OP you are getting worse

Stop fucking asking if you can continue you shitstain just finish the fucking story. All this asking for permission shit is pretty beta

cont OP

No shit, this kid is the most cringe beta faggot ever

>"I really appriciate that you talked to me at the gym today, john and I had a pretty terrible fight just before I left for work, so you really made my day."
>"You're welcome, Abby" proceed to talk about what was happening in her life and try to give her advice
>blah blah blah
>it's a about 9:30 now ask her if she wants to go inside
>says sure and we grab our stuff and head in
>she notices the time
>"Fuck user, im still high and I don't feel that comfortable driving, is it okay if I stay a while until I sober up a bit?"
>"Sure! Want to watch a move or something?"
"Sounds good. What movie?"
>"I'll let you choose."
>go on Netflix and she chooses some horror movie, because it's late and shit
>I sit down on Couch and she sits next to me, kinda far away though, like 2 feet away
> she is back in her dress but I can still see parts of her body
>focus a lot on her for about 5 minutes then decide to make some sort of move
>I say I'm gonna go to the rest room real quick
>while I'm up I turn the ac on to make the house colder, then I grab a blanket
>head back to couch and wait about 15 minutes
>"user im cold."
>" So am I, here I have a blanket."
> i get up and sit pretty close to her and put the blanket on both of us
>as I do this she smiles and says in the most angelic voice ever "Thanks user"


Underage MODS

>invite her over to my place because I have pool and fire pit
>I have pool and fire pit
>I have

You have nothing, son.

Yeah, tell us how she fucked you in the ass.



Top kek



Also fake. I'm actually 6'6 and no one gives a fuck, nor does it make you "alpha".


If you need to say that you are alpha youre not alpha at all

>Inb4 404 & underage b&

Fuck outta here kid

i admire your creativity

I went out and got some food, then took a shower and this mother fucker still hasn't finished his story?

Fuck you OP. You're a fucking faggot

6'7 beast here, a lot of people give fucks. It's annoying tbh

my attention span is too small for your overly complicated 16 year old life pretty boi
tits or gtfo

Oh my god just finish the fucking story


>she asks to pause the movie and starts randomly crying
>"what's wrong?"
>"John abused me for 2 years and I've been too shy to stand up for myself"
>continues talking about how much of an asshole john was to her
>finally tells me he gave her AIDs
>asks if I can keep a secret
>shows me her emo scars
>asks if I can just drive her home now



fuck off cunt whats the real story

Hum this escalatadedindumong quiclky so Im gonna say OP is a fag as always and this story is fake



>inb4 walk the dinosaur

Mods ban this faggot kid

>middle of the story
>user i have to tell you something
>anything baby
>i am john
>she takes of her mask
>dam she is john
>we go for a kiss that lasts the whole of the movie

No dinosaur, only aidsosaur

So alpha she decided to pick you as her best female friend. Gj

why dont we finish op's story ourselves. pretty sure we have greater fantasy than he does anw?

7'8 alpha werewolf here, been shredding at the gym lately almost hit 400kg of pure muscle

>we are still about 6 inches apart under this blanket so i think about slowing inching myself over next to her
>when I was about to move when some jump scare happened in the movie and she jumped pretty much on top of me
>"Oh my god sorry user! I don't do very good with jump scares. I'm really sorry."
>"You're good."
>she kidna moves off but is still pretty close to me
> I decide to close the space
> I move and she looks over at me and smiles but looks a little confused
> time to be smooth
> "sorry I was still a little cold."
>stupid response but she buys it
> "Oh okay user, truth I was too."
> at this moment I realized that she was kinda sending off a cuddle vibe
> I noticed the vibe and began to half ass cuddle with her, I didn't want to push it to much
> about 5 minutes later another jump scare and she pretty much hugs me and screams.
>quickly realizes what she had done
>"FUCK user I'm so sorry."
> tell her it's fine and we make eye contact
> I was looking into her eyes for what felt like forever, I was mesmerized by her
> then almost instantly she kisses me
> holyfuckingshit.jpeg
>she pulls back and smiles then proceed to cuddle with me
>end of the movie about 12 now
>" user, I wanna talk to you about something."
> oh fuck
>"what's up"
>" you can't tell John about this. Period. Or anyone as a matter of fact."
>okay; easy enough.
>" I wanna do this again, are you open tomorrow"
>"Cool. I'll be over at 6."
> just landed me another night


No, no you can't. Beta faggot.

Yea mate go on then

I stopped jerking off for this?

>let's a woman use you for your drugs
Oh Yeah, total alpha.

>long story short
>She finds out how old i am and gets weirded out
>i try to tell her that age is just a number
>gets creeped the fuck out and runs away
>im sitting on my chair since that day
>never went to the gym agaiin
>now am a fat faggot who sits on his chair browsing Sup Forums


you better continue cuck

>Parents suddenly came in
> user what are you doing in here? With a girl?? and... what's that smell?
>But moooom, I'm so alpha
>Sir, you're grounded for a month without console
>YOU ARE THE WORST MOM EVER *run to bedroom and starst crying*
> Parents refuse to take me to the gym, so won't see abby ever again


Sounds about right

Sorry I'm slow, I'll just make this short

We ended taking a shit ton the next day, find out we have a ton in common, watch another movie and make out. This continues for a while, eventually end up fucking her. Convinced her to break up with her boyfriend and now we have a litter of 6 grey puppies.
Thanks Sup Forums. I suck at story tellong

fuck up cuck, let him continue fuckwit

You are as beta as it gets

fuck up cuck and let him green txt the shit out of his story fuckwit

wow you must be making fire from your tiny crotch faggot

God damn would YOU "fuck up cuck"

See how stupid you sound?


>so one night she takes me to the gym
>all horny and wasted she tells me she likes he cock to be black
>i tell her "dont worry i can fix it"
>run like a motherfucker in the streets with a boner
>find store and buy nutella
>rub it on my cock
>she is loving it
nutella doesnt make for a good lube
>dont even use a condom
>fast forward 9 months
>gave birth to a chocolate boi
>pretty sure it is mine
>thank god her bf still thinks that we are all creations of the god and thinks the baby is his

Pretty sad when the only good parts to the story are made up by other people.

> parents

Stopped reading, go to school and become an adult before lying on the weebs brah.

Op Here


>She never shows up
>She finessed me for drugs
>I'm a stupid faggot shit posting on Sup Forums

Pic related

>turn out she is dom
>tells me she likes to play with me
>me rough af say i like it
>she takes me to her house
>opens up the back of her wardrobe and reveals a secret room behind it
>inb4 Narnia
>i get inside and see a big wooden cross
>she tells me she likes her boiz when they suffer jesus style
>horny af get on the cross and she locks me up
>tells me that this was all a joke and she really likes to kidnap people
>fast forward 3 months of sexual abuse
>i really like the sexual abuse so i dont try to escape
>being a little bitch
>the swat comes in kills her and lets me free
>now i run around telling the story making everyone feel sorry for me but deep inside i want to go back

> hung over from a party
> be 16

Back to 9gag

Make this quick
>next night is the same shit only we talk a lot longer.
> make out at then end of the night
> kept this going on for about a week or two, eventually lied about going to gym so I could meet her at her place
> about two weeks in, my parents are gone again and she comes over.
>smoke and talk, go inside and talk some more
>"Hey user?"
>"What's up"
> basiclly she talked about how she really enjoyed hanging out with me, blah blah blah and then asked me this.
>"would you be comfortable with us having sex?"
>"I'm okay with it."
>"good, I've had it with john, I am thinking about leaving him, I want to see if the sex is good with us before i try and start a relationship with you."
>" okay."
> I take her upstairs into my room and we start making out
> I'm grabbing her ass and kissing neck
> she gets up and undresses
> I see her ass and her perfectly shaved pussy, and her C cups. She was perfect.
> I undress and we start kissing again
> I start to finger her and she moans in the most perfect way possible.
> she then gives me the most incredible blowjob I've ever had.
> I stand up and she gets in doggystyle
> i stick my tip in and I saw god
>best pussy ever, super wet and tight
> start to fuck her pretty rough, pulling hair and slapping ass
> I say I'm about to Cum and she turns around and I bust into her mouth
>swallowed it all
> watch movie afterwords and she leaves

She eventually found out I was 16 and called off the fucking, we still hang from time to time and make our occasionally.
She broke up with John and said she is waitng for me to graduate, which is in one year.
thanks Sup Forums

>hear knocking on the door
>oh fuq.jpg
>its my parents
>"user, are you home?"
>have to hide now with abby
>i lock her in the bathroom but make a lot of noise
>parents ask what I was up to
>say nothing
>usual response
>dad somehow finds clues that someones been to the house
>flips the fuck out
>runs upstairs with my mom
>opens bathroom door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur


...and you woke up from the dream

>"would you be comfortable with us having sex?"
Definitely a legitimate question asked by a human being in reality. For sure. No doubt.

>fast forward 3 months after the last time i saw her
>looks like she is taking heavy drugs
>she comes to me
>tells me she wants money and she is willing to fuck for that
>i tell her "hell yeah"
>start fucking her everynight for 50$
>she is great to fuck but pussy to stretched
>almost cant feel my dick going inside
>i dont feel bad for doing this
>after 3 weeks of this i get really sick
>turns out that little bitch had aids
>cant call cops cause i was abusing her so only thing i can do is do this on my own
>find her one night
>rape the living shit out of her
>i tied her up and put her in my car
>drive 100 miles away
>dumb that bitch in the river the way she dumbed my feeling
>go to the church the next morning
>no sins for your boi now
>continue living my normal life and taking the aids drugs
>cause of that fag i have to pay 700$ every 5 months for the drug

>Be me, 16
>alpha as fuck
Pick one

> greentext off
> abby comes by at 6 o'cock
> same dress, pink bikini
> diamonds.jpeg
> started smoking as soon as my patents left
> fast forward 3 hours
> now 11 A.M.
> she went to the bathroom because feeling like shit
> as watching tv i saw John with 4 black gorilas
> passed out on the floor
> not alpha af.jpeg
> tomorrow morning parents come home
> user, tf happened here
> starts crying and confesa everything
> parents laugh
> user,i didn t raise a beta
> beat me like a dog
> to this day browse Sup Forums 24/24 and fap to abby while being fucked by gorila boi

Mods please ban these underage fags

>i slowly move my dick to touch her vagina
>she tells me my dick is pathetic
>get up all yugi style
>"My grandfather's deck has no pathetic cards, Kaiba. But it does contain... the unstoppable Exodia
>What exodia?
>"I've assembled all five special cards... all five pieces of the puzzle!"
> Exodia? It-it's not possible! No one's ever been able to call him!
>"Exodia, obliterate!"
>yell that while sweet gums runs out my cock and into her vagina
>she cant even stand up after that
>my exodia too stronje
>i say to her dont worry many people have been defeated by me
>she starts crying
>i dont give a shit and run away


>as we embrace she notices my chainsmokers posters
>she asks if im really 18
>oh shit, monkey is out of the bottle
>tell her it was a gift from my little sis
>she doesnt buy it
>she puts her clothes on
>I tell her coldplay is really my favorite
>she laughs even harder
>"user, is that why you cant grow facial hair?"
>tell her I have face alopecia
>suddenly my dad walks in
>"user who is this and why is the grass not cut?"
>she laughs harder
>my dad says "she is cute, why is she with you?"
>I say "she is just a friend"
>"in that case" Dad starts making out with her
>she gets so turned on
>she moans "youre a real man"
>pops has three fingers knuckle deep in her snizz
>I cry and jerk my pathetic 16 year old dick to the sounds of them fucking
>thats gow I got cucked by my old man, FML right?

>"okay Abby, I'm sorry to hear that. Any thing I can do to possibly help?"


Ghehehehe faggots

>alpha as fuck
>he is about twice my size
pick one


Some good laughs in here

>alpha as fuck
>parents are gone for weekend
pick one


you are really happy, because a filmmeeting went into sex! i never ever watched a movie with a girl without having sex!

to watch a movie with a girl is always ending in sex! ALWAYS

probably if the girl is married, but i never heard of someone who watched a film alone with a married girl.

if i want to have sex with a new girl, i alwys ask if we watch a movie at home! if she agree, she want to fuck. if she want to go to the cinema, you are fucked